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Disfunction 10-22-2005 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rosie
Ugh, I hate that kneecap thing. I can just imagine the snooty better-than-you asshat of a scientist and his big it's-not-a-grin-it's-SCIENCE on his face. I really want to hurt both the people in that story, badly.

I don't believe that is an actual account, as it likely would have been well-publicized, people would have reacted much sooner (people ie the moderator), and it illustrates a point.

Disfunction 10-22-2005 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Granny-like_the_apple
I changed my mind. This scientist is a dumbass because he broke the guy's kneecaps in front of a shitload of witnesses and presumably on tape, while the big thing about evolution is that nobody's actually seen it happen. Weak analogy.

Actually, there has been observable evidence in support of evolution, in smaller organisms with shorter life spans (for instance, some organisms in the water having changes in pigment to adapt to increased UV radiation). It also depends on what kind of evolutionary theory you are attempting to apply, and the rest I have to say is present in the last post.

Granny-like_the_apple 10-23-2005 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Disfunction
Actually, there has been observable evidence in support of evolution, in smaller organisms with shorter life spans (for instance, some organisms in the water having changes in pigment to adapt to increased UV radiation).

ID doesn't deny microevolution, for exactly those reasons. It's the evidence for macroevolution, the stuff it would be impossible for humans to have directly observed, like the evolution from a single-celled organism to a platypus, that ID presents as incomplete.

stormframer 10-25-2005 04:46 PM

design vs. evolution
BOTH...,,only in grand design did science exist....but ar we goin to abuot intelligence??? are we trying to makin a difference....altruism...the bitch is we only care about ourselves....and the darkness do i dwelll watching eternity over and over again.......sHHH!

Empty_Purple_Stars 10-25-2005 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by stormframer
BOTH...,,only in grand design did science exist....but ar we goin to abuot intelligence??? are we trying to makin a difference....altruism...the bitch is we only care about ourselves....and the darkness do i dwelll watching eternity over and over again.......sHHH!

That just about sums it up for me...

rockandrose 10-26-2005 12:35 AM

Empty Purple Stars - PERFECT!

Empty_Purple_Stars 10-26-2005 02:52 AM

Thank you.. Thank you..

I'll be here in sleep deprived form all night..

Don't forget to tip your waitress..

Disfunction 10-26-2005 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Granny-like_the_apple
ID doesn't deny microevolution, for exactly those reasons. It's the evidence for macroevolution, the stuff it would be impossible for humans to have directly observed, like the evolution from a single-celled organism to a platypus, that ID presents as incomplete.

I was going to make a comment against this, but then stuff came up. I became re-aware of the fact that stuff is more important. Therefore, I'll concede defeat in this and go on to stuff. Stuff is sexy.

Rosie 10-26-2005 06:54 AM

BlueMoon 11-09-2005 08:15 AM

My theory is the world did not exist before I started to remember it, can we teach that in school?

A theory is an idea that has not been profen right or wrong.

And you can't proof the world exists beyond my memory and might all be lies and fakes.

I also believe all I imagine exists, equally too what I remember for my mind may not know the difference.

I created you all :)

Peter 11-09-2005 08:28 AM

Kansas went with ID.

... and redifined science to not just natural explanations.

"God did it", coming to germ theory near you next ;)

talon 11-21-2005 04:55 AM

I love this contraversial topic, but there are some people here that have looked into much more than I have. At the start of this page The Karova Milkbar and Tstone were absolutely into it. Now that I get to the end everybody is laughing all because of one other site. And I reckon it is funniest part of this thread.

But I'm going to end this seriously. Alot of people, religious or not, say they don't push their ways on to others. ID obviously is pushing the theory that a god/goddess/being created this planet or even this universe. It just so happens, that in christianity, the world was created by god in "6 days". Anybody got a feeling of deja vu?

And another question. Does anybody know who actually created this "ID" (a manipulative form of bringing christianity into schools)

rockandrose 12-21-2005 06:12 PM

No barriers to local intelligent design lesson
A brief comparison between the USA and Australian's opinion on intelligent design taught in school.


PhilSmith 12-31-2005 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Peter
Kansas went with ID.

... and redifined science to not just natural explanations.

