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om3gag0th666 11-14-2006 11:18 PM

y r u ppl so meen to me?

Godslayer Jillian 11-14-2006 11:20 PM

Look, here it is, and it's not just me; there are some norms we have around here:
- We hate leet speaking. Read the banner of the site. Bone Chilling Literary Culture.
- You are new and you didn't introduce yourself. (please, in the Introductions section)
- This is an unnecessary thread. We don't do those.
- Your name, although not a big issue, is highly unimaginative.
- You can say that you are "more of a goth" yet you prance around with a 666. (stereotype anyone?)

om3gag0th666 11-14-2006 11:27 PM

Actually dear colleague, I've elicted an interesting facade ad hoc to arouse your blatant argument ad personam arguments vis-a-vis my intrinsic cognizance. You exude the signs of a true pseudointellectual, troglodyte. Enjoy my reductio ad absurdum? Cease your non-sequitur, chump.

Godslayer Jillian 11-14-2006 11:30 PM

I you want to speak like that, feel free to do so. Though you give me nothing to prove I am indeed a pseudointellectual troglodyte.

om3gag0th666 11-14-2006 11:31 PM

You err from the original thesis. Don't seethe away like a pot of water now, chum.

Godslayer Jillian 11-14-2006 11:38 PM

Just because English is not my first language doesn't mean I'm not going to understand you.
And what do you mean I deviate from the original thesis? Wouldn't that have been the "y r u ppl so meen to me?" that originated this thread? Because I'm sure I have already addressed that.

om3gag0th666 11-14-2006 11:39 PM

Oh please, you didn't understand me, quasi-intellectual. Yes why are you so mean? Because you think I'm an idiot? We've established I'm not, pot kettle.

Godslayer Jillian 11-14-2006 11:43 PM

Read my first reply to this thread. I didn't call you an idiot per se. But still, there are several ways to be an idiot.

Draconysius 11-15-2006 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by om3gag0th666
Oh please, you didn't understand me, quasi-intellectual. Yes why are you so mean? Because you think I'm an idiot? We've established I'm not, pot kettle.

There's a BIG difference in ignorance and stupidity. Some of the smartest people in the world don't have advanced vocabulary, and some with the most advanced vocabulary can be often the stupidest; lacking common sense.

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 12:19 PM

Yea, and your usage of the semi-colon is a travesty. You're going to justify your 'ignorance' with saying I am perhaps dumber than you in some way. Where do you get the mettle to say such atrocities of logic?

c130 11-15-2006 12:45 PM

What are you trying to prove? Your mastery of circumlocution and excess verbiage? Or that you think that speaking like a retard then speaking like a dictionary will make us look stupid?

I have to give you credit though, it does entertain me. :)

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 12:58 PM

Please, fustian diction is a small part of my cognizance. Also you might want to look up some of the words you use, since I'm actually being succinct. You know what that means right? Because you don't know how to use the word circumlocution; being magniloquent requires a certain intellectual acuity you do not have.

c130 11-15-2006 01:14 PM

Circumlocution: using lots of long words and unrelated comments to avoid discussing a point directly. Although I guess in your case, the only point you're making is how much you love annoying people, so you're right, that word doesn't really fit. ;)

Also, you should be careful with this persona of yours. A common feature of autism is the use of a massive vocabulary, where the autistic person tends to use much more obscure words to express their point than a non-autistic person. So there's my evidence to support my next point:
You're retarded.

Here's in image just for you.

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 01:18 PM

Circumlocution via American heritage dictionary: Evasion in speech or writing.

I am absolutely succinct and direct in what I say.

So you're saying I am autistic? Do you even know what autism is like, or how they cannot actually communicate an idea? They have no clue how to empathize, or sympathize with a person. So they end up rattling off things. Also none of the words I've used are obscure, any high-school kid should know what pulchritudinous means, or geegaw. If you don't, then I guess I was smarter than you at seventeen.

Your point: refuted and extirpated via reductio ad absurdum. I am the antithesis of your hapless thesis.

c130 11-15-2006 01:20 PM

Btw. I'm mildly autistic. That's partly how I know. :)

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 01:21 PM

I know people with mild autism, that's basically aspergers. Even if you were high functioning you would have difficulty with some things, like getting dressed, or perhaps understanding metaphors.

c130 11-15-2006 01:36 PM

Wow people, he's a genius!

