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Alan 02-21-2014 05:53 PM

I agree. The part you never explained is how the fact that someone beat you up means that they beat you up because you're white.

Skippy 02-21-2014 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 809846)
I agree. The part you never explained is how the fact that someone beat you up means that they beat you up because you're white.

I was one of the few whites in that neighborhood, and was the only person attacked in that neighborhood.

They didn't bother with anyone else walking on that sidewalk.

I never said anything to them accept "excuse me" when I moved out of their way and tried to walk past them.

Alan 02-22-2014 01:53 AM

So... again, they're assholes. You're the one that's bringing race into it.

Versus 02-22-2014 06:41 AM

Yep. I'm done.

Skippy 02-22-2014 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 809850)
So... again, they're assholes. You're the one that's bringing race into it.

If the situation were reversed you would say it was a race driven hate crime.

And again because I'm white it isn't seen as such.

Fuck you.

Skippy 02-22-2014 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809852)

No Brown opinions!

AshleyO 02-22-2014 03:48 PM

Seriously, Skippy. Have you not noticed that the prevailing understanding of whiteness and black experience is virtually the same understanding across every member engaging with you here?

What do you think is more likely here? That you don't know what you're talking about OR that you somehow stumbled into a cabal of different colored skinned people actually hating white people?

No. You know what? I understand why you see it as hate and you know... you would make more sense with that outrage if you understood history, inheritance, material development, ect. ect. And you know what was fucked up, Skippy? We SHOULD hate whiteness. It was an invention and cross class alliance to unite poor and elite European settlers against their lowest form of labor. It was easy to do this too. European workers were wage labor while African slaves were... slaves. This brilliantly drove down wages yet elite Europeans and the working Europeans came to an agreement that no matter how poor, no matter how degraded, no matter how broken a European settler may be, at least they'd never be a ******. You absolutely SHOULD hate whiteness. It was a moral CHOICE for European settlers to overcome their own disgust with treating people like sub human garbage, and economic differences, and actually RAN with it. And on the backs of blacks, the white man's world was erected. So sure. Maybe we don't normally have outright whip throwing southern white boys calling other races different racial slurs. Maybe well meaning liberal white boys such as yourself took down the banners of white supremacy in the house of white power, but we adorn our house in the decorum of color blindness. Glass banners that still hold the same shape, that still wave the same way, and still remain... the whole thing virtually unchanged. Your conception of racism and color blindness is basically a less rude version of white supremacy and the reason why white supremacy still exists is because WHEN YOU ROOT IT OUT OF THIS COLOR BLIND WORLD, WHITE PEOPLE STILL DIG IN THEIR HEELS FOR THE REAL CHANGE THAT NEEDS TO OCCUR.

So you may have never in your life hung a black person or yelled fucked up broken Spanish at brown skinned workers, but this house... you and I and every person who sees themselves as white and understands themselves to be white have inherited this house and yet we are happy, comfortable, and passive about bringing this house down and erecting a new one because we'd HATE to for a brief moment, to stand out in the rain and endure the deconstruction of our house to build a much more accommodating house.

Skippy 02-22-2014 07:32 PM

You can hate yourself as much as you want because of your skin color.

I will not do so.

I hate what happened in the past and what continues to happen.

I also refuse to put up with a bullshit double standard.

I don't want people to forget history, but we can't move forward as a species in any positive way until we stop repeating the same goddamned mistakes.

AshleyO 02-22-2014 08:23 PM

There's a HUGE fucking difference between calling you a fucking hick ass cracker with privilege and making strange fruit in the trees, you fucking hick ass cracker.

It's god damned laughable that white people think they can define racism and what it is in their so called "fair world" bubble.

Skippy 02-22-2014 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 809865)
There's a HUGE fucking difference between calling you a fucking hick ass cracker with privilege and making strange fruit in the trees, you fucking hick ass cracker.

It's god damned laughable that white people think they can define racism and what it is in their so called "fair world" bubble.

