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Andrias 04-15-2013 06:23 PM

Boston Bombing

Two bombs exploded near the crowded finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing three people and injuring more than 125 others in a terrifying scene of broken glass, smoke and severed limbs, authorities said.

Police found and defused at least one other explosive device. Law enforcement sources tell CBS News correspondent Bob Orr that authorities found one other device that is intact and has not been detonated.

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller reports that a Saudi national is being questioned by authorities. He was seen "acting suspiciously" running from the explosion, and a civilian chased him down and tackled him. He was turned over to Boston police and is being questioned by the FBI. He is being cooperative and denies any involvement.

"This could mean a lot, or this could mean very little," Miller said. "It's too soon to call him a suspect."

Miller reported earlier that authorities are also reviewing surveillance video that shows a man from behind carrying two backpacks near the site of the explosions. Authorities are not sure whether the subject in the video is linked to the blasts.

Boston police say no suspect has been taken into custody.

There was no word on the motive or who may have launched the attack, and authorities in Washington said there was no immediate claim of responsibility.

An FBI official told CBS News that officials are going to sweep the entire length of the marathon to look for any additional devices or any evidence they may find.

A third incident at the John F. Kennedy Library a few miles away and more than an hour later was initially believed to be another explosive device, but library and police officials later said it was an unrelated fire. No one was injured.

The twin blasts at the race took place almost simultaneously and about 100 yards apart, tearing limbs off numerous people, knocking spectators and at least one runner off their feet, shattering windows and sending smoke rising over the street.

Demi Clark, a runner from North Carolina who said she was the crossing finish line as the first blast went off, told that "blood was everywhere instantly."

"Nobody knew what to do - after the second one went off we were like, 'the city's under attack,'" Clark said.

Boston bombing witnesses: In their own words

As people wailed in agony, bloody spectators were carried to a medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners.

"They just started bringing people in with no limbs," said Tim Davey, of Richmond, Va. He said he and his wife, Lisa, tried to keep their children's eyes shielded from the gruesome scene.

"They just kept filling up with more and more casualties," Lisa Davey said. "Most everybody was conscious. They were very dazed."

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Obama on Boston bombings: "We don't know who did this or why"

President Obama said the United States does not know "who did this or why" but vowed that whoever is responsible "will feel the full weight of justice."

"We will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable," Mr. Obama said.

James Minicucci, who was arriving in Boston by car to meet friends at the finish line when the explosions happened, told that the scene was "chaotic."

"Some guy told us it was really bad, that several people lost their legs, there were amputations and not to go through to finish line area," Minicucci said.

Some 27,000 runners took part in the 26.2-mile race, one of the world's premier marathons and one of Boston's biggest annual events. According to BuzzFeed, 17,584 finished before it was cancelled at 2:57p.m.

Boston Marathon map updated with JFK Library location CBSNews/Stamen

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis asked people to stay indoors or go back to their hotel rooms and avoid crowds as bomb squads checked parcels and bags left along the race route.

The Federal Aviation Administration barred low-flying aircraft from within 3.5 miles of the site.

"There are people who are really, really bloody," said Laura McLean, a runner from Toronto, who was in the medical tent being treated for dehydration when she was pulled out to make room for victims.

Boston blasts prompt major cities to step up security
Washington responds to Boston Marathon bombings
Google launches Boston Marathon person finder

About two hours after the winners crossed the line, there was a loud explosion on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the photo bridge that marks the finish line. Another explosion could be heard a few seconds later.

39 Photos
Deadly explosions at Boston Marathon

Julia Morawoski, who was about 10 meters from the second explosion, told that many spectators didn't panic until the second blast.

"We all started to push the barriers down to get onto the middle of the street," she said. "People were trying to get away from the buildings - they were scared a third one was going to come. And when I turned around I could just see bloody bodies on the street, right near where we were standing."

CBS Boston station WBZ-TV reports one blast blew out the windows of a Marathon Sports store on Boylston Street.

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Boston hospitals scramble in wake of attacks

The Boston Police Department said three people were killed. Hospitals reported at least 129 injured, at least eight of them critically and at least another seven with "life threatening" injuries. Boston Children's Hospital told CBS News that they are treating 10 patients, including a 2-year-old-boy with a head injury and a 9-year-old girl with leg trauma.

Competitors and race volunteers were crying as they fled the chaos. Authorities went onto the course to carry away the injured while race stragglers were rerouted away from the smoking site.

Roupen Bastajian, a 35-year-old state trooper from Smithfield, R.I., had just finished the race when they put the heat blanket wrap on him and he heard the blasts.

