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Apathy's_Child 05-02-2012 09:14 AM

Are you guys really gonna let him do this AGAIN?

You were having an interesting, thoughtful discussion. Stop being so goddamn trollable. This guy seems to turn everyone into Jilly, and he's NOT EVEN FUN TO LAUGH AT.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Apathy's_Child (Post 694026)
Are you guys really gonna let him do this AGAIN?

You were having an interesting, thoughtful discussion. Stop being so goddamn trollable. This guy seems to turn everyone into Jilly, and he's NOT EVEN FUN TO LAUGH AT.

You wanted honesty and I am being honest.

Don't ask for it unless you want to read what I have to say.

Humanity as a whole is greedy and each individual is only out for themselves and could care less about others.

In voting for Ron Paul I may lose one aspect of a safety net but I would still maintain my dignity in finding other ways of living.


How many are for the war on drugs?

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 09:50 AM

For those that are in favor of the War on drugs...

They seem to think that one group should have sway over the way others should live their lives.

I am against the war on drugs because I feel that it isn't any of my biz. what someone else snorts, drinks,smokes or injects as long as they do no harm to others.

When harm is done to others because said individual(s) crash their car into another person/car load of retarded kids,it isn't the drug that is to blame.

It is the fault of said person that didn't think about the possibility of wrecking and causing harm,due to being so fucked up behind the wheel.

Same could be said with school shootings,mental breakdowns,ect.

It is the individual that should be blamed for their actions when they do something that causes harm to others.

I very well could be seen as a raving lunitic but really when you step back and look at what Humanity is....every last one of us are Nucking Futts!

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 10:05 AM

So in closing....


Enjoy the ride while you can kids !

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 10:07 AM

Versus 05-02-2012 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05 (Post 694025)
I read the first post.

Ever notice that anything a white person says can be seen as racist?

Besides there really is no privillage and to insist in such is in and of it's self racist.

Feminazis are another problem I have.

Women that bitch and gripe about equality except for when the matter envolves equality and then all the sudden they want special considerations.

I am a human being that sees other human beings for what they are.

No matter the skin color or gender.

Human beings are for the most part greedy and only want what they think is best instead of what is for the best.

When people are divided into groups said different groups only want the best for their group.

When the group victimhood is challenged they cling to said victim hood throwing tantrums until they get what they want.

Then when they get what they want they continue to throw tantrums until nobody has anything that they wanted,and everything that they had is lost.

Some call me hypocritical for being in my current state and voting for Ron Paul.

Not because I am promised anything,but because I want people to keep what they earn through their varied jobs,and though I will most assuredly disagree with what others say I will still defend their right to speak their peace as they see fit.

I don't see people as groups until said persons lump themselves into groups at which point I mock them and laugh because I know that they have been pumped so full of bullshit that they don't know any better (Which I find fucking funny in and of it's self)

You should read the rest of the thread. It won't do you any good because you're fat fuck human garbage who sucks off your Uncle Sam's and your mom's teet for disability checks instead working for anything you have, but at least then you can say you came to your opinions on your own rather then stole them from someone else on the internet because you're too afraid to go outside.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694038)

You should read the rest of the thread. It won't do you any good because you're fat fuck human garbage who sucks off your Uncle Sam's and your mom's teet for disability checks instead working for anything you have, but at least then you can say you came to your opinions on your own rather then stole them from someone else on the internet because you're too afraid to go outside.

All from someone that sucks their commander off whenever ordered to I'll take that as a completement because even though I am a fat bastard even I had enough sense and self respect not to sign myself into industrialized slavery.

Versus 05-02-2012 10:34 AM

Self respect? No. Lose weight. Get a job. Be somebody. Not necessarily in that order.

AshleyO 05-02-2012 10:44 AM

Versus. It's best to not talk to this guy.

Even after he sees the facts, even after he understands them, he'll refuse them.

He's lucky that there are people out there who keep him alive.

Versus 05-02-2012 10:47 AM

I know. I'm waiting for someone to say something on topic. :/

AshleyO 05-02-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694045)
I know. I'm waiting for someone to say something on topic. :/

You know...

You say it needs to be done correctly. Fact of the matter is, a guy like me... I don't even know how to start doing something correctly in this regard.