And it's just as absurd to single a person out because of skin color and call it racism but at the same time deny any sort of racism has occurred when a person is singled out because of skin color.

Versus 02-22-2014 09:59 PM

So now you understand that it's not your fucking place to define racism. About fucking time.

Skippy 02-23-2014 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809881)
So now you understand that it's not your fucking place to define racism. About fucking time.

My place is to call a racist act a racist act no matter the skin color of the victims or the perpetrators.

And people like you are so hung up on your "hate whitey" bullshit that you won't admit that a violent attack on a person with white skin by a P.O.C. is a hate crime.

But will immediately claim such is a hate crime when the situation is reversed.

People with your mindset seem to have an aversion to blatant fucking honesty.

People with your same fucking mindset are the same goddamned scum fucks that lynch a black person for no other reason than you have a deep seething hatred toward others.

People with your fucked up mindset are what is wrong with this fucking planet.

Versus 02-23-2014 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Skippy (Post 809885)
My place is to call a racist act a racist act no matter the skin color of the victims or the perpetrators.

My B! I guess you misspoke when you said something was as absurd as white people think they can define racism and what it is in their so called "fair world" bubble. You go ahead and carry on, though. ;)

Also; you don't know anything about me. I don't hate white people. I don't deny that white people can suffer discrimination. I don't assume that a PoC is a victim of discrimination 100% of the time. I've never felt entitled to hurt somebody because of their race.

Although it's kind of funny that I can say I've been directly compared to the KKK.

I wonder what else you think about my life?

Versus 02-23-2014 07:03 AM


I'm surrounded by white people.


Skippy 02-23-2014 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809894)
My B! I guess you misspoke when you said something was as absurd as white people think they can define racism and what it is in their so called "fair world" bubble. You go ahead and carry on, though. ;)

Also; you don't know anything about me. I don't hate white people. I don't deny that white people can suffer discrimination. I don't assume that a PoC is a victim of discrimination 100% of the time. I've never felt entitled to hurt somebody because of their race.

Although it's kind of funny that I can say I've been directly compared to the KKK.

I wonder what else you think about my life?

So you think you are saying that you and only you can call a racist act a racist act because due to your skin tone?

That is remarkably idiotic.

Skippy 02-23-2014 03:19 PM

I'll let this video speak for it's self....

Versus 02-23-2014 11:04 PM

I won't watch your youtube video because I hate white people. #racism

Skippy 02-24-2014 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809911)
I won't watch your youtube video because I hate white people. #racism

Well at least you admit you're a racist.

Saya 02-24-2014 06:10 AM

Yeah he demands to put a paper bag over my head during sex because he hates white people so much. For myself I'm kind of ashamed he's a cracker lover.

Skippy 02-24-2014 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 809925)
Yeah he demands to put a paper bag over my head during sex because he hates white people so much. For myself I'm kind of ashamed he's a cracker lover.

You being his gf does not remove the fact that he is a racist.

Saya 02-24-2014 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Skippy (Post 809931)
You being his gf does not remove the fact that he is a racist.

Sure it does. That's how it works.

Acharis 02-24-2014 07:17 AM

Skippy, dude. I am a very white person who has more than once had their head stuck up their ass on some issue.. and I am telling you the same thing as everyone else on the thread.

This is a sign you should probably just stop.

Skippy 02-24-2014 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Acharis (Post 809942)
Skippy, dude. I am a very white person who has more than once had their head stuck up their ass on some issue.. and I am telling you the same thing as everyone else on the thread.

This is a sign you should probably just stop.

I'll stop when they admit their logical fallacy that racism against whites isn't racism.

You can apologize to them for your skin tone all you want but I'm fed up with the double standard bullshit and the lack of a spine shown by a majority on this forum.

Saya 02-24-2014 07:29 AM

When have I apologized?

Acharis 02-24-2014 07:34 AM

Ok, keep digging. I'm going to bed.

