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Alan 09-29-2009 06:50 PM

What's made your day?
I was reading the site "It Made My Day" and I thought it would be nice to mention such moments here.

Today was the first meeting of Students for Secular Free Thought and we're already a sizeable groups. That made my day.
Also, it seems the benefit show we're throwing this Friday has been well received.

Mir 09-29-2009 06:53 PM

I've got over four hours to sit around getting paid for doing nothing. Sure as fuck is making my day.

Pantherlette086 09-29-2009 07:06 PM

I made an 86 on my paper! Yeah! I could have done better, but I procrastinated.

HumanePain 09-29-2009 07:15 PM

A Customer I helped sent an email to my boss praising my work for a past technical crisis; that not only made my day but actually put a smile on my face.

Saya 09-29-2009 07:33 PM

Weeeeeird, my room mate showed me that website just a few hours ago.

I got to sleep in til 3 today, that really did make my day, the last week I haven't slept more than five hours a night.

Solumina 09-29-2009 07:51 PM

I had a wonderful conversation with one of my mother's friends who I have become rather close with as she has a lot of the same problems that I do. It was just nice to get that validation that you can only get when someone who has been where you are tells you that you really are doing well and that the plan you have is a good one.

korinna5555 09-29-2009 08:10 PM

After a massive, heated phone conversation with a certain "friend" of mine, I cheered myself up with a mug of tea and Sandman. It really doesn't take much to put me in a good mood.

SiouxsiePernova 09-30-2009 05:57 AM

The fact that I am on my inter-semester break.

Geoluhread 09-30-2009 06:21 AM

Your thread in the Introduction board.

Noumi 09-30-2009 09:18 AM

This site makes all my days ^^

Saya 09-30-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Noumi (Post 568253)
This site makes all my days ^^

Awww, this pic:

made my day. I looooove piggies ^_^

Jaye Jang 09-30-2009 09:00 PM

Aww baby piggies.

Okay. Enough being sidetracked. Today, my boss actually gave me a chocolate bar! That made my day. So, I told her she should go as Elvira for Hallowe'en and she told me that made HER day. (Well, she's tall enough to pull it off).

honeythorn 10-02-2009 11:12 AM

I put a young couple off buying a goldfish and a bowl to put it in, explained how large they are supposed to get and why a bowl will kill the fish so they'll end up wasting money coming back for replacements if they get that setup. They seemed convinced so I'm satisfied.

I also discovered the art of cloud watching and interpretation is called Nephomancy and realised I've been doing it all my life without knowing why or what it was called. Spiffy.

SweetJane 10-02-2009 11:19 AM


Anyway. Got a ride to the rave in the cave. Hooray!

It's not really a cave. It's actually an old strip-mine. It's the only reason to come to southern Illinois, and there's an express backroad right from my parent's neighborhood.

Lady_Alyce 10-02-2009 01:13 PM

What made my day? Well, during paidea at my school, we had to find a quiet spot and write poetry. I found a lovely spot, became overwhelmed, wrote drastic poetry, and was one of the few who passed.
Then I just ate a left over cup cake from my brother's birthday.

Lord Whiskerton 10-02-2009 01:20 PM

A young man's cellphone started to ring on the bus, and it was the theme to Mission Impossible.

Anarasha 10-02-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by creature6 (Post 568785)

THIS made my day ^.^

korinna5555 10-02-2009 02:26 PM

Tonight I'm going to see Night of the Living Dead (original) at a local theater. $1 admission, late-night screening, HELLS YES.

Corax 10-02-2009 02:27 PM

It was my husband's lovely smile in the morning before going to school. :)

korinna5555 10-02-2009 02:31 PM

Woah, THIS definitely made my day WAY better. =D

Anarasha 10-02-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by korinna5555 (Post 568816)
Woah, THIS definitely made my day WAY better. =D

Mehehehe :D They should air that on international TV! :D :D :D :D Fuck THAT, Fangirls!

Malice In Wonderland 10-02-2009 03:12 PM

That made my day, K. =]

I've just had a general nice day.
Triple philosophy and then a double of "practising" with the cameras in media.

Oh and I learnt half of Spiritual Cramp on guitar and just got a reaaaalllyyyy nice text. =]

Victor "Rilvor" Leonard 10-02-2009 03:30 PM

Yesterday was landing a job, today was getting my hair trimmed.

Saya 10-02-2009 06:45 PM

Somehow a msn discussion about anarchy led to talking about Gandhi which lead to talking about weird things he did which led to the story of Gandhi having a wet dream and he got depressed about it. Which lead to: "It had something to do with his religion, by being celibate they retain spiritual power, and so by jizzing himself he lost spiritual power." "So jizzing was Gandhi's kryptonite?" "Yes. Well, jizzing and bullets."

I'll probably go to hell now but it made my day, I'm still laughing about it.

Mir 10-02-2009 06:46 PM

We should totally talk on MSN and shit.

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