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Versus 02-25-2014 07:12 AM

You can't make that shit up.

Skippy 03-01-2014 10:03 PM

Glenn beck will say anything he is paid to say.

He is an idiotic shill, always has been and always will be.

Yes firearms should be stored in a safe when not in use, but that is not to say that none should be available for moments of emergency.

Haejin 03-01-2014 11:11 PM

Guns make me terribly anxious, especially after my sisters ex shot himself back in October. I know people are always gonna find a way to do terrible things to each other and to themselves but guns just make it so easy. I was talking to my grandma the other day who has been in the hospital and she was worried about me leaving in the dark since the hospital is downtown and gets pretty sketchy at night. She's carried around a pistol in her purse since my grandpa bought it for her 50 years ago and she told me that I needed to carry a pistol too just in case. I'm over here thinking no fucking way....but then again maybe I should?

Skippy 03-02-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Haejin (Post 810099)
Guns make me terribly anxious, especially after my sisters ex shot himself back in October. I know people are always gonna find a way to do terrible things to each other and to themselves but guns just make it so easy. I was talking to my grandma the other day who has been in the hospital and she was worried about me leaving in the dark since the hospital is downtown and gets pretty sketchy at night. She's carried around a pistol in her purse since my grandpa bought it for her 50 years ago and she told me that I needed to carry a pistol too just in case. I'm over here thinking no fucking way....but then again maybe I should?

I won't tell you to buy a firearm for protection, and I won't tell you not to do so.

Because it's not my choice to make.

But I will say that if you decide to buy firearms for protection, make sure you learn as much as you can about them, and that you practice safe use of your chosen arm(s).

It's a huge decision and a lot of responsibility comes with it, but the benefits are worth it.

Saya 03-02-2014 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Haejin (Post 810099)
Guns make me terribly anxious, especially after my sisters ex shot himself back in October. I know people are always gonna find a way to do terrible things to each other and to themselves but guns just make it so easy. I was talking to my grandma the other day who has been in the hospital and she was worried about me leaving in the dark since the hospital is downtown and gets pretty sketchy at night. She's carried around a pistol in her purse since my grandpa bought it for her 50 years ago and she told me that I needed to carry a pistol too just in case. I'm over here thinking no fucking way....but then again maybe I should?

I feel you. I told Versus if he gets a gun I won't stop him but I'll always have an almost superstitious fear of it.

I did a lot of volunteer work with a **** crisis centre and a women's resource centre, and talked to a lot of self defense experts who kindly donated their time, and I've heard again and again that carrying a weapon is often a bad idea, you might not even have time to reach in your purse, they could easily grab it before you can use it, etc. If it makes you and your family feel better I would look up self defense classes for women, especially any that emphasizes being able to work with people of different abilities. Like one I went to was heavy on the emphasis of getting over the psychological block that might make you freeze up, or be afraid to fight dirty (like if attacked, you might not think to go for the eyes. But you need to go for the eyes!)

Skippy 03-02-2014 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 810101)
I feel you. I told Versus if he gets a gun I won't stop him but I'll always have an almost superstitious fear of it.

I did a lot of volunteer work with a **** crisis centre and a women's resource centre, and talked to a lot of self defense experts who kindly donated their time, and I've heard again and again that carrying a weapon is often a bad idea, you might not even have time to reach in your purse, they could easily grab it before you can use it, etc. If it makes you and your family feel better I would look up self defense classes for women, especially any that emphasizes being able to work with people of different abilities. Like one I went to was heavy on the emphasis of getting over the psychological block that might make you freeze up, or be afraid to fight dirty (like if attacked, you might not think to go for the eyes. But you need to go for the eyes!)

Question to you Saya, what do they teach in those classes? (no I'm not being snarky)

Skippy 03-02-2014 08:17 AM

Situational awareness is a huge factor in a number of defensive cases, or the lack of it.

Armed or not people get caught off guard.

But awareness and if at all possible avoidance can keep folks safe. To say that having tools to defend ones self is a bad idea underestimates the capabilities of the individual be they male or female.

