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CptSternn 08-10-2006 01:30 AM

[quote ="binkie"]
calls Americans in general (of which he is one by dual citizenship); fat, stupid, and ugly,[/quote]

This thread, was started, just to prove yet another point.

I once again have been acused of calling americans fat, stupid, and ugly. I'll be honest, I've neevr said ugly, although on a personal note, I don't find fat people attractive, but hey, thats just me.

So, once again, I point out, I haven't called anyone anything. I think posting articles on news topics for discussion is merely a way to jump start a discussion rather than attack a people. Especially when I didn't write the article.

So, without further waiting, a few articles which obviously means I think americans are fat and stupid.

More Americans too fat for X-rays, scans


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More and more obese people are unable to get full medical care because they are either too big to fit into scanners, or their fat is too dense for X-rays or sound waves to penetrate, radiologists reported on Tuesday.

With 64 percent of the U.S. population either overweight or obese, the problem is worsening, but it represents a business opportunity for equipment makers and hospitals, said Dr. Raul Uppot, a radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.

"We noticed over the past couple of years that obesity was playing a role in our ability to see these images clearly," Uppot said in a telephone interview.

Radiologists have their own term for it when writing up reports: "These images are limited due to body habitus."

Uppot's team looked for this phrase in radiology reports from 1989 to 2003. These included standard X-rays, computer assisted X-rays known as CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).

These scans are used to look for tumors, blood clots, broken limbs and other injuries and diseased organs.

"Overall, 7,778 or 0.15 percent of 5,253,014 reports were habitus limited," they wrote in the August issue of the journal Radiology.

"It essentially doubled over the last 15 years," Uppot said.

The researchers looked more closely at the records of 200 of the patients, who weighed, on average, 239 pounds (108 kg).

"It is a major issue because ... the patient may still have a tumor, the patient may have appendicitis, the patient may have other inflammatory processes," Uppot said.

"This is affecting radiologists all over the country."


Ultrasounds are most affected, Uppot said.

"In an obese person because the ultrasound beam does not get to the organs or get to them adequately enough we cannot get a picture. It looks like a snowstorm -- I don't know if you have seen those televisions where it is just whiteout? It looks like that."

An MRI can get a good picture if the patient can fit into the tube or get onto the table, Uppot said. Some manufacturers have started to make MRI machines with larger bore holes, but with the cost in the millions of dollars per machine, only large groups or institutions can afford them.

Siemens Medical Solutions of Siemens AG has seen the market potential. "Increase Your Physician Referral Base with 1.5 Tesla MRI for Obese and Claustrophobic Patients" the company says on its Internet website

"It is a market out there. People who are taking advantage of it are making money," Uppot said. "We are in the process of buying and installing three of these machines."

One problem is with gastric bypass surgery, where the patients are by definition obese, Uppot said.

"If there is some complication -- abdominal pain or and infection or fever -- they are invariably at higher risk of not being able to be imaged with a CT or MRI," Uppot said.

"For the surgeon, he doesn't want to take the patient back to surgery to explore to see what the problem is," he added.

"For the patient, not knowing what is going on is a big issue. If you tell a patient 'I am sorry -- we just can't sit you on our CAT scanner', that is devastating to hear."


Study: Geography Greek to young Americans

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- After more than three years of combat and nearly 2,400 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map, a study released Tuesday showed.

The study found that less than six months after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, 33 percent could not point out Louisiana on a U.S. map.

The National Geographic-Roper Public Affairs 2006 Geographic Literacy Study paints a dismal picture of the geographic knowledge of the most recent graduates of the U.S. education system.

"Taken together, these results suggest that young people in the United States ... are unprepared for an increasingly global future," said the study's final report.

"Far too many lack even the most basic skills for navigating the international economy or understanding the relationships among people and places that provide critical context for world events."

The study, which surveyed 510 young Americans from December 17 to January 20, showed that 88 percent of those questioned could not find Afghanistan on a map of Asia despite widespread coverage of the U.S.-led overthrow of the Taliban in 2001 and the political rebirth of the country.

In the Middle East, 63 percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map, and 75 percent could not point out Iran or Israel. Forty-four percent couldn't find any one of those four countries.

Inside the United States, "half or fewer of young men and women 18-24 can identify the states of New York or Ohio on a map [50 percent and 43 percent, respectively]," the study said.

On the positive side, the study noted, seven in 10 young Americans correctly located China on a map, even though they had a number of misconceptions about that country. Forty-five percent said China's population is only twice that of the United States. It's actually four times larger than the U.S. population.