Exactly what can a dude like me do to help? How can I?

Versus 05-02-2012 11:06 AM

Sorry. SWTOR is distracting me. One second.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 694043)
Versus. It's best to not talk to this guy.

Even after he sees the facts, even after he understands them, he'll refuse them.

He's lucky that there are people out there who keep him alive.

Because even though I use a fucked up logic that same logic is true.

If not then show me where I'm wrong.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694040)
Self respect? No. Lose weight. Get a job. Be somebody. Not necessarily in that order.

And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?

AshleyO 05-02-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694049)
Sorry. SWTOR is distracting me. One second.

It's cool. I'm about to play GW, so yeah. I'll check back later. :)

Saya 05-02-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by CuckooTuli (Post 693850)
General thoughts on these issues: the only solution I can see is for everyone involved leftist movement to pull their heads out of their arses, and realise that not only are they all on the same side, but that their struggles are completely inextricable from one another. No one issue is subordinate to any other, and if it is, then the movement will tear itself apart. Racism is not more important than feminism is not more important than economic inequality is not more important than gay rights is not more important than disabled rights, and anyone who tries to privilege one of these narratives over and above the others is missing the point.

I just want to go back and address this for a second. The problem with pitting different oppressions against each other, racism vs feminism vs LGBTQ rights vs economic inequality vs disability is the idea that these are mutually exclusive oppressions. The group can't say they're going to tackle racism today and sexism another day because sexism is an integral part of racism.

I think racism should be put at the forefront while talking about all these issues because its PoC who disproportionately are affected by all of them. Like I said, the last sixteen transwomen who were murdered were women of colour. Most victims of homophobic violence are also PoC. Most victims of sexual assault are PoC. Here in Canada aboriginal women are disproportionately trafficked, and missing and murdered. The economically worst off are often PoC, and particularly women. I experience oppression sometimes as a queer woman, but honestly I don't feel like I'm one of the worst off due to white privilege. I know I'd be worst off if I wasn't white.

Versus 05-02-2012 11:53 AM

This is just me. JUST. ME. <--- This statement is important, and I'll come back to it.

First, try and understand what your privilege makes you ignorant of.

As an example, there is a video on youtube that is my favorite to explain this point because it's where I first saw something about part of my privilege. It is about how men have the privilege to not understand the **** culture we live in. A man in front of a classroom of 13 men and 9 women asks what they do to avoid ****. The men say "I don't do anything," and the women give this huge list of what they do. And then it hit me for the first time, because I had never even imagined it before: We don't have to think about ****, we don't have to avoid it, we don't have to see it. At all.

And that's just an example specific to women in an oppressive culture. It is so hard for people to understand their privilege because we have never been without it. I've never been a woman. I've never been Asian. I've never been disabled. I've never been anything but an American. I've never beens can go on forever. It's like BREATHING. You don't even notice it, think about it, KNOW about it, until somebody or something brings it to the front of your attention, assuming that you actually stop to really think about it instead of dismissing that you already know everything about it, and that doesn't even happen all that often. It's sad, but we can't just think about it until we understand it. We have to learn about our privilege from people without it.

Once you acknowledge what your privileges are, you have to understand what that means to you. Being privileged is not something you can cast aside and get rid of, it's not something to feel guilty or ashamed of, it's not something that makes you better or worse, it's just a part of you that other people notice. It's just breathing. Once you accept it about yourself, it's easier to talk about. It's easier to live with. It's easier to understand. When the veil begins to be lifted, you can start to see. You'll start to look at things differently. You'll see them closer to as they are, rather then what you have distorted them to be. You'll notice this shit everywhere when it's on your mind.

That being said, you can never completely understand. While you can briefly hold your breath, you can never go without breathing. And that is why what you can do is limited. When people talk about their experience with sexism, or racism, or whatever the fuck; SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN. LISTEN! LISTEEEEEENNNNN. It'll help you understand even more, or if you don't get it, at least you can be an empathetic and caring person and acknowledge the sort of things that hurt people. It is NOT your place to interject because you have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE where they are coming from. You have NOTHING to contribute. That's not to say that you can't ever talk about it. Go ahead and call people out on their bullshit. Bring shit up. Talk about it. But understand when you don't have anything to say. Cool?

