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~bLoOd_MoOn~ 08-07-2007 02:32 AM

Ok, so where do I belong?
Well, as much as I would love to claim that I am another one of those people who hate labels, that isn't quite true. I actually appreciate the concept of labels, as long as they're broad. I don't know...I suppose that everything in my world needs to have a certain place and name; it's just the way that I function, so please be kind in your repsonses. Heh, even non-conformists conform together, so, there you go. ;-)

Lately, I've been wondering just how the world would happen to label me. I've been confused, so I've turned back to this board in hopes that some of you will know more about these things than I do since I've just turned 18 and am just now starting to explore the way that I have always wanted to dress and live (I couldn't before because of my religious mother's strict house rules).

All right, so let me get started. These are the possibilities: Gothic, Metalhead, Emo, and Scene. I know that I'm neither Hipster nor Punk, so I don't have to consider those things, and I am doubtful of Emo, though I'll leave that one up there, anyway, just in case I still don't really know what it means to be that way.

Well, I always thought that I was Gothic just because of the way that I prefer to clothe myself, think, and stick to non-conformity. However, I was never too into Gothic music, and now I am hearing from more than one person that Gothicism is all about the music. Personally, I very much prefer heavy metal/death metal to anything else, followed up by regular hardcore and radio rock.

Furthermore, my fashion consists of tight-sleeved black pullovers, faded denim jeans, knee-high black boots, floor-length Matrix-style trench coats, corsets, simple black tank-tops, occasional band shirts, and lots of jewelry. (Everything is black...) My makeup is also Gothic (what I always thought of as Gothic, anyway), usually with heavily outlined eyes and dark lipstick, and my hair is dyed burgundy with my bangs cut into a diagonal line across my forehead that mostly covers one eye. I also have an eyebrow piercing and intend very soon to get more ear piercings and a snakebite, and I also want several tattoos.

My personality: easily-angered, strongly emotional (I'm a bit sensitive and easily offended), but generally outgoing, funny, goofy, and compassionate, with a sometimes sadistic undertone. I'm a nature-freak, and I love writing, art, music, and history.

So, what am I? Just a blend of everything--a mutt?? I seem to have qualities from every label, and now I see why the majority of people just avoid labels altogether. But in the case where a person is curious as to how the rest of the world labels her, what would I be? Can you tell?

Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.

HumanePain 08-07-2007 03:00 AM

"Gothicism". Heh.

I am not disagreeing with the need for labels for things, but in terms of yourself why place a limit on your personal description and expression?

Siouxsie Sioux said it this way:

"So of course I found that 'Goth' tag very limiting and, rightly so, I didn't go along with it. Why would I go along with having two arms and a leg cut off? Why would I allow myself to be like Boxing Helena?"

I love your clothing description by the way.

Tha Duckman 08-07-2007 04:37 AM

Right Where It Belongs.

Smile 08-07-2007 07:01 AM

I don't think any person can be the judge of your label other than yourself. Don't always listen to what others say about being "Gothic". What is "Gothic" to you? Or Emo or Metalhead? That's the question you should be asking yourself.

Porphyria 08-07-2007 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Smile
I don't think any person can be the judge of your label other than yourself. Don't always listen to what others say about being "Gothic". What is "Gothic" to you? Or Emo or Metalhead? That's the question you should be asking yourself.

I don't really agree with that. People started calling me "goth" when I was about 13 and, after I figured out what it meant, I just kind of accepted it. I never set out to be one thing or another (except I did try really hard to dress like Death from the comic books), but I still ended up being something to other people. Everyone has a label for everything and, while it's still annoying to me, you can't really escape that.

I think it's best that you just do whatever makes you comfortable without too much regard to what label you're going for. Once you establish yourself, people will inevitably assign you to some sort of category. Just be sure to act really annoyed and never give a straight answer when people ask stupid questions like, "Are you a gothic?"