Mindset is another issue that needs to be addressed, a firearm or other weapon is no good if a person does not use it if or when the need does arise.

Versus 03-02-2014 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 810101)
I feel you. I told Versus if he gets a gun I won't stop him but I'll always have an almost superstitious fear of it.

I went ahead and picked one for you too.

Murder.Of.Crows 03-02-2014 06:47 PM

Sorry for the way late reply Versus, MP side. Although, I've come to expect my training multiplied by three for civilian police.

I get really nervous around guns now, as well. After my suicidal episodes I ended up getting rid of them all. I kind of avoid them now, because I'm mostly afraid of those ideas coming back.

Versus 03-02-2014 06:57 PM

I feel you. I was the same a couple years ago.

Xombie 03-03-2014 06:55 PM

I am all about gun ownership, but I don't ever see myself using one regardless of the danger I might be in at the time. I'm too much of a puss, I think. But I will shoot at a range all damn day.

deathsdj 03-03-2014 10:51 PM

Hesitant to jump in here but...

I have two guns. They stay at my house and are only for if something truly terrible happens.

I'm not a gun guy. I don't think they are cool and I have only shot mine at a range a few times so I would know how to properly use them and maintain them.

I bought them for home after a particularly heinous crime occurred in my town. My thinking was that could have happened to anybody and I'm not going down like that. It would be nice if I didn't feel like I needed them especially with a child in my home. Very important she never sees or comes close to touching them.

It is what it is. I'll do whatever I have to do to take care of my child and myself.

Other than that I don't really ponder the bigger picture. Honestly it is all I can do to keep my own life and house in order. The fate of the world will have to rest in others hands. I hope they do the right things.

Peace friends.

HumanePain 03-05-2014 09:07 PM

For those who are contemplating buying a firearm, or even for those who already have, please read In the Gravest Extreme by Massad Ayoob.

If self defense is a serious reason for your decision to buy a gun, then the book will cover what happens after you shoot someone, as well as when you legally can shoot someone, scenarios in which you should shoot someone and other issues you need to be aware of, so that when you are booked it will not be a surprise.

It is a very short but good read and the author has law enforcement experience, legal experience and real life experience to back up everything he writes. A very diligently written book.

Solumina 03-06-2014 10:15 AM

I grew up in the country so guns are something I'm fairly familiar with but it was a different mentality out there than what I see with most vocal gun advocates. Rifles were good hunting and for home defense people used shotguns loaded with rock salt, hand guns weren't really a common thing except for people who were issued one for work and high capacity weapons were seen as things that belong in war zones, not your home.

I never had a problem with any of that but then you see school shootings and you see little girls getting shot in the head by their neighbor who was illegally target shooting in his back yard and it becomes very clear that something in this country's collective psyche is badly broken when it comes to firearms.

Grumpy old fart '83 04-17-2015 01:24 AM

Is this topic still active? I've just sort of been browsing around the diff. threads.

I agree with a number of people on here, ownership of a firearm is a choice for each individual to make. I own several of them myself. Some for self defense purposes others just to have them around. It is troubling to see what one human can do to another with them when misused such as a school shooting or other violent act, but the genie is out of the bottle,banning them will do nothing for actual public safety,trying to limit their availability in other ways will not work and have failed to turn up any real positive result.

SoftShocks 12-07-2015 08:41 PM

I am a firearm owner and I truly did by it for protection. It quite annoying when media portrays gun owners as some form of evil. Now I also get annoyed with over enthusiastic guns that feel that they must show off the fact that they own guns or that somehow if you don't own a gun then you are cowardly. To me everyone should consider arming themselves but not turn it into something that needs to be showed off to elevate ones ego. Your weapons should be you and your families persona business.

Stormbringer 12-08-2015 12:31 AM

An issue that splits opinions SoftShocks. Here in Australia it is illegal to own most types of firearms - we've had massacres too and after the last big one our then government banned most hand guns and all semi-automatics. They held a 'buy back' where they bought illegal guns (at prices way below their value) from the public with no question asked. My brother owned two semi-automatics and a shot gun and had to give them all up.