So I mentioned earlier that this is just me talking. I say that because, like Despanan, you might hear two conflicting things. A woman says Occupy is sexist. Another woman says it is not. Picking sides is not what you do. Shut the fuck up and listen is what you do. Be supportive. Be helpful. But don't get into something that you don't have a fucking clue about. When Occupy says "This is what our consensus has decided," it is COMPLETE. FUCKING. BULLLSHHHIIIITTTTT. It is just WRONG for so many people without this perspective and understanding to be involved in something that is invisible to them.

I hope this makes sense.

Versus 05-02-2012 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05 (Post 694054)
And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?

I'm your fucking better. I take care of myself. Nobody takes care of me. Everything that I have is truly mine because it wasn't given me. I work to improve myself and my life, while you sit on your fucking useless ass for years and take handouts from people who feel sorry for you.

Saya 05-02-2012 12:16 PM

Versus's post reminded me of this article by Peggy McIntosh that was the first thing I read on white privilege:

AshleyO 05-02-2012 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694062)
This is just me. JUST. ME. <--- This statement is important, and I'll come back to it.

First, try and understand what your privilege makes you ignorant of.
*cut to save space*

Okay. I understand you and I'm taking into account what you yourself has said.

I think, as far as your pessimism is concerned, I get what you mean. I can understand where you're frustrated and you know what? You are right, Versus. You are absolutely right that Occupy will NOT come out of this smelling like roses. There will be tactics and maneuvers and attempts to raise the voices of PoC and the other sexes. But the reality of it is, this will pass as all movements pass. Those privileged white people WILL mostly go back to business as usual. Luckily though, there will be SOME who will stay or at least some who will have a better understanding of what their privilege does and because of that, use it differently or be more aware of it. It's very unfortunate when I look at it from that perspective. :(

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 694063)
I'm your fucking better. I take care of myself. Nobody takes care of me. Everything that I have is truly mine because it wasn't given me. I work to improve myself and my life, while you sit on your fucking useless ass for years and take handouts from people who feel sorry for you.

HA HA that is fucking rich.

If you want to TRY to be my equal survive a 50 M.P.H. collision without a helmet or anything to keep you on the ATV.

Then try to get up on your own.

as far as toughness you are nothing but a bought and paid for little bitch.

You have to have back up for what you've been through.

All I needed was myself and the will to keep going.

So fuck you,you pansy ass little nothing,you will NEVER be my equal and you will NEVER be my better.

You are nothing.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 02:13 PM

For all the Feminazi's that always talk about "Objectification by privilaged Males"

AshleyO 05-02-2012 02:16 PM

If someone wants talk about being tough or being able to take harsh punishment, it'd probably have to do with being able to take one hell of a licking and then be able to walk away from it and be totally functional.

Like... I don't know, me for example. Being 12 and being in a pretty wicked 4 wheeler wreck myself and not only did I walk away from a life or death situation, I'm still really pretty and really smart.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 694083)
If someone wants talk about being tough or being able to take harsh punishment, it'd probably have to do with being able to take one hell of a licking and then be able to walk away from it and be totally functional.

Like... I don't know, me for example. Being 12 and being in a pretty wicked 4 wheeler wreck myself and not only did I walk away from a life or death situation, I'm still really pretty and really smart.

That isn't the same thing as rounding a blind curve (at the time my view was blocked by a huge dirt pile that was overgrown with weeds) the car was going at around 30-35 M.P.H. (add to that the speed I was going and you see why it was such a one in a million crunch up)

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 694083)
If someone wants talk about being tough or being able to take harsh punishment, it'd probably have to do with being able to take one hell of a licking and then be able to walk away from it and be totally functional.

Like... I don't know, me for example. Being 12 and being in a pretty wicked 4 wheeler wreck myself and not only did I walk away from a life or death situation, I'm still really pretty and really smart.

Why not talk about the vid that I posted?

Or is that too uncomforatble for you because the lady in the vid is telling the truth about how things are.

A few years later I was in another wreck (Snow was driving and it was her first time on the road,I kept her from becomming a human lawn dart)

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