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Tam Li Hua 03-24-2009 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Mir (Post 521950)
I hope everything goes well for you.

Thanks. I'm sure everything will be fine, but I can't help being a little nervous.

$haDe 03-24-2009 06:47 AM

I've been moving for the past few weeks.

Couldn't stand all the trouble croping up around my place, the very center of this country's modern civilization.

But, then I got into another nightmare with old-fashion people all around me.

Mr E Nigma 03-24-2009 11:06 AM

To preface this "rant" I'm normally quite an apathetic person who really doesn't overreact or really even react to things negatively or positively for that matter, most things I generally shrug off and things generally don't irritate me or agrivate me in the slightest... but...


Okay, so I've already told one person 2 previous stories which I shall now share with everyone else.

1st - The Gummy Bear Paradigm

Haribo Gummy Bears are the only quality brand of gummy bears. All other brand's are absolutely disgusting, too chewy, or hard as a rock. Now that that has been said. A few weeks ago someone asked me if I would like some gummy bears, I said okay... so they handed me one and I ate it. Well, I tried to eat it anyways, I spent 5 minutes chewing on that damn thing until I gave up and spit it out. Ladies and Gentlemen this is just another example of why assuming is bad. You wind up chewing on some gross ass gummy bear that no one should ever have to be submitted to.

2nd - The Chewy Sprees Corollary

Again I am presented with the option of accepting candy from an outside source, Sprees, I figured I can't do wrong with this one, they're sprees. Well to make this short, I was wrong. Some odd motherfucker decides chewy Sprees are actually good. Who the fuck in their right mind eats chewy sprees, honestly! So I once again have to scrub the gross taste of yet another horrendous idea that someone thought he'd call "candy"

And for the most recent... and worst...

3rd - The Chewy Gobstopper Conjecture

First off, I'd like to say I had no idea chewy gobstoppers even existed and to the bright young man at Willy Wonka who decided to produce them, I'd like to say.... fuck off, you bastard.

Gobstoppers are my favorite candy, in existence. Someone handed me 3, I generally toss around 5 in my mouth and so I decided to pop all of them down the hatch sort of speak. I swear to god people have no respect for the candy industry and I wish murder was legal because no one should have to eat chewy gobstoppers, especially when you have the originals right there on the shelf, unlike the original sprees which are hard as fuck to find nowadays....

I swear to god the next person who gives me some lame ass candy is going to have the box of candy shoved up their ass.

Tam Li Hua 03-24-2009 11:25 AM

I like chewy Sprees..

Pyre 03-24-2009 04:39 PM

I don't mind the chewy forms of the candy, either. I have a nasty habit of chewing anything that enters my mouth (not to be taken out of context), so I typically get a toothache from hard candies since I try chewing on them. It's like the chewy forms were made with me in mind.

That being said, at least no one tricked you into eating chocolate Skittles. I want to murder the person who thought chocolate flavored Skittles were a good idea.

Alarica 03-24-2009 05:15 PM

I went into the chat room on an old site, owned by someone I know, very stupidly. 1 of the mods onsite decided to send me a private message box and proceeded to spit her dummy out over something I did about 8 months ago ffs, that got me banned by the owner for 4 months. I wouldnt mind usually, if said person is able to hold a reasonable argument and has a point but she didnt. She thought she was being clever. Fucking poxy airheaded bitch. All she kept saying was 'I'm so much better than u, u fukin goth. ur a fukin bitch and need to get bent. I'll bent u. fukin gothiks think you're so great'. Worst of all, her 'goth' issue is based on something someone else has said about me. I'm so annoyed. She got her sorry ass banned though.

Mr E Nigma 03-24-2009 07:42 PM


I have a nasty habit of chewing anything that enters my mouth
...that's what she said! haha (sorry, I had images of the office flashing through my head when I read that even though you said not to take it out of context)

or... is that what he said? O_o

Also, I can respect people for enjoying chewy sprees, I will give you all that, mainly since they rarely sell normal sprees anymore.

But come on... CHEWY!? Everlasting gobstoppers, I mean yeah, they don't last forever, but the chewy ones are done in like 10 seconds... at least the normal ones attempt to live up to the name so long as you don't bite them like ice....

And wow, chocolate skittles? damn...

Raptor 03-25-2009 04:39 AM

This will teach you for not eating chocolate.

You know it's the best.

jack_the_knife 03-25-2009 02:57 PM

My generator belt on my car snapped, wrapped itself around the engine pulley, jammed, broke the pulley, burned up and thus filled my car with toxic smoke. Fuck rubber smoke...

Underwater Ophelia 03-25-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Solumina (Post 521946)
The local SPCA has a bit of a zoo of exotic animals that they have rescued which can't be placed as well as a petting zoo of farm animals that have been rescued. Well I wanted to go and pet the goats, as well as see the big cats that they have. In order to get to the zoo part you have to go through the shelter and I met the perfect cat. She was the most beautiful Savannah and she was super sweet. Alas my roommate is allergic to cats and I will be living with her for two more months so no kitty for me, which really sucks as Savannahs are extremely expensive.

