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Elystan 03-28-2012 04:17 PM

Self-diagnosis via the internet
And now I think I'm a psychopath. Awkward.

Renatus 03-28-2012 04:37 PM

Hey look at the bright side, at least you don't think you have autism. Irritates me whenever I see another self diagnosed "autistic".

rabbitinthemoon 03-28-2012 04:47 PM

But if you truly were a psychopath, would you care? No guilt, empathy, or remorse....I don't think you'd be bothered by it.

Elystan 03-28-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by rabbitinthemoon (Post 692058)
But if you truly were a psychopath, would you care? No guilt, empathy, or remorse....I don't think you'd be bothered by it.

I'm not. Except insofar as I don't like being defined.

Elystan 03-28-2012 06:46 PM

Okay this is too much

"Even the faintest or most fleeting notion or inclination to forge a check, to steal his uncle's watch, to see if he can seduce his best friend's wife, or to have a little fling at fellatio, is by no means unlikely to emerge as the deed. The sort of repugnance or other inhibiting force that would prevent any or all such impulses from being followed (or perhaps from even becoming conscious impulses) in another person is not a factor that can be counted on to play much part in the psychopath's decisions."

My troll sense has been tingling for some time now but having a "little fling at fellatio" is supposed to be repugnant to an ordinary person?

Renatus 03-28-2012 08:16 PM

That same description can be used to describe simply an extremely impulsive person, which could fall under who knows how many other definitions. Hell the lack of factoring in other people could fall under autism. Thats the problem with self diagnosis, far too many things share far too many symptoms, and rather than go through the strenuous process of deducing all the factors down until you have one possible diagnosis, people just diagnose themselves on the basis of one symptom.

Elystan 03-28-2012 08:37 PM

Yeah I read through a healthy chunk of The Mask Of Sanity. It was apparently written in 1941 but there's a 1982 edition which is apparently still relevant to modern psychiatry. Read almost like a sensationalist pamphlet at times.

The problem is with the whole "psychopaths are normal people who lack emotions but simulate them brilliantly" is that you can accuse anyone of that and how is anyone to know about comparative depth of inner feeling?

"Well it's not they lack emotions, but they lack remorse". I can't say I particularly feel remorse for anything I've done in my life. Is that abnormal?

Do I understand that other people have emotions? Yes. Do I understand it on a deep emotional level rather than simply an intellectual one? What does that even mean? Does the fact I need to ask mark me out as psycho?

I check a lot of other boxes for it but yeah diagnosing yourself on the internet.

Alan 03-28-2012 08:59 PM

You yourself used the word "self-diagnosis" and you're still taking this shit seriously?

Elystan 03-29-2012 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 692092)
You yourself used the word "self-diagnosis" and you're still taking this shit seriously?

I'm a complex man

Alan 03-29-2012 08:59 AM

You're not a complex man if you're simple enough to freak the fuck out of a self diagnosis on the internet.

Elystan 03-29-2012 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 692120)
You're not a complex man if you're simple enough to freak the fuck out of a self diagnosis on the internet.

How does one determine 'freaking the fuck out'? This is a central problem with the idea of the classical psychopath, and probably why the dignosis has been replaced with the non-equivalent antisocial personality disorder.

Elystan 03-29-2012 12:16 PM

OKCupid confirms it

Your result for The Psychopathy Test ...
True Psychopath

You scored 13 on Emotional Detachment and 18 on Chaotic Lifestyle!
Congratulations, you are both emotionally detached, and you lead a chaotic lifestyle, which may indicate there's something seriously wrong with you. A combined score of 30 or more on this test supports a diagnosis of psychopathy. You are likely to commit, or already have commited, a crime. Stay away from knives, guns etc. although with your brilliant and versatile mind you will probably think of a dozen other ways of hurting whoever you feel like hurting.

Rock-solid proof right there.

Renatus 03-29-2012 12:33 PM

You're trusting a dating site for accurate psychiatric analysis?*facepalm*

I'll bet $100 Alan is going to facepalm too.

CuckooTuli 03-29-2012 12:46 PM

I'm pretty sure y'all are being trolled.


MissCheyenne 03-29-2012 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Renatus (Post 692127)
You're trusting a dating site for accurate psychiatric analysis?*facepalm*

I'll bet $100 Alan is going to facepalm too.

Everyone KNOWS dating sites tell you about your true self.

Elystan 03-29-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Renatus (Post 692127)
You're trusting a dating site for accurate psychiatric analysis?*facepalm*

I'll bet $100 Alan is going to facepalm too.

I heard lack of humour was a psychopathic trait, you might wanna get that checked out.

Versus 03-29-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692135)
I heard lack of humour was a psychopathic trait, you might wanna get that checked out.

Ren JUST told you he has autism, dip shit.

Elystan 03-29-2012 01:07 PM

*scrolls up*

Nope, no he didn't

*scrolls up again*

Well that's sort of an implication I guess. I feel no remorse. Wonder if I'll make the 7 minute edit window?

Renatus 03-29-2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by CuckooTuli (Post 692132)
I'm pretty sure y'all are being trolled.


I know but better he trolls and is distracted by his own thread than making posts in any relevant threads. Besides I'm bored, and I'm rather indifferent to trolling these days. If you want to piss me off you actually have to earn my respect first.

Elystan 03-29-2012 03:05 PM

I'd deliberately find another thread to post in just for that if your forum weren't so dull.

Elystan 03-29-2012 08:42 PM

Update: I just got done watching Hannibal and I didn't appreciate it when dude kills and maims, so I think I'm alright.

Fruitbat 03-30-2012 04:03 AM

Ha! This was my score! So with a little more practice I too could be a psychic.

You scored 16 on Emotional Detachment and 12 on Chaotic Lifestyle!

Although I kinda liked this part of the test:

If your combined score is 20 or more, you have a mind of a true criminal. If your combined score is 30 or more, you have a mind of a psycho

Finally I'm a badass.

But now I think I've signed up for a dating website as a guy in his late 60s..

CuckooTuli 03-31-2012 03:02 AM

I have a confession: every now and again, one of Elystan's posts amuses me. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...

Solumina 03-31-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692089)
there's a 1982 edition which is apparently still relevant to modern psychiatry.

It is only relevant in the same way that Freud is relevant, which is to say that they are examples of where we were and not where we are, our understanding of the human mind has changed quite drastically from what it was in the 80s, especially our understanding of emotions.


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692089)
"psychopaths are normal people who lack emotions but simulate them brilliantly"

this is applicable to more than just psychopaths.


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692089)
"Well it's not they lack emotions, but they lack remorse".

Actually it isn't so much the fact that they lack remorse or emotions that makes them a psychopath, it is the urge to act in a way that they know society has deemed immoral, if they were just lacking in emotions and remorse then they would be a sociopath.


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692089)
I can't say I particularly feel remorse for anything I've done in my life. Is that abnormal?

Yeah it is abnormal but most people find it really surprising what a large percentage of people are sociopaths (not that this makes you a sociopath) so not feeling any remorse is fairly common.


Originally Posted by Elystan (Post 692089)
Do I understand that other people have emotions? Yes. Do I understand it on a deep emotional level rather than simply an intellectual one? What does that even mean? Does the fact I need to ask mark me out as psycho?

That means that you don't have a normal emotional response, which in and of itself is not indicative of any particular syndrome/disease/condition/disorder/whatever.

MissCheyenne 03-31-2012 10:05 AM

Self diagnosis pisses me off since everyone seems to think they are fucking bipolar. Diagnostic criteria is much more strict than anything you'll find on the internet for ANY kind of mental health disorder.

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