Smile 08-07-2007 07:40 AM

You have a point, Porphyria, but coming from my own experiences, people can often mislead you.

Breathless Horror 08-07-2007 08:03 AM

The way I see it, who cares what people call you. I have been called emo, punk, goth, and a psychopath (apparently clothing hints at mental stability?). As long as YOU know who you are no one else matters. I myself am a goth with a strong appreciation for metal, does that me "less goth" than others? Some would say yes, others no. Just be yourself and don't worry about it, you'll be happier.

Smile 08-07-2007 08:10 AM

I too have been called psycho...I like it though :)

Vyvian Blackthorne 08-07-2007 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by ~bLoOd_MoOn~
All right, so let me get started. These are the possibilities: Gothic, Metalhead, Emo, and Scene. I know that I'm neither Hipster nor Punk, so I don't have to consider those things, and I am doubtful of Emo, though I'll leave that one up there, anyway, just in case I still don't really know what it means to be that way.

Good goth...Alright, he's the problem. While myself as a goth appreciates outsiders willing to dig deeper into our culture, I must point out that, in reading the words 'MetillHead' and 'Emo' in the same sentece, one can determine you have no idea of any of these subcultures. Had you researched a bit on each topic, it'd be visible that none of these have anything in common.
Oi. You see, our subculture is not something you can simply pick up in a rack at a CD store. It's something much different. If you trully identify with goth aesthetics, then I apologise. In fact, that is one step closer to knowledge of our subculture.


Originally Posted by ~bLoOd_MoOn
Well, I always thought that I was Gothic just because of the way that I prefer to clothe myself, think, and stick to non-conformity. However, I was never too into Gothic music, and now I am hearing from more than one person that Gothicism is all about the music. Personally, I very much prefer heavy metal/death metal to anything else, followed up by regular hardcore and radio rock.

Gothic would be a term moreso for literature and the music general; Goth would be the modernised term. And, regarding the music scene, our culture IS established on a musical genre. Yet this is easily stereotyped for what goth is.
Only so much can be expressed through the goth music. And, I hope you do not consider Doom/Death/Heavy/Cliche Metill gothic or goth. Even the term Gothic Metal does not have anything goth within it.


Furthermore, my fashion consists of tight-sleeved black pullovers, faded denim jeans, knee-high black boots, floor-length Matrix-style trench coats, corsets, simple black tank-tops, occasional band shirts, and lots of jewelry. (Everything is black...) My makeup is also Gothic (what I always thought of as Gothic, anyway), usually with heavily outlined eyes and dark lipstick, and my hair is dyed burgundy with my bangs cut into a diagonal line across my forehead that mostly covers one eye. I also have an eyebrow piercing and intend very soon to get more ear piercings and a snakebite, and I also want several tattoos.
The fashion does not define my subculture either. You see, while goth's outlook is stereotyped to be all about fashion (while I do admit to appreciation toward maintenance) by the media and general mundanes, if you will.
I am also a bit curious; what bands would you consider goth? As I mentioned goth is not all about music. Yet the acknowledgement of goth's foundation is important. Whether you like the bands or not. Keep in mind I'm critizing you in the slightest bit, I am wondering because I, at least when first reading of this, do not exactly think that someone can be Goth, and Emo, and a Metiller...


So, what am I? Just a blend of everything--a mutt?? I seem to have qualities from every label, and now I see why the majority of people just avoid labels altogether. But in the case where a person is curious as to how the rest of the world labels her, what would I be? Can you tell?

Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.
From what I understand, given the unspecified details, one can assume you're not any. Yet I feel that the majority of what you're speaking of is in fact that of a goth narrative. :) But what I suggest is to do REAL research on goth, emo, and Metillers and then see what you think defines you the most specific. I'd suggest starting out with Goth with a Sledghammer.

Goth Forever
Goth Forever
Goth Forever

Methadrine 08-07-2007 08:31 AM

If anything else fails, there's always that horrible label: alternative.


