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kosomoto 09-11-2012 10:41 AM

So I started making jewelry out of real human bones..
..and it looks friggin sick!

You can see it all on my website

So far I've had a lot of angry emails LOL

honeythorn 09-11-2012 01:24 PM

I am curious as to your source of these bones?

AshleyO 09-11-2012 07:24 PM

...Human bones.

Oh man.

Miss Absynthe 09-11-2012 07:55 PM


Q: Is this legal?

A: Yes.

Q: Are these real human bones?

A: Yes.

Q: Where did you get them?

A: Dead people, obviously.

Q: Are my bones unique?

A: One of a kind. Literally.
From he FAQ page on the site..
except that I'm pretty sure the sale of human remains is illegal in most places. I doubt that they are real human bones.. and probably not actually bone at all.

Miss Absynthe 09-11-2012 08:15 PM


Solumina 09-11-2012 08:58 PM

It is not illegal to sell human remains, there are a few states that ban the import or export of them but there are no federal regulations about it.

That being said I think a necklace that just has a bone hanging from it (human or otherwise) or two bones made into a cross are just plain boring, I can't think of any reason why someone would buy such a think other than "ooo it's made of people, look at me I'm so dark and spooky", which is just dumb.

Saya 09-12-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Solumina (Post 700651)
It is not illegal to sell human remains, there are a few states that ban the import or export of them but there are no federal regulations about it.

That being said I think a necklace that just has a bone hanging from it (human or otherwise) or two bones made into a cross are just plain boring, I can't think of any reason why someone would buy such a think other than "ooo it's made of people, look at me I'm so dark and spooky", which is just dumb.

From what I learn from tv, human bone is pretty expensive, I would imagine it would be pretty pricey to make a whole necklace out of human bone.

That said, you're right on who would be wearing it.

Solumina 09-12-2012 04:10 PM

One of the reasons why it is so expensive at the moment is that both India and China have banned the export of human remains and those used to be the two main suppliers. Bones used to be a lot cheaper and some places still have stockpiles from before the ban (China's ban went into effect in 2008) and have low-ish prices.

Personally I don't get why anyone would want human bones for jewelry (other than the "oooo I'm so spooky" factor) as animal bones are much cheaper and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, meaning that you can get a much more interesting, intricate piece for a lot less money.

Saya 09-12-2012 04:18 PM

Even that just makes me think

Solumina 09-12-2012 05:37 PM

Why?spooky spooky

Alan 09-12-2012 06:01 PM

'Cause the only bones we mexicans care about is the vertebra to put in our caldo and a donkey's jaw to make awesome music with it.

AshleyO 09-13-2012 03:08 AM

Am I being a wuss here?

It's human. Bones.

It's not cool. It's not edgy. It's frickin' weird.

Murder.Of.Crows 09-13-2012 03:18 AM

I find it really creepy and gross. And wrong. I can't think of a single person on their death bed saying, "make me into a necklace!".

CuckooTuli 09-13-2012 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 700718)
Am I being a wuss here?

It's human. Bones.

It's not cool. It's not edgy. It's frickin' weird.

My hippie-dippy mother once asked my sister and I quite seriously if we would consider having her made into a diamond, to wear in remembrance after she died. Our reply was pretty much this, with an extra side of mockery. Why anyone but some dumb-arse little darkling trying to be edgy would want a necklace made from a stranger's human remains, I will never understand.

Renatus 09-13-2012 04:10 AM

The dead should be left to rest in peace. I doubt that the source of these bones actually consented to their remains being sold for profit by some person they never even met after they died. This isn't like the bone Cathedrals out there, where the people specifically asked to have their remains kept. This is more akin to Ed Gein..... a reference that I as a Wisconsinite do note make lightly.

Haejin 09-14-2012 02:44 PM

This makes me kinda nauseous...

Krampus 09-14-2012 03:26 PM

I had an old friend who actually bought an inverted cross made human bone. He didn't buy it for a 'ooooh I'm so spooky' type reason. Strange fellow. He was into the occult to a large degree, and had some mental issues (I met him because he was my neighbor, his mother took care of him when he wasn't institutionalized). Anyway, he wore it for a day or two, but eventually ground it up and smoked some of it, and ate the rest. I don't really understand why he did this, I mean, he told me his reason, but it really made no sense.