Maybe if you're committed to getting the cat they'd hold her for the two months. Or you could get her now and have someone watch her for two months and make sure to visit every day or something.

Solumina 03-25-2009 08:12 PM

I did talk to them and they will only hold an animal for a short period of time, though they did say that such an unusual cat may be hard to place so she may still be around when I move, so I will check back then. I wish I had someone who could keep her but the only person who would be able to take her in is currently building a major addition so he can't really take in a pet die to all of the construction debris. I suppose an apartment isn't really the best place for a savanah, even if I was willing and able to walk her throughout the day.

Geoluhread 03-26-2009 10:54 AM

What the...?!

My boyfriend just came back from the hospital.. a car hit him, no broken bones.. but he can`t move his left side...
Thank god it came out like this and not worse

Malice In Wonderland 03-26-2009 11:50 AM

Shit Geo, that sucks.
Hope he like, gets better.

My fucking back hurts!
And I have an exam the day after my birthdayy...

Alarica 03-26-2009 02:06 PM

I feel sick. I never feel sick unless I have a migraine. I'm going to bed to feel sorry for myself, and be a whiny bitch in comfort.

a morbid curiosity 03-26-2009 03:02 PM


I'm know this girl in our year who's a pretentious idiot and has practically never read a book (most of her general knowledge comes from QI and she copy/pastes Shakesperian quotes from Wikiquote in WLM conversations at sporadic intervals). She's also the kind of person that begins sentences with "I don't mean to be a bitch, but..." and "No offence meant by this, but..."

So she was driving me utterly nuts... "Oh, woe is me, life is pain, I wish somebody loved me"...

So, naturally, I tell her to grow up and deal with it, and then things might possibly improve for her, and she says, "Oh, everybody hates me, I envy you so much, you have real friends..."

I tell her she's being a bit self-absorbed, and she says, "I don't think about myself, only about how shit life is..."

Excuse me, but she lives in a large house, her mother's a teacher and her father's a doctor, she eats three square meals a day and spends her spare time shopping and reading Vogue (or rather, looking at the pictures). She goes around telling people she barely talks to that her life is terribly grim and tragic, and yet she wonders why nobody can stand her?


Jeez, sorry. That was very mind-puke-esque.

Underwater Ophelia 03-26-2009 08:53 PM

Um, so stop drinking your juice boxes across the table from her?

a morbid curiosity 03-27-2009 12:11 AM

Hah, indeed.

Pyre 03-27-2009 11:51 AM

So, I just spent all week reading and reading and doing homework and studying and not sleeping (~3 hours a night all week), and I had only the day before my history exam to study because of my poor time management, so I spent 12 straight hours studying, took a 3 hour nap, spent another few hours studying (missed two of my classes for the first time all semester), went to class and took the test. This isn't one of those nice multiple choice exams where you have a 20-25% chance of getting the answer right, but rather an essay exam. I barely started the main essay when my teacher yells that our time is up, and here I am staring down at 2.5 hollow paragraphs, completely missing the point of the essay because I am thinking "fuck, I don't remember studying that." I almost walked out of the building crying after turning the test in, because I scored a 40 at best. There are only three exams in the class and no classwork otherwise aside from participation, and averaging a 40 with my previous 80 does not a good score make. I have to make a 100 on the next exam to even get a 73 in the class. Fucking a, and the withdrawal deadline was Monday. There goes my scholarship, and I can't pay for college without it.

Tam Li Hua 03-27-2009 02:51 PM

Caught a nasty cold bug last night from all the rain. Stayed home from work today.

I hate being sick. >_<

Alarica 03-27-2009 04:32 PM

Not really a rant, but I used this new stuff on my girls hair to make sure they dont have head lice. At first I thought it smelt ok, not solventy like most of them. It's aniseed. Only after doing 2 heads with the stuff, it's in the back of my nose and starting to make me feel sick, yet for some odd reason my kitten wont leave me alone!! Hmmm

HumanePain 03-27-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 523030)
What the...?!

My boyfriend just came back from the hospital.. a car hit him, no broken bones.. but he can`t move his left side...
Thank god it came out like this and not worse

WTF??? Damn he is lucky! Hope he gets well soon!

Sir Canvas Corpsey 03-28-2009 05:11 AM

Maxim_macabre hasn't been on msn lately and it makes me sad, he's like one of THE most awesome people to talk to and I miss him! D':

Opteron_Man 03-28-2009 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by jack_the_knife (Post 522588)
My generator belt on my car snapped, wrapped itself around the engine pulley, jammed, broke the pulley, burned up and thus filled my car with toxic smoke. Fuck rubber smoke...

Hmm, that sucks dude! Atleast it is not one of those majour hiccups where you have to really fork out cash.

Geoluhread 03-28-2009 11:27 AM

Studying 10 hours Organic Chemistry ain`t fun
I wanna kill someone :@

LaBelleDameSansMerci 03-28-2009 10:23 PM

Someone might want to buy my Lady Macbeth painting, and I suddenly realized that I can't stand to part with it. I've no idea what to do... >.<

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