Vyvian Blackthorne 08-07-2007 08:32 AM

Get on MSN Meth :(

Oi. Alternative. Again?

Goth Forever
Goth Forever
Goth Forever

maggot 08-07-2007 09:46 AM

Sadly, yes. You are an alt.kid. suck.

Underwater Ophelia 08-07-2007 09:46 AM

I really wouldn't worry about it. You listen to metal, dress kinda goth, but overall seem emo to me.

But does any of that even matter? No. I am of the mind that labels are definitely a good thing, because they easily describe many aspects of one's person with one word, but you shouldn't use them to find out "where you belong."

If someone wants to call you any of those things, don't freak out, but don't bathe in it, either. Just listen to the music you like, regardless if it "fits" or not, dress however you want, and just don't worry about it.

For instance, one day I could being wearing three floor length spiderweb lace black skirts (that I made myself) a beautiful Victorian blouse, black Victorian corset, and mourning veil (that I made myself) with pointed boots. I'd make even Vyv drool (lol :))
But the very next day, I'll wear a bright green halter top with HOT HOT pink UFO pants. Not very goth at all.
But I'm happier than I've ever been.

My point is, just wear or listen to or be whatever you want at the very moment.

Totschläger 08-07-2007 09:59 AM

People call me phycopath. Well, they can't always be wrong.

Underwater Ophelia 08-07-2007 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Totschläger
People call me phycopath. Well, they can't always be wrong.

You're not a psychopath.

delicti 08-07-2007 10:56 AM

I appreciate the attempt to intellectualize your identity, but I don't think that asking other people to label yourself is the best way to do it.

You really should figure out who *you* are, before you try to get a music genre to do it for you. You're likely to just end up mindlessly jumping from scene to scene, until you eventually realize that none of them are well suited (or intended) to be a framework for identity; and then quit all of them in a huff, embarrassing only yourself in the process.

~bLoOd_MoOn~ 08-07-2007 02:58 PM

Well, thank you all for your opinions/advice. Even though most of you had varied responses, I can still see how each of you is correct.


I am also a bit curious; what bands would you consider goth? As I mentioned goth is not all about music. Yet the acknowledgement of goth's foundation is important.
As for what style of music that I would think is Gothic (and that I do listen to on occasion) would be Bauhaus, The Cruxshadows, and Black Ice, as well as lesser known bands like The Shroud. I mean, perhaps I'm wrong with some of those, but that's what I would think, and those are the few that I really do enjoy.


And, I hope you do not consider Doom/Death/Heavy/Cliche Metill gothic or goth. Even the term Gothic Metal does not have anything goth within it.
No, no I most certainly do not. That's not what I was saying at all.


I am wondering because I, at least when first reading of this, do not exactly think that someone can be Goth, and Emo, and a Metiller...
That is not what I was suggesting. I was wondering WHICH of those I fit into most appropriately, and I already mentioned that I was more than doubtful of Emo. I lean mainly on either Gothic or Metalhead.

And as it has been brought up by a few of you, I will answer the question of what I think Gothic, Emo, and Metalheads are.

Gothic: it's a state of mind, where an individual can appreciate the darker aspects of life without thinking of them as "bad," and it is a subculture of non-conformity, where those within it don't care one way or the other for how the rest of mainstream society thinks that they should be acting. Plus, it's about the music, obviously, since it began with the music, and it is about Gothic art and writing, both of which are defined as "Gothic" by once again fitting the description above, and usually focusing on things like love, pain, loss, etc. Then, at last, it can be and usually is also accompanied by a certain style of dress. So, that is my own off-the-top-of-my-head definition. Am I totally off key?

Metalhead: also a non-conformist subculture which is based more primarily on the style of music (metal), and can also be represented by a style of dress, which, in some ways, can look similar to "Gothic" styles of dress, though definitely not entirely.

