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ice 10-31-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Planewalker
So.....I decided to be a soldier this Halloween. Unfortunately, now,I can't seem to get this costume off....DAMN IT.

I agree with Gypsy on the Johnny Bravo part... all you need are some black shirts and a big blonde Elvis hair :P

Planewalker 10-31-2004 04:26 PM

I WON!!!!!! I WON!!!!!!!!


First I would like to thank My mom and dad for having sex and creating two wonderful people..........and the rest of my siblings.

I would like to thank the invisible man for being up there.

I would like to thank George Dubya for not shutting down the inter-web and sending me to this year long sausage're great, you really are.

I would like to thank me for being.......well, Johnny B.......uh huh

And last, but certianly not least I would like to thank you, Gypsy, because without you and the other skrawnee little people, there would not be any muhskulr people.....we would all just be......normal ~Austin Powers eyebrow twitch~

Plane Walker

:Pose inserted below: UH HUH.......Thats right Momma!!!!!

ohthefuckwell 10-31-2004 06:35 PM

ok, so my son is a HUGE yu-gi-oh freak.

and, of course, that's who he wanted to be for halloween.


there was no changing his mind. yeah. YOU try arguing with an extremely headstrong six year old about such things.

i thought it turned out only slightly better than "eh", but he was totally jazzed about it.

"mama....i better be careful. people might think i'm the REAL yu-gi-oh!!!"

Zeade 10-31-2004 06:43 PM

hm... i just had to post this due to my boredom... ^^ (and plus i've never posted an image before...)

esotericesores 11-01-2004 05:49 AM

Costumes evvverrryyyywhere! You have no idea how many fairys I saw, people were lame as shite and just put on a set of wings- and BAM. they were a friggin fairy. I went to a local heavy metal show last night- which was insane. I know most of the guys in the bands and one, "duck", the lead singer for M4, had a knife taped to the end of his mic-- Now.. Duck is mentally ill. Seriously. he gets pissed off that the security is breaking up the pit, and takes the knife at the end of his mic, cuts his stomach repeatedly, then THROWS the knife on the ground.. almost hitting my friend Rachil, Lydia, and Hanna. Then there's header. He went as a blackmetal/death metal star... or something. He looked like someone out of norway. He didn't look ridiculous in the face paint, either. He even wore shin guards that were black with silver upside-down crosses painted on them. Plus his hair is long and wavey so he worked for him. he just needs blonde hair since he has the blue eyes.

Anyway- I looked practically the same as I did the other night for trick or treat only I wore a long poofy black skirt. it was too cold to wear the pvc one :-/ here's like... my mid body. I couldnt fit the whole outfit in because then I couldnt reach the botton to take the picture. ta da.

gingerbreadwench 11-01-2004 07:25 PM

Closest thing to a costume I've worn in a long time. Had a gig at a Halloween party last night... went despite disgusting cough and a 101 degree fever. Be warned... first picture here that's of more than just my face...

akhira 11-02-2004 05:28 AM

Since I couldn't celebrate halloween this year..(damned weekend college) you'll have to settle for a few older pics (2 years ago).

akhira 11-02-2004 05:31 AM

And my hair...

Manimal 11-02-2004 04:59 PM

On the subject of costumes. Here's EPS as pretty little jailbait. The background was removed to hide the guilty.

I hope you enjoy the pics half as much as I enjoyed her :twisted:

Manimal 11-02-2004 05:03 PM

... and for the ladies out there. I snuck this pic out of the Alkilyu "rare moment of gleaming self confidence" gallery. He's kind of suave like shampoo that makes you cum, aint he?

AlKilyu 11-02-2004 05:09 PM


That's so wrong...and yet... :twisted:

EPS looks hot as a rule...but here she doesn't look like her, and yet, still...

edible_eye 11-02-2004 07:04 PM

THAT'S eps???????

goddam. i refuse to find her hot 'til proof is provided. she looks like she's 16.

al -
you look ready to cave a skull in. those red knuckles indicate that may have already happened.

akhira 11-02-2004 07:37 PM

EPS..???? :shock:

Gawd..she looks 15 years younger. The epitomy of cuteness.

.BatteryPoison. 11-02-2004 07:52 PM

I never say this kinda stuff about girls in jammies, but she's hot. :D


Course Al's got his game-face on. Ready to smooth talk any woman that happens to cross his path (or take his picture). ;)

TeapotScar 11-02-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Manimal
... and for the ladies out there. I snuck this pic out of the Alkilyu "rare moment of gleaming self confidence" gallery. He's kind of suave like shampoo that makes you cum, aint he?

Yayy Manimal... thank you *so* much for posting this picture! I've been trying to convince him to post that very same one for two days now.

Al- you are hawtness, and you know it! :twisted:

TeapotScar 11-02-2004 08:36 PM

EPS, by the way, looks way hawter as Halloween jailbait than I do as real jailbait.


Empty_Purple_Stars 11-02-2004 10:02 PM

Thanks for the compliments ya damn pervs..


Although I must admit a certain twisted pleasure in the fact that BP likes me in my jammies..


Here is our Hellspawns dressed up as Leonardo and Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..


Oh and EE, I am 32 and holding need to fear prosecution.

I am beyond legal..


ice 11-02-2004 10:04 PM

Oh, man...

*singing* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! :D

Hah, awesome costumes :P

edible_eye 11-02-2004 10:37 PM

well, all right then. that's good enough for me.

drooling commenced.

AlKilyu 11-02-2004 11:11 PM

DAMN Teapot. DAMN.

Okay my turn to is me and Manimal

TeapotScar 11-02-2004 11:39 PM

^ is...

oh, whoops- wrong post... :twisted:

I'm *so* glad that you're not being so shy about posting your way-cute pictures. Even though you may be tentative to think of yourself as hawt... you definitely are.

WolfMoon 11-03-2004 10:47 AM

Akhira,once again you grace us with your heavenly face.Can't wait for the recent pics!


Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Thanks for the compliments ya damn pervs..


Although I must admit a certain twisted pleasure in the fact that BP likes me in my jammies..


Here is our Hellspawns dressed up as Leonardo and Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..


Oh and EE, I am 32 and holding need to fear prosecution.

I am beyond legal..


Wow and never did 32 look so cute!

I would say hot,but ya know,I'm not a perv!


And Al,you and Manimal are gonna look cute on the big day!!!


.BatteryPoison. 11-03-2004 11:48 AM

Al - with his game-face on and looking very buff. You guys will look good on the big day. LOL. Indeed, you guys need to post more pictures. :D

And there's nothing perverted about thinking a girl looks hot in jammies. Although I do feel the compulsive need to take a shower everytime I say that. >.>

I'm not a weirdo, I swear!

WolfMoon 11-03-2004 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by .BatteryPoison.
Al - with his game-face on and looking very buff. You guys will look good on the big day. LOL. Indeed, you guys need to post more pictures. :D

And there's nothing perverted about thinking a girl looks hot in jammies. Although I do feel the compulsive need to take a shower everytime I say that. >.>

I'm not a weirdo, I swear!

Sure you're not a weirdo!


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