Versus 02-24-2014 07:37 AM

Thank you jesus, we're saved. You have sent us a strait white cis man that has the balls to stand up to PoC.

Skippy 02-24-2014 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809947)
Thank you jesus, we're saved. You have sent us a strait white cis man that has the balls to stand up to PoC.

I have the stones to stand up against racist ideas and racist speech, no matter who it comes from.

Versus 02-24-2014 07:53 AM

You brave soul. If only there were more like you to put me in my place.

AshleyO 02-24-2014 07:59 AM

Somebody call Kenny Loggins cause Skippy is in the DANGER ZONE!

Versus 02-24-2014 09:36 AM

I have an idea.


Originally Posted by Skippy (Post 809944)
I'll stop when they admit their logical fallacy that racism against whites isn't racism.

How about this. You put your money where your fucking mouth is or shut the fuck up. I challenge you to provide actual evidence instead of talking out your ass.

I can show you a mountain of shit that demonstrates PoC are systemically treated worse in America than white people. Not some bullshit anecdotal story or article, but actual fucking tangible, systemic, evidence. You cannot provide a single fucking statistic.

You show me that white people suffer tangibly and systemically from discrimination to actually compare to PoC and I will tell you that I was wrong and probably think about a lot of shit aside from that. You can even join our discussion about colorism.

I already know you won't, but go ahead and take your time trying. I'll wait.

Alan 02-24-2014 12:59 PM

I don't think anyone ever said racism against whites isn't racism.
All we've been saying is that YOU don't get racism.
I'm beginning to think you're not racist in any meaningful sense after all; just a very sad and lonely man who thinks if the world tells him he's doing something wrong, then the world is the one that owes him an apology.

AshleyO 02-24-2014 01:23 PM

Technically Alan, I would argue that racism really is discrimination + power. So from the get-go, racism isn't some zero sum game that we all technically have an equal standing in. I think the confusion that Skippy is having is the conflict between layman high school education level concepts of racism and racism as it's understood through critical race theories. The problem then lies in the fact that Skippy's understanding of racism simply isn't sufficient enough of an understanding of the phenomenon though he's privileged enough to think he can come in and tell us all what it really is. It's literally like some middle school science fair winner coming into a chemistry lab and insisting that all we really need to understand is that vinegar plus baking soda makes the fizzies go wild.

Alan 02-24-2014 02:23 PM

I agree with that, but there is still racism against white people. It's common that people have taken up the argument that white people are systemically discriminated as a minority in other countries.
That's fair enough. It still doesn't show how minorities in other countries somehow mean that they in America have suffered as much as slaves did, but whatever, it's true that racism against whites exist.

However as you say it's important if we continue this to either distinguish between racism and bigotry, or understand that sometimes when one says racism they're really talking about bigotry and then make clear which one we're talking about.

Versus 02-24-2014 10:35 PM

Tried that like 10 pages ago and it's the point that I'm trying to lead to.

Versus 02-25-2014 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 809974)
It's common that people have taken up the argument that white people are systemically discriminated as a minority in other countries.

I would argue that a lot of that is a reaction to western imperialism and exploitation. White people still are perceived with a lot of credibility in countries where they are the minority.

Skippy 03-01-2014 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 809961)
I have an idea.

How about this. You put your money where your fucking mouth is or shut the fuck up. I challenge you to provide actual evidence instead of talking out your ass.

I can show you a mountain of shit that demonstrates PoC are systemically treated worse in America than white people. Not some bullshit anecdotal story or article, but actual fucking tangible, systemic, evidence. You cannot provide a single fucking statistic.

You show me that white people suffer tangibly and systemically from discrimination to actually compare to PoC and I will tell you that I was wrong and probably think about a lot of shit aside from that. You can even join our discussion about colorism.

I already know you won't, but go ahead and take your time trying. I'll wait.

It has taken place right in front of you.

You and others on here have been part of it.

You're blind to that fact or you really just don't want to admit that you are part of it, because deep down you feel guilt for it, or are angry that I called you on it.

