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Metatron 02-21-2006 09:13 AM

Gothic/Punk FAQs
Har. I bet you thought I was going to post some common questions about goths and punks, but I'm not. I need Frequently Asked Questions, or things you want cleared up about the two subcultures, for an article I'm going to write. I know I could just look at other FAQs and copy those questions, but this morning I woke up and said, "Hey. Today I'm going to be original." Good story. So, please post any questions you think other non-goths would benefit from.


Deviant Kitten 02-21-2006 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Metatron
So, please post any questions you think other non-goths would benefit from.


Non-goth people are always asking me (like I'm a fountain of Gothic Wisdom or something *giggle*) about gothic music, clothes etc. Most people think that black clothes + eyeliner + Marilyn Manson CDs = Goth
*pulls face* I don't suppose I knew much more than that myself quite a few years ago! I don't blame people for their ignorance though; I only blame people for not seeking knowledge to lessen their ignorance.

Deviant Kitten 02-21-2006 09:33 AM

...and how about helping to get rid of the stereotype that all gothy people cut/harm themselves? As far as I've seen, people of all sorts do this and gothy people aren't any more likely than others to do so. I myself used to cut my arm when I was very depressed several years ago, but I resent people suggesting that anyone would do it just to "be more goth"! Almost no one ever sees my scars; I don't display them to show off my "darkness" or something. Most of the people I've known to harm themselves weren't remotely gothic.

So there. ;-P

Sanctus Dei 02-21-2006 09:45 AM

Do you always wear black? Ahhh.. no?
Do you drink blood? Ahh.. No?
Do you worship Satan? Ahh....


Are you a satanist? Umm... No.
Do you really eat infants? Yes.
Do you listen to and or worship Marilyn Manson? ...Who?
Have you commited suicide?
Do you cut? Get a hobbie...
What Music to you listen to? Everything you don't.
Do you shop at Hot Topic? What, and narrow my selection?
Have you ever killed someone? Uhh, no...but I'm considering.
Would you do my goth research homework for me?? Sit and Spin Ass lick.
How do I be more goth? Eat only chicken for one month, read three of the four Harry Potter Books, invest in one pair of tall boots, and wash yourself in human blood twice a day.
What makes you goth? See above answer...
What music shoudl I listen to? Find your self a store where they must sell music? Shocking, I know, but they exist...

Deviant Kitten 02-21-2006 09:53 AM

Heheh... funny Sanctus :D

Is Evanescence gothic?
Is Linkin Park gothic?
Is Avril Lavigne Gothic?
Am I gothic?
Why not?
What if I only go out at night and wear only black velvet?
What if I tried to kill myself?
So that would make me Goth? Ok, I'll go get my Daddy's gun....


Empty_Purple_Stars 02-21-2006 09:55 AM

WOAH! Daytime Sanctus!!!

Am I dreaming?

*pinches self*

And err so as not to Threadjack..

How bout exploring the sterotype that suggests that ALL "Goths" are wholly apathetic and make it a point not to be activists. There seems to be this pervasive perception that "Gothdom" is about embracing Selfish Futilism.

My 1.4 cents..

Share the article when ya finish it will ya?

Metatron 02-21-2006 10:01 AM

Thanks, everyone!

I'll definitely share it when it's done, so you guys can comment, question, critique, insult, whatever.

edible_eye 02-21-2006 10:07 AM

why do you dress like that?

are you ever going to change?

why don't you write a love story?

what's wrong with you?

WolfMoon 02-21-2006 10:08 AM

How about the question I get asked the most.

So, what's with all the black?


Why are you goth?

(Cuz it makes me happy)

Empty_Purple_Stars 02-21-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by edible_eye
why do you dress like that?

are you ever going to change?

why don't you write a love story?

what's wrong with you?

Do you always touch yourself like that?

What are you doing with those handcuffs?

What's the Blindfold for?

Is that a Sacrificial Altar?

Is this a Bloodstain?


Metatron 02-21-2006 10:55 AM

Holy shit, Xng! You just spent an hour making that up for me? I'm honored! Thanks!

Sanctus Dei 02-21-2006 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
WOAH! Daytime Sanctus!!!

Am I dreaming?

*pinches self*

What can I say, I got the day off... and where am I?

Crap I'm hooked. You guys never mentioned addiction in your warnings and possible side effects thread. I guarantee a lawsuit will ensue...


What do you eat? Food maybe? (and Infants, obviously.)
Do you drive a hearse? I can't even afford a Geo.
Why the Cape? What.....cape.....shit.
Are you a witch? ....Have you seen me with gingerbread?
Where's your broom? I'm having it detailed.
Are you the Devil? Depends, who else have you talked to?

Metatron 02-21-2006 11:07 AM

Aww, thank you so much! Lecture classes pretty much suck ass...I owe you one!

WolfMoon 02-21-2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sanctus Dei
Are you the Devil? Depends, who else have you talked to?

I love that!

Sanctus Dei 02-21-2006 11:14 AM

*tickles the Wolfie...everywhere.*

She_Is_My_Sin 02-21-2006 03:12 PM

I get asked alot if it's 'the style' not to brush my hair. Long hair is a bitch to brush all the knots out of in one go.
& I get asked if I dyed my hair black to hide my ginger-ness. I was never had red hair in the first place...

Blushing Heliophobe 02-22-2006 06:15 AM

Mmm, I get asked mostly about ink and piercings.

Did it hurt?
No, you dumb bitch, piercing your skin feels good.

So where ELSE are you tattooed?
Nowhere that is any of your business, get a new line.

So what does THIS tattoo mean?
It means fuck off and use your lame ass pickup lines on someone else.

So do you like pain?
Maybe. But you'll never find out.

So what's with the look? Are you angry?
Just at fuckwads like you who ask me stupid questions.

Is that your natural hair color?
Did you figure out that it might not be all on your own? Good job, now go and try to find a natural blonde, mkay punkin?

Just the stuff I've heard. May not be 'goth' but maybe it will help.

Godslayer Jillian 02-22-2006 06:10 PM

Ok, let's see, what questions have they asked me, and what would I answer to other questions?

-So are you into sacrificing and worshipping the devil and stuff? (made by the most annoying guy at my school)

-Are you into bondage?
- *laughs* not really, I just like this anklet

-Are you a satanist?
- Yes, but that has nothing to do with being a goth

-Why are you so weird?
-Why are you so whiny?

-Do you like blood?
-Well, I actually do. But that doesn't make me a goth. That makes me a vampyre :D

-Are you going to a funeral or something?
-No, but I want to go to one today, can it be yours? (not one of my most clever answers, but it was ok)

-Look, I'm also kinda gothic *points at her Jack Skellington purse* I bought this at Hot Topic
-Good job!!! Now you only need to eat a baby (I got that from a post made by Xnguela)

-Why are you always depressed?
-Because no one believes me I'm not depressive

And now, what I think about gothics:
-I think there should be an IQ minimum:D (I haven't met someone who can be a real gothic and isn't smart)
-Gothic poetry really is bad poetry :p (if someone can really write poetry, wouldn't it be either transcendentalist or romantic? or at least Victorian?)
-Real gothics (as my friend Gina says) rock socks off!!!
-The gothiest cereal is not Count Chocula, it's obviously Oreo O's :D

Metatron 02-23-2006 05:52 AM

Haha, thanks. Personally I'm a fan of Oatmeal, but HEY! What're you gonna do?

Metatron 02-23-2006 09:41 AM

As soon as I have the time and the resources. Right now I'm not on a computer that I can type on, so it's going to be a few days. I'll probably have it by the weekend.

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