"I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor," he said. "We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. ... At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing."

Smoke rose from the blasts, fluttering through the national flags lining the route of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathon. TV helicopter footage showed blood staining the pavement in the popular shopping and tourist area known as the Back Bay.

Cherie Falgoust was waiting for her husband, who was running the race.

"I was expecting my husband any minute," she said. "I don't know what this building is ... it just blew. Just a big bomb, a loud boom, and then glass everywhere. Something hit my head. I don't know what it was. I just ducked."

Runners who had not finished the race were diverted straight down Commonwealth Avenue and into a family meeting area, according to an emergency plan that had been in place.

The Boston Marathon honored the victims of the Newtown, Conn., shooting with a special mile marker in Monday's race.

Boston Athletic Association president Joanne Flaminio previously said there was "special significance" to the fact that the race is 26.2 miles long and 26 people died at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
3 dead at the time of this writing, + 141 injured, some seriously. :(
So far the only "suspect" police are looking for is a darker skinned or black male...

It's true, life is a horror movie, I ./quit

Jaye Jang 04-15-2013 11:27 PM

Holy cow. This is terrible news. And you're right, Andrias, life is getting scarier every day it seems.

This scared me on a personal level when I read this. My sister runs the Boston Marathon every year and is usually one of the first people over the finish line. The first thought I had was if she was okay. Thankfully, she is, and thankfully for the people around her she's a trauma nurse -- but this is still terrible for her and for them. My heart and prayers go out to these people.

Saya 04-16-2013 07:50 AM

The "suspect is Arab" rumour was started by the NY Post and the Boston police denied it, saying they currently have no suspects. Domestic bombers are notoriously often white males, keep in mind.

Renatus 04-16-2013 08:24 AM

I have a Cousin over in Boston who is a doctor in the ER of one of the hospitals I believe. I've been meaning to call her to see how shes doing, but my better judgement given how busy she might be has deigned otherwise.

AshleyO 04-16-2013 11:59 AM

This was totally done by some white guy. I'm calling it.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what kind of motive would do this.

It's not tactical. There's no economic or combat advantage, so it doesn't really ring as a politically militant move.

It just seems really pointless. I can't imagine why anyone would even think it was worth it to bomb a marathon. And none of it makes sense.

Saya 04-16-2013 02:58 PM

I feel really bad for my Muslim friends, they say whenever they check the news to see if there's any updates they keep thinking, "please, not a Muslim, please, not a Muslim." I really really hope its a white guy, if its a Muslim or PoC, there's going to be hate crimes against those who had nothing to do with it. If its a white guy, we'll probably be like "oh this is why we need mental health care access, poor thing."

I have heard a few people mention that Patriot's Day is auspicious for white supremacist groups, but at the same time I feel like if it was a white supremacist group they'd try to target PoC only.

ETA: Just realized Columbine shootings happened on the 20th (was supposed to be a bombing but they never went off), and the Oklahoma City bombing was on the 19th, the Waco siege ended on the 19th, and the Virginia Tech shooting was on April 16. What's up with April?

Haejin 04-16-2013 03:20 PM

Saw some pictures I would have rather not seen of the injuries. Made me nauseous, and upset, and now I'd rather not think about it.

MissCheyenne 04-17-2013 08:51 AM

I've defreinded a number of people on Fb for posting pictures and jokes about this. It's not funny in the slightest, it's horrific and I refuse to indulge people who want to make light of it in any way. Doesn't matter who did it, it's still a senseless tragedy and I have every sympathy for the victims. They do not deserve to have pictures of themselves severely injured splashed across social media with jokes attached to them. I have no regrets defriending those people and I have told them exactly why I've done it as well.

Haejin 04-17-2013 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by MissCheyenne (Post 756178)
I have no regrets defriending those people and I have told them exactly why I've done it as well.

For some people the only way to deal with things is through making fun of it. I get it, but I don't condone it. So far I haven't seen anything on facebook except condolences, however I stumbled across graphic images on imgur which made me extremely upset. Even if you aren't making fun of a situation, I highly doubt you would want pictures of you spread all over the place if your leg had just been blown off.

MissCheyenne 04-17-2013 09:01 AM

I get that Jin but these were really nasty jokes and a lot of political posturing about the USA deserving everything it gets. I won't allow bollocks like that to be bandied around when the only victims here are innocent people. I could kinda get my head round people making jokes to relieve tension but this was just people being nasty and there's no excuse or reason for that.

AshleyO 04-18-2013 04:41 PM

FBI released photos of their suspects.

Yep. Their suspects are white guys.