"God did it", coming to germ theory near you next ;)

"Well, I would prescribe a course of antibiotics, but since God's threatened to make microbes immune to 'em it's probably better to ease off on them for the moment..."

ExistentialDisorder 12-31-2005 10:11 PM

Why does ID have to always be about god?

Let's just pretend for a moment that the world and everything on and in it really was created by some highly inteligent being. That doesn't automatically mean that said being was God. All it means is that it was somebody more inteligent than us. Or, I should say, more capable than us. More technilogically advanced.

The human body is a machine. Really, that's all it is. Every living thing, from the smallest plant to the smartest human, they're all just machines. We create machines too, we just use metals and plastics to build them.

Dolphins and monkeys can't build machines. We can. Does that make us gods?

Peter 01-01-2006 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by ExistentialDisorder
Why does ID have to always be about god?


Anubissokar 01-02-2006 03:18 PM

Im agnostic... But it doesnt matter if you beleive in God or not. There is no scientific evidence to support God's (or a highly intelligent creating being's) existance. Therefore it shouldnt be taught as scientific truth in schools.
It only comforts me that Bush will either be impeached this year or at least he only has 2 years left in office. (3 if you count this one)

Panther 01-04-2006 06:50 AM

How many presidents have we sucessfuly kicked out of foffice again?

Oh, right, none. We might have gotten one, but he fled.

Yano what? I'm pretty sure that Bush isn't even worried about being impeached. I'm pretty sure he's just worried that his next speach contains too many big words.

And as for intelligent design? It's alright for a relgion class. And there's no reason that you can't think that's right, if you choose to. As long as both theories are taught side by side, and neither is presented as better than the other, it's made a matter of personal opinion.

And in the end, what isn't? Does it really matter what the already vastly undereducated youth of America thinks happened to some monkeys millions of years ago? How does knowing evolution theory help you in real life? School is mostly there to teach us to learn, not to give us all the answers on Jeopardy. Some people just loose sight of that sometimes.

Peter 01-05-2006 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Panther
Does it really matter what the already vastly undereducated youth of America thinks happened to some monkeys millions of years ago? How does knowing evolution theory help you in real life? School is mostly there to teach us to learn, not to give us all the answers on Jeopardy. Some people just loose sight of that sometimes.

#We don't need no education; we don't need no thought control.#

#Hey teacher!, leave those kids alone.#

Seriously though, you could probably argue that, well, most of the stuff we learn in school has "no real life use". Mind you, I'd personally disagree - it's more no everyday use, but that doesn't make it useless, if you want to understand biology, you should really have a basic understanding of evolution. It's a bit like knowing how to use applications without knowing how the computer works, sure you can get away with it most of the time, but if the computer throws something unexpected at you, you're kind of screwed.

Besides, part of learning how to learn is starting from the base theorem and working upwards, building on top of the basics, and evolution is certainly that.

Intelligent design is of course fine, but never as part of science class as you rightly point out. It ain't science, it can't be, it isn't a natural explanation. (Now court-tested too). Starting from intelligent design caused evolution is fine of course, not that I think that, but unfortunately many ID proponents are more interested in trying to create doubt where none should be about evolution.

Kind of sad really, if ID people stopped doing that they may get more acceptance, but that isn't what ID is for, it's to promote Christianity.

Panther 01-05-2006 06:03 AM

Hmm. That's a good point. I forgot about biology students. Though, if you're going to be a scientist, perhaps you'd willingly search out something that doesn't rely completely on a being who's very existenceis disputed by science as a whole, if not necissarily scientists as a whole.

kacy veil 02-05-2006 03:14 AM

i agree
there's no more to say but to agree!!!you got the point.

kacy veil 02-05-2006 03:16 AM

not if it comes naturally!

Loy 02-05-2006 04:43 PM

Since somebody else beat me to a story I'd been wanting to work on, figured you guys might like to check it out

sensuous0mar 02-05-2006 05:46 PM

Last weekend I was forced to go to a debate/lecture on this subject (for my biology class) and I wanted to vomit. I was so bored out of my mind. All the panelists did was repeat themselves over and over again and they were PROFESSIONAL biologists. Yucky.

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