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JulesJBJuliet 11-25-2005 03:36 PM

We know what you're reading, but what do you want to read?
We've discussed what we are reading, but what do you want to read? Is there anything you are hardpressed to find? Is the current marketplace barren of fresh material in your favourite genre? Are you satisfied with what you are reading now? What do you think is missing or lacking at the moment? Not enough short story anthologies? etc.

lizzy 11-25-2005 03:54 PM

well, the only library that my hickass town has, has mostly christian books. i have to go to paris to get a decent book. however, i wish there were more books about certain bands. instead of getting false info about a band on the internet, you could get a book with facts.

TheKorovaMilkbar 11-27-2005 11:41 PM

Lots of books. I really would like to read Fight Club.

winged_dreams 11-28-2005 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Santarea
I feel that there is a lacking of gothic fiction (not to sound cliche`) but we have to make do with Splatterpunk and the classicds (not complaining)- but there is a gap that should be filled with thw aesthetic, mysterious, joint-pulling prose that died when Poppy Z. went mainstream,....

I certainly agree.

xXambivalenceXx 11-30-2005 05:39 PM

I'd like to re-read Steal This Book by Abby(sp?) Hoffman, and another book entitled The Day No Pigs Would Die. I'm not sure what it's about, but it's banned from my school library, hence the interest.

Saya 11-30-2005 07:22 PM

Someone gave me a copy of The Day No Pigs Would Die. Wasn't interested enough to read it, but hey, if its banned, it has to be good, right? ^_^
I want to read The Princess Bride (it was my favourite movie when I was little), and our bookstore has a horrible Manga selection. Its pricy and they don't update series at all. Oh, and I cannot for the life of me find The Once and Future King by T.H.White. I've been wanting to read it since I was twelve.

Scythan 11-30-2005 08:08 PM

I would like there to be more good quality science fiction being written. I find that I am running out of older ones, and not enough new ones are being written.

Scythan 11-30-2005 09:07 PM

Yes, at one point I had read every single book of his that I could find. It's been long enough so that if I came across one again, I would enjoy it as if it were completely new. I'm thinking of starting a collection of his books.

Beowulf 01-31-2006 02:47 PM

I would like to read some Clive Barker (Horror writer) stories, but does anyone have any books to reccomend ?.

ennui 01-31-2006 02:56 PM

A number of years ago, I went on a Barker frenzy, but oddly enough the book a liked best wasn't one of his horror ones but a fantasy epic. This is also strange because I am not a big fantasy novel reader. Anyway, I recommend Weaveworld.

Here it is at Amazon where you can look inside and read a few pages. I love that feature. :) Plus there is a list here of Clive Barker books for you to peruse. Happy Reading.

Empty_Purple_Stars 01-31-2006 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by ennui
A number of years ago, I went on a Barker frenzy, but oddly enough the book a liked best wasn't one of his horror ones but a fantasy epic. This is also strange because I am not a big fantasy novel reader. Anyway, I recommend Weaveworld.

Here it is at Amazon where you can look inside and read a few pages. I love that feature. :) Plus there is a list here of Clive Barker books for you to peruse. Happy Reading.

Imajica is still my favorite of his novels.

Can't rant about it enough. It's just that friggin good. It makes me Foamy.

I'm afraid I will immediately starting humping his leg when I meet him..

Which would NOT be good.

He's a Demi-God..


sensuous0mar 01-31-2006 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Xnguela
Fight club is teh awesome...

As odd as this sounds, I'd be interested to read Mein Kampf. No worries, I'm not a Nazi, but it would be interesting.

I have read Mein Kampf. It was absolutely riveting. Thank you Mr. Hitler, for your fascinating dictation!

VampGrrl 01-31-2006 09:38 PM

Probably the next thing I buy will be The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. A friend recommended it and it looks fascinating.

JuliaGaltic 01-31-2006 10:06 PM

Wow, a lot of good recomendations in here. I LOVED Imajica! :D

Xng, I'm actually reading, and thoroughly enjoying, Split Infinity by Piers Anthony at the moment.