Emo: once again, it's a non-conformist subculture, in which the people feel as if the whole world is against them. The music associated with Emos often talks about loss, hate, pain, depression, etc. Self-mutilation is very common, and a certain style is also associated with them, including the ever-popular hair-in-the-face look so that they can "hide" their pain. Since the only thing that I really have in common with Emos is the hair and occasional moodiness/depression, I don't really consider this a true option, so, please ignore the fact that I even included it. I'm not exactly sure why I did...

Anyway, tell me if I'm wrong with any of that, as I'm sure that I am. After all, I've just recently started trying to really discern the big differences between all the subcultures, and everything that I've just stated is from memory, so I might have mixed something up...

And, you're all right: Of course I must figure this out for myself. I was just curious as to what YOU all would consider me. There's nothing worse than considering yourself one thing while the rest of the world considers you another. Me? I guess that I'm still comfortable calling myself Gothic. I apologize if some of you disagree very strongly, and I'm sorry if I offend you with my thought-process, but, there it is. ^_^

Apathy's_Child 08-07-2007 03:05 PM

Why do you care? If you can slap a label on yourself that encapsulates everything you like then youe tastes probably lack diversity. If it doesn't then it probably doesn't represent you fully anyway.

~bLoOd_MoOn~ 08-07-2007 03:10 PM

Well, that's the thing. Nothing represents me entirely. Still, like someone else mentioned, others are going to put me into some category or another, anyway, and all I want to know is which one are they going to choose? Like I've said, I would consider myself to be my own style of Gothic (everybody has their own style, of course; otherwise, like you said, there wouldn't be diversity).

Apathy's_Child 08-07-2007 03:14 PM

Well then, I wouldn't worry too much about choosing one label. Your taste is comprised of many a genre which is the best way to be IMO. You're you. Fuck whatever label other people give you. You're not a can of spaghetti.

~bLoOd_MoOn~ 08-07-2007 03:19 PM

Okay, thanks...I think? LoL.

Apathy's_Child 08-07-2007 03:22 PM

What, about not being a can of spaghetti? You're more than welcome.

Unless you ARE a can of spaghetti? If you are I apologise. I have nothing against spaghetti. In fact I sometimes wish I was one. Life would be simpler. Unless you got eaten and integrated into the body of someone you hate. That'd blow.

~bLoOd_MoOn~ 08-07-2007 03:24 PM

*is laughing at the thought of being a can of spaghetti*

No, no, I don't think that I am. But I love spaghetti! (Er...Sorry for the random thought...If anyone's willing to revive this topic anymore, then go for it. :D)

Vyvian Blackthorne 08-07-2007 03:33 PM

Good goth again!

Oi. Come on now pee-pel. Label is the only label. Why must people shut off self-awareness with, 'ehey nigga dun l4b3l urself. pwned bish'?

Thank you very much, Blood Moon, for your clarfications. Seeing as this domain still remains abit for me to post this, I am convinced you are a in fact among all three subcultures. I put so many questions on you because I still have a hard time being convinced these days because of all the marketers art-molesting our subcultures' aesthetic with emo, etc.

Hm. Well decide for your own self. Whatever you are comfortable in, and whatever you feel right with. And Ophie: Ya rly?

Goth Forever
Goth Forever
Goth Forever

Clockwork 08-07-2007 03:35 PM

Me eyes... I can't read through this all.

I hate to think of Goth as a label. Labels are petty, superficial things tossed meaninglessly around a high school cafeteria. There is so much more to our subculture than that, and calling it a label is demeaning in my opinion.

But I see that you're seeking enlightenment, and I cannot hate anyone who does that, even if their methods are a bit awry. My advice: research, read, and learn about what all of these are. It is obvious that you have confused Emo with Scene. But most importantly, don't use labels to define yourself. If anything, use them as loose descriptions, but not as the end-all. Be your damn self. Ech...

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