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Sabine_Blodwin 10-22-2005 01:07 PM

The "Or" Game
It's a game that the players have to choose bisides 2 different things and make a question for the next. Exemple: p1) Montains or Sea?
Wine or Whiskey?

I'll start...

"Bondage" or "Trample"?

edible_eye 10-22-2005 08:29 PM

bondage - as long as i can tie you up, spank you red and tease your body - you gorgeous brazilian girl. yum.

meatballs or meatloaf?

Demonista_Ravenesque 10-22-2005 08:57 PM

Meatloaf.....for they are loafier and I've never eaten it before.

To be or not to be? ;)

Kettu 10-22-2005 09:14 PM

To be..

screw your mom or your dad?

punkirony 10-22-2005 10:52 PM

My mom...because my dad is dead.

edible eyes or cuddily eyes?

Demonista_Ravenesque 10-22-2005 11:00 PM

Edible Eyes!

I don't know who the hell cuddly eyes is but he sounds like a jerk *puts on an angry face* Go Edible Eye and his Chest Forest! XD

punkirony 10-22-2005 11:12 PM

Just my randomness, dearie..

Continue game.

mortalitas incomitatus 10-23-2005 03:59 AM

arsnic or sianide?

Dark Nightmare 10-23-2005 08:07 AM

arsenic, if die, let my body be immortilised

vampire or werewolf

Sabine_Blodwin 10-23-2005 11:38 AM


moon or stars?

Empty_Purple_Stars 10-23-2005 11:45 AM

Stars, of Course...

Slow, wet, Kisses that last for days, or Xbox?

Kettu 10-23-2005 01:07 PM

xbox..then I could just get a sex sim game...

lose your legs or lose your hearing?

Sabine_Blodwin 10-23-2005 02:24 PM


Chocolate or Pizza?

Kettu 10-23-2005 03:31 PM

being stalked

***** or tortured

Ariis 10-23-2005 03:32 PM

Being stalked, definitely! If she's stalking me,
she obviously wants me(for whatever reason).
If I stalk a girl who doesn't want me, I'll
be doing 5 to 10 in a maximum security prison.

immolation or drowning?

Kettu 10-23-2005 03:51 PM


suicide or murder?

Ariis 10-23-2005 04:00 PM

Suicide. My life isn't worth much anyway.

falling to the floor from a spacecraft or
suffocating when your high enough?

mortalitas incomitatus 10-23-2005 04:12 PM

suffocation - hopefully i'll reach that state of eurphoria.

love or lust?

Ariis 10-23-2005 04:50 PM

Love. Even the most intense lust
dies away after a while.

The wrong kind of love or the
right kind of hate.

mortalitas incomitatus 10-23-2005 05:15 PM

ohhh....good one.

ummmm......the wrong kind of love.

cos atleast you'll still be pleasured.

pleasure or pain.

Sabine_Blodwin 10-23-2005 05:15 PM

Right kind of hate.
Its more honorable...

Die our live?

mortalitas incomitatus 10-23-2005 05:21 PM

die, livings too hard

pleasure or pain?

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