Scythan, you sound like you've read a lot of sci-fi type books already but, I'll go ahead and give you my recomendations. Have you read any Robert A. Heinlein? My favorites by him are: Stranger in a Strange Land and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. Ender's Shadow and the ensuing books by Orson Scott Card were also good reads for me, and, of course, Imajica by Clive Barker.

When I'm done with The Apprentice Adept trilogy, I'd like to read Memoirs of a Geisha.

WolfMoon 02-01-2006 09:03 AM

My favorite Piers Anthony book is 'On A Pale Horse'. The series kinda goes down hill after that one, but that book is hilarious.

And I'm more into Clive Barker's shorts stories than his novels. I'm thinking I might just read Imjica one day. It was a recommendation by my mom, as were the Lumley novels I never read.

Empty_Purple_Stars 02-01-2006 09:34 AM

Imajica has a very slow start, but be sure to press on through. It's totally worth it. I have never seen another writer, combine the elements of Erotica and unimaginable Horror, the way Barker does in this novel.

It sexzie and sad and horrifying and wonderfully disturbing, all at the same time.

Did anyone know that Piers Anthony wrote one Erotic Horror novel?

It's called Firefly and it's definitely worth the read. Also sexzie, but in an extremely fucked up way.

My kind of book!!!

sensuous0mar 02-01-2006 09:54 AM

I am always reading christopher moore books...but what I'd really like to read is some Harry Potter. Seriously, I haven't read any of the books. I have seen the movies, but it is high time I read some of that kinky preteen witchcraft shit.

JuliaGaltic 02-01-2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
...Did anyone know that Piers Anthony wrote one Erotic Horror novel?

It's called Firefly and it's definitely worth the read. Also sexzie, but in an extremely fucked up way.

My kind of book!!!

Thank you for the tip! It sounds like my kind of book as well. :D

Has anyone read the Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice? Is it any good? I've always been kind of curious about it.

Empty_Purple_Stars 02-01-2006 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by JuliaGaltic
Thank you for the tip! It sounds like my kind of book as well. :D

Has anyone read the Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice? Is it any good? I've always been kind of curious about it.

I liked them very much. But you should have a penchant for being aroused by Domination or Submission, to truly enjoy them.

Beauty gets punished alot.

Here's a link to the series on Amazon:

Sleeping Beauty Series

I can also reccommend Exit to Eden that she wrote under the Pen Name of Anne Rampling. Ignore the fact that it was made and assraped into a TERRIBLE movie, and a comedy at that, which this book is NOT!!

It is erotic and perverted and amazing and sorrowful all at the same time. It is the love stroy of Elliot and Lisa, and a most original love story at that. It is still my favorite of her books. Can't reccommend it highly enough. Plus it covers just about every arousing fetish in the universe, besides the gross stuff. All in all, totally worth the read.

Exit to Eden

Lastly, the the other bit of Erotica she wrote, was Belinda. I also enjoyed it very much. You must suspend your own conventions a bit reading it, but like the movie The Professional, you adapt with the characters as they grow together. I guess you could call it her attempt at writing a "L O L I T A" type novel.


Not related to Anne Rice, my most favorite Erotica of all time is Story of O. If you haven't read it, buy it, read it and then read it again. It is alot more hardcore, and not for those who aren't at least intrigued by the darker aspects of S&M. It is beautifully written, and wonderfully tragic. You'll definitely find yourself with hands shaking and thighs trembling more than once while reading it.

Story of O

Happily Moist Reading!!

JuliaGaltic 02-01-2006 11:53 AM

Wow, well now I have all kinds of new reading material to go out and buy.
EPS, you have just made my bf a very happy man... he's going to have me jumping on him as soon as he gets home for a while... ;)

WolfMoon 02-02-2006 10:29 AM

Awwww man! I just relized I've got an ever-growing list of books to read and never any time to read. Not to mention getting out to a bookstore.

Blast it all.

Jane13 02-14-2006 07:09 PM

The Brothers Karmanov

Notes From Underground

Ender's Game

Ender's Shadow



... and the list goes on...

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