And because I dared to call you on it you are angry, the only thing is though I don't know if you are angry at me or if you are really angry at yourself for doing the same thing you accuse others of doing.

But to give a better example of what I'm talking about.....

Black on white race driven crime.

Notice that all of these instances were only covered on local media, and very few if any received national attention.

And also notice how the situation would have been reversed if the skin color of the perps was white.

It would be covered for months on national media.

Skippy 03-01-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 809974)
I agree with that, but there is still racism against white people. It's common that people have taken up the argument that white people are systemically discriminated as a minority in other countries.
That's fair enough. It still doesn't show how minorities in other countries somehow mean that they in America have suffered as much as slaves did, but whatever, it's true that racism against whites exist.

However as you say it's important if we continue this to either distinguish between racism and bigotry, or understand that sometimes when one says racism they're really talking about bigotry and then make clear which one we're talking about.

What I have been saying all along, and what I think is lost on a number of people is that racism has no known boundaries or is only used in one given instance.

What you have been saying is that it can only be perpetrated by one group in a given area, not taking into account the individual experiences, regardless of who is the minority/majority group.

Versus 03-02-2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Skippy (Post 810094)
Black on white race driven crime.

1. That video shows edited, unrelated, and cherry-picked anecdotal news stories that don't even unanimously presume a racial motivation. I could give you a thousand others as well, all of which are equally useless except to highlight individual pain. Instead, I'll give you a relevant study that shows that black people are 2.8 times more likely to be murdered by a white person that a white person is to be murdered by a black person, despite that about 57% of people encounter by any given black person is white while about 3% of people encounter by any given white person is black. Also have you even looked at the other videos of the uploader(s)? Cracker Von Patriarch needs to stay off the internet.


Originally Posted by Skippy (Post 810094)

Notice that all of these instances were only covered on local media, and very few if any received national attention.

And also notice how the situation would have been reversed if the skin color of the perps was white.

It would be covered for months on national media.

2. Actually a study showed that stories with a white victims of violent crime were 74% longer and white victims got 2.3 times more coverage than black or Hispanic victims. This is what I was fucking telling you when I said you were talking out of your ass. Please fucking tell me that you want a source for that because I can give many.

3. I want you to read what "Systemic" means.

4. I said that I wanted comparable evidence. Com-par-a-ble. As in basically every facet life.

The point that I'm making is that there is a difference between discrimination and racism. White people can be discriminated, but it's not supported by a system of power and oppression.

Skippy 03-02-2014 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Versus (Post 810112)
1. That video shows edited, unrelated, and cherry-picked anecdotal news stories that don't even unanimously presume a racial motivation. I could give you a thousand others as well, all of which are equally useless except to highlight individual pain. Instead, I'll give you a relevant study that shows that black people are 2.8 times more likely to be murdered by a white person that a white person is to be murdered by a black person, despite that about 57% of people encounter by any given black person is white while about 3% of people encounter by any given white person is black. Also have you even looked at the other videos of the uploader(s)? Cracker Von Patriarch needs to stay off the internet.

2. Actually a study showed that stories with a white victims of violent crime were 74% longer and white victims got 2.3 times more coverage than black or Hispanic victims. This is what I was fucking telling you when I said you were talking out of your ass. Please fucking tell me that you want a source for that because I can give many.

3. I want you to read what "Systemic" means.

4. I said that I wanted comparable evidence. Com-par-a-ble. As in basically every facet life.

The point that I'm making is that there is a difference between discrimination and racism. White people can be discriminated, but it's not supported by a system of power and oppression.

You want comparable here you go.... ruled as a hate crime immediately. How many have been ruled as hate crimes and how long was this going on before the MSM picked it up?

I'm not saying that what has taken place is right, it's a deplorable act no matter who is carrying out the act.

Versus 03-03-2014 04:26 AM

Before I tear your bullshit apart would you fucking please respond to my entire post and stop cherry-picking for once.

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