He was an interesting guy. One day he was totally coherent and fun to hang out and talk with, read alot. Another he was dishing out word salad and acting out irrationally, sometimes even a bit violent.

But yeah. Dude smoked human bones to gain occult wisdom.

Renatus 09-14-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Krampus (Post 700782)
I had an old friend who actually bought an inverted cross made human bone. He didn't buy it for a 'ooooh I'm so spooky' type reason. Strange fellow. He was into the occult to a large degree, and had some mental issues (I met him because he was my neighbor, his mother took care of him when he wasn't institutionalized). Anyway, he wore it for a day or two, but eventually ground it up and smoked some of it, and ate the rest. I don't really understand why he did this, I mean, he told me his reason, but it really made no sense.

He was an interesting guy. One day he was totally coherent and fun to hang out and talk with, read alot. Another he was dishing out word salad and acting out irrationally, sometimes even a bit violent.

But yeah. Dude smoked human bones to gain occult wisdom.

The inverted cross itself is an "ooh I'm spooky" type reason as far as I'm concerned. Hell contrary to popular belief it has nothing to do with unholiness or the occult. Quite the opposite really as the inverted cross is the symbol of one of the 12 apostles.

Krampus 09-14-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Renatus (Post 700783)
The inverted cross itself is an "ooh I'm spooky" type reason as far as I'm concerned. Hell contrary to popular belief it has nothing to do with unholiness or the occult. Quite the opposite really as the inverted cross is the symbol of one of the 12 apostles.

Something that both of us were aware of.

You have to understand, this guy was a mental patient living with his mother. He had zero friends aside from myself. If we hadn't been neighbors at the time I never would have known he existed. It's not like he dressed up in all black with Marylin Manson posters all over his room. He wore clothes from the Gap that his parents bought him because he just didn't think about things like clothes and image. Anyway, I'm done defending him. On anybody else I would agree with you, but there was just something very authentic about him. Like I said, he was in interesting guy.

Miss Absynthe 09-14-2012 09:23 PM

Is it really necessary to discuss someone else's mental health in this way?

Krampus 09-14-2012 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe (Post 700798)
Is it really necessary to discuss someone else's mental health in this way?

No, it really isn't. I actually regret it, but I figure this is all anonymous, so no harm done, right? I wish I could edit my posts, but I can't. Ah, c'est la vie.

I know I'm new here, so sorry to shit up this thread with all of these posts. My bad, y'all. I hope my gossiping hasn't put a bad first impression on many of you.

Anyway, to post something actually on topic, human bone jewelry is a pretty neato idea, but far to expensive to justify.

Valhalla 09-14-2012 11:40 PM

I don't understand how someone has access to all these human bones. Do you dig up the corpses yourself, or do you just steal them from funeral homes?

I laughed at first, but now that I've thought about it this really weirds me out. Also that gemstone cross necklace is the tackiest thing I've ever seen.

Miss Absynthe 09-15-2012 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Krampus (Post 700799) no harm done, right?

Perpetuating the stereotypes of mental illness and lending weight to the stigma already attached.

Nope. no harm at all.

Krampus 09-15-2012 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe (Post 700809)
Perpetuating the stereotypes of mental illness and lending weight to the stigma already attached.

Nope. no harm at all.

Exactly what stigma is that? Reclusive people tend to not make a lot of friends? I wonder how that school of thought came around...

Solumina 09-15-2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Valhalla (Post 700800)
I don't understand how someone has access to all these human bones. Do you dig up the corpses yourself, or do you just steal them from funeral homes?

I laughed at first, but now that I've thought about it this really weirds me out. Also that gemstone cross necklace is the tackiest thing I've ever seen.

A good deal of them did come from illegal grave robbing, that is why India and China have banned the export of human remains.

That being said there are legitimate sources for such things, much the same way that medical schools get bodies for dissection and in fact the bones from those bodies used by the schools could end up on the market.

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