Saya 04-18-2013 05:40 PM

One definitely is, I can't really tell with the other guy. Its too blurry.

AshleyO 04-18-2013 10:58 PM

Clearly what we have here is a white guy and Predator.

Saya 04-19-2013 04:56 AM

^I admit I laughed

Also this feels like a bad movie now:

Saya 04-19-2013 05:10 AM

Gaaaah the AP is reporting they're Russian, but talking about how they're from near Chechnya and talking about how there's Islamic insurgency there.

Saya 04-19-2013 07:44 AM

Of course, TMZ found a way to blame it on black people.

Haejin 04-19-2013 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 756227)

Of course, TMZ found a way to blame it on black people.

Oh good lord.

Solumina 04-19-2013 01:40 PM

I just do not have an adequate response for that

Jonathan 04-19-2013 05:55 PM

Seeing more and more sources stating the suspect is wounded, and in custody. Not nearly wounded enough, but at least with this one there's a chance of maybe learning something.

Murder.Of.Crows 04-19-2013 07:53 PM

I don't see how people are making tge conclusion this was a terroist attack. All information suggest they were pissed off teens. Im just waiting for everyone to start saying we need to attack Russia.

Saya 04-19-2013 08:01 PM

I'm also amused/enraged by how people are trying to say they're not white. Fox News apparently has said that Chechens are not caucasians. Not like they're from Caucasus or anything.

I agree that the Muslim angle doesn't really work because from what the media has dug up, they liked stuff that supported the uprisings in Chechnya. I don't get what that has to do with the Boston Marathon.

And their friends are saying they weren't that observant, like they were pot smokers (technically haraam).

Jonathan 04-19-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Murder.Of.Crows (Post 756240)
I don't see how people are making tge conclusion this was a terroist attack. All information suggest they were pissed off teens. Im just waiting for everyone to start saying we need to attack Russia.

I don't follow - this is pretty clearly an act of terrorism, particularly the whole violence targeting / disregarding the safety of non-combatants (ie people at a frigging race). Is it politically motivated? Religious? Who knows, it is a mystery! Still terrorism.

If it's state sponsored terrorism, that could be a different matter. Assuming nobody slips this guy some polonium-210 or whatever the current political assassination coctail of choice is these days we might even find something out. That is rather unlikely. If it turns out to be the case, it's a legitimate reason for war.

I'm glad they weren't observant, several of the devices they built failed to go off. Better attention to detail and they* could have hurt more people or possibly even gotten away with it.

*Allegedly, since not convicted or whatever.

Andrias 04-20-2013 10:00 AM

Ok, so the suspect is caught, will be tried in federal court, with no Miranda rights:

It's a 19 year old kid, who's to say he wasn't deeply influenced/brainwashed by his older brother, a grown man who was shot dead the other day.

Regardless it's pretty much a "guarantee" he will get the death penalty, since he will be stripped of his U.S. citizen ship and tried as an "enemy combatant". Because apparently barbaric blood lust works :confused: The people want to see someone dead for this crime, doesn't matter who.

What is he were 17? Would he be exempt from the death penalty?

Oh well, let the media circus continue, the show must go on...

Saya 04-20-2013 11:02 AM

Source? Everything I'm seeing says he will be tried as a civilian in Mass.

They legally can't try him as an enemy combatant, he's a citizen, was caught on US soil by civilian authorities, and at this point he has no connection to a foreign country or terrorist organization.

Murder.Of.Crows 04-20-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jonathan (Post 756258)
I don't follow - this is pretty clearly an act of terrorism, particularly the whole violence targeting / disregarding the safety of non-combatants (ie people at a frigging race). Is it politically motivated? Religious? Who knows, it is a mystery! Still terrorism.

If it's state sponsored terrorism, that could be a different matter. Assuming nobody slips this guy some polonium-210 or whatever the current political assassination coctail of choice is these days we might even find something out. That is rather unlikely. If it turns out to be the case, it's a legitimate reason for war.

I'm glad they weren't observant, several of the devices they built failed to go off. Better attention to detail and they* could have hurt more people or possibly even gotten away with it.

*Allegedly, since not convicted or whatever.

Actually, thats what I was trying to state. There is no indication that this was an attack to achieve a statement. Political or religious. Until otherwise stated, i don't see a difference between this and a school shooting. Which are acts of extreme violence, not terroism. The entire reason i'm avoiding calling this a terroist attack is, because people generally assume it's a group attacking us. And we must grsb our guns and kill the group before they do it again. Individual acts of violence aren't viewed the same way. We right them off as loony and forget it after a few months. I really don't like the idea of people panicking about terroist attacks and jumping for their rifles.

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