However there were exceptions such as farmers and people who needed guns to do their job such as security people. The public can still own hand guns providing that they are licensed and they can only be fired in licensed shooting ranges.

I agree with you that the media does not portray gun owners in a positive light neither here nor in the US.

I collect samurai swords, bayonettes and vintage pocket knives - all of which can be used to kill, and let me just say I won't be too happy if one day, they are banned too. But, being a responsible citizen, I guess I'll have to accept it.

Here in Australia, getting rid of guns has not reduced the level of armed robbery, criminals and drug dealers still seem to be able to get all the guns they want so I'm not sure what the banning of guns has really achieved. On the other hand we haven't had any public shootings lately either.

KeineModalen 12-08-2015 12:59 AM

um here is my two cents on it. It is not about the firearms per se. It is about the number of units of firearms manufactured per year in the country that is hemorrhaging fire arms. After all it is a for profit business.

Rats 12-08-2015 09:28 PM

The problem is not as simple as not allowing guns, if law abiding citizens cannot purchase guns that doesn't mean a deranged person won't get their hands on one.

Sinjob 02-09-2017 12:29 PM

I think they're a bunch of fucking cowards, but consider I do live in Florida which is already a dangerous enough place.
With stand your ground and just how easy it is to buy a gun here it's obvious why you always hear about us killing each other in the news. There was a shooting in an airport. George Zimmerman got away with murder nationally.
There should be a better way of doing this, is all I can say. There should be a system of trust and certification like an IQ test but it will forever be constitutional so why bother going all totalitarian on it. They have on just about everything else, but owning any kind of gun is just about the easiest thing to do.

jingo9 01-27-2023 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Stormbringer (Post 812953)
An issue that splits opinions SoftShocks. Here in Australia it is illegal to own most types of firearms - we've had massacres too and after the last big one our then government banned most hand guns and all semi-automatics. They held a 'buy back' where they bought illegal guns (at prices way below their value) from the public with no question asked. My brother owned two semi-automatics and a shot gun and had to give them all up.

However there were exceptions such as farmers and people who needed guns to do their job such as security people. The public can still own hand guns providing that they are licensed and they can only be fired in licensed shooting ranges.

I agree with you that the media does not portray gun owners in a positive light neither here nor in the US.

I collect samurai swords, bayonettes and vintage pocket knives - all of which can be used to kill, and let me just say I won't be too happy if one day, they are banned too. But, being a responsible citizen, I guess I'll have to accept it.

Here in Australia, getting rid of guns has not reduced the level of armed robbery, criminals and drug dealers still seem to be able to get all the handguns, rifles and rifle ammo they want so I'm not sure what the banning of guns has really achieved. On the other hand we haven't had any public shootings lately either.

If I remember correctly you can't even own air gun in Australia without permit right? That's kinda insane if you ask me!

The last part about reducing crime is what worries me a bit, with all the anti-gun movements over here in US...

jingo9 03-08-2023 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Solumina (Post 810150)
I grew up in the country so guns are something I'm fairly familiar with but it was a different mentality out there than what I see with most vocal gun advocates. Rifles were good hunting and for home defense people used shotguns loaded with rock salt, hand guns weren't really a common thing except for people who were issued one for work and high capacity weapons were seen as things that belong in war zones, not your home. People just used those to hunt in their sitka gear , nothing out of ordinary.

I never had a problem with any of that but then you see school shootings and you see little girls getting shot in the head by their neighbor who was illegally target shooting in his back yard and it becomes very clear that something in this country's collective psyche is badly broken when it comes to firearms.

Having guns in country is more of necessity rather than "I want to own one". I'm living here right now and it's pretty impossible to get around without one since there are way too many "pests" out there(ofc I'm refering to hogs and coyotes mostly, not like you would need a rifle for anything else out here).

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