Yes, I do take a lot of the more subtle things at face value in normal conversation. I've put my foot in my mouth a million times and I always realise later what was really meant. On the internet it's easier to avoid this because I can review what I'm saying, and re-read what people before me have said, so I don't get stuck in traps.

Though I've never had a troll try and intimidate me by telling me I'm not retarded before. This is definitely a first. ;)

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 01:38 PM

I know what a retard is, I don't joke about autism, and your projection defense mechanism is textbook.

c130 11-15-2006 01:50 PM

Joking about autism? I joke about myself and things relating to me all the time. I joke about celibate nuns because I'm asexual. I joke about tomboyish girls because I look like a guy myself. There's nothing new happening here.

Also... projection defense mechanism? You mean suggesting that I'm autistic if I wasn't actually? Because I'm afraid to say I am mildly autistic, and if you don't like that, then you have too much time on your hands to be stressing out over the mental status of a stranger on the internet.

om3gag0th666 11-15-2006 01:52 PM

No I mean the projection defense mechanism, you were earlier saying I am probably autistic, you were drawing from your own insecurities about it and projecting them onto me. It's called a projection defense mechanism, Anna Freud came up with the idea of defense mechanisms. They are still respected today in contemporary psychology.

You can 'joke' about how ugly you are, but you still know you're ugly and hate it. Joking about it just shows you care about it. I don't even talk about my appearance, it doesn't bother me, or anything like that.

c130 11-15-2006 02:06 PM

I wasn't projecting. I knew of a mental deficit that sometimes results in afflicted people using arcane language, so I used this knowledge to hurl an insult at you. The fact this knowledge is partly from first-hand experience is irrelevant to the point I made. It feels a bit daft explaining it to you.

I'm perfectly happy with my apprearance and personality. This is me and it's who I am. I'm terribly sorry you won't believe how genuine my natural self-satisfaction is, because I can't think of any way to prove it to you.

Anyway... my rats need to be entertained now. So, it was fun speaking to you. ;)

korinna5555 11-15-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
Just because English is not my first language doesn't mean I'm not going to understand you.

the fact that you had to say that makes me want to kick Mr. Verbose in the ass.

and newb, if you want us to be nice, stop trying to attemt to impress us with big words. all that does is make you look incredibly stupid.

Alaizabel Cray 11-15-2006 04:41 PM

Looking at this thread and others, it looks like om3gag0th is either trying to get a rise out of us or likes picking arguments with people. om3ga, what did you expect to get in response to the "y r u so meen to me?" post? You probably already knew that a lot of people don't like chatspeak/leet/etc. Not only can it be confusing, but many people find it to be excessively annoying. I think I've seen enough of you so far to be able to tell that you werent expecting something like "Oh, you poor baby! Here, let's talk about this so we can figure out who the meanies are and how we can get rid of them for you." That just doesn't happen. So I honestly want to know what you expected, just what point you're trying to make... I can see that youre not trying to impress us, although you are hoping your diction will have some sort of negative effect on us, whether we get annoyed by it or whether we feel beneath you. I'm going to tell you right now though that I don't feel beneath anyone. Nor do I feel above anyone. In my mind, we're all on the same level. In any case, it's silly to base superiority on what you see of someone over the internet. What are you trying to gain from all this?

korinna5555 11-15-2006 04:43 PM

^ hahahaha

BlackButterfly 11-15-2006 04:43 PM

Look here bub... there's a little thing called a "happy medium" that you need to come to, so I'll help you with this one:

However big your vocabulary is, using words that the average person (key operative phrase here) would have to crack open a dictionary to understand defeats the purpose of everyday conversation. I state this from personal experience.

On the other hand, using phrases like "y r u ppl so meen to me?" in a forum that expressly states that using such phrases can and will get you flamed will, in fact, get you flamed. If you take such risks, it makes you look like an idiot to wonder why the flaming occurred.

The point of this? Type like you can actually read and spell, not like you're sending text messages where you have to pay for each character you send, but it's not necessary to flex the sesquipedalian tendencies--it makes it look like you're trying too hard to impress, and frankly? We don't care that much.

Oh, yeah, and before I forget...

::flying drop kick::


::brings it back::


Stay OFF the Godslayer!!!

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