When the poll was conducted in 2002, "Americans scored second to last on overall geographic knowledge, trailing Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and Sweden," the report said.

The release of the 2006 study coincides with the launch of the National Geographic-led campaign called "My Wonderful World." A statement on the program said it was designed to "inspire parents and educators to give their kids the power of global knowledge."

AND finally...

Tenn. gov. pushes for 'Wal-Mart degrees'


NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen wants the state to do a better job at preparing students for careers at Wal-Mart. But he's not talking about stocking shelves or checking out customers at the retail giant.

Instead, Bredesen wants to tailor community college programs to offer courses on retail management.

Bredesen, a Democrat, pitched his proposal on how to address a management shortage at big-box retail stores on a recent trip to Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s headquarters in Bentonville, Ark.

While no formal arrangement has been struck, Bredesen and Wal-Mart officials agreed to work on developing a curriculum.

Bredesen told The Associated Press he would consider an arrangement where community colleges teach Wal-Mart-specific skills, if the company would agree to guarantee jobs for graduates with good grades.


CptSternn 08-10-2006 01:43 AM

So, once again, I'm blamed for americans, over 64% being overweight. It's wrong to say most americans are overwieght, when they are?

It's wrong to point out that the number of fat bastards who can't even fit in to xray machines has doubled in the last decade and rising at an exponential rate?

Furthermore, most american students, 88% can't find Afghanistan on a map? 44% can't fina ANY countries in the middle east?

And I'm the bad guy for pointing out articles on this?

America ranks next to DEAD LAST in the world in geography, and pretty low as well in most other subjects, based on their own studies.

And thats my fault how? I mean, your politicians are trying to setup the public school system to fill jobs at WAL-MART - isn't that admitting defeat? Knowing students will never become anything more than a clerk at the local wal-mart, and using the public education system to merely fill the lowest jobs available in the country because they know the students there will never rise to anything above a wal-mart employee - in fact they just put them there when they are old enough to work there is just sad.

But hey, I'm obviously just attacking americans here. Because I incorrectly claim they are fat, stupid, and ugly.

Binkie - Show me an article or some facts that disprove my statements. I mean, you contintually tell em I'm wrong, but have never posted anything to disprove what is here.

Also, whats your weight/height ratio? We could start by disproving all americans are fat by telling us how much you weigh? I mean, I'm 6'2" and 200lbs. I work out daily, and have the body to show for it. I also have more degrees than a thermometer, but hey, I'm not american.

But seriously, are you arguing that most americans are NOT fat? Not stupid? AND attractive?

Have you ever sat at the local food court in yer local mall and watched the Noah's Ark parade of ugly that streams by? All american telly is now filled with beauty products. Everytime mate of mine send me shows they record from the states they are chocked full of adverts - and over half are for beauty products. Judging by the groups ye see trapzing through the local malls I now know why.

Don't Look Behind You 08-10-2006 04:38 AM

All the above is true, due to my oppinion. But I would never say ALL Amercans are like this. And I wouldn't dwell on the subject too much.

The facts about America's screwed up educational system, their unhealthy food etc., that's all well known.

More desturbing to me WHY all of this is.

I would say it is becuse from the beggining on a sadly large amound of the Americans (including the like of Bush) believed themselves to be something like a warrioir of god on earth. They believed that they were chosen by god to change the world (this started out religiousely, but now I believe is more just grown into the mentality through generations). And that's what they have been doing.
There was no need for them to worry about their education and the production of healthy products. Most imporatnt for them was that everything was fast and didn't take away too much time from money earning and gaining power.
Anyway, they genuenly believe that since they are "chosen" they don't have to work on themselves. They're better and more powerfull anyway.

The above theory probably sounds ridiculous coming form me but I have read a few sociological researches on this subject and they had many good points and also good arguments. I can't recall all of them but I will have a look at who the authors were, if anyone is interested.

When I lived in America I often had to entcounter people that thought the idea of learning an other lanuage was simply stupid becuase "well, all the rest should just learn our language".

So, what I am driving at is, yes, the american culture is disgusting. But not necessarily the Amercians. Most of the american polulation, I am sure, consists of immigrants anyway. So the disgusting part is only how the american culture, which isn't a culture but more a life style, easily converts people and spreads this illusion of "freedom and equality" and being the best that is long not acurate.

So I wouldn't really pick on Americans but on America, and if so then clearly state that not all of them are fat, stupid and ugly.

insertwittyname 08-10-2006 12:18 PM

I agree that the American educational system is a bit shitty, I'm at a poor high school in California and the barest persent of kids even go to a community college, much less pass Algebra II/Trig. Some seniors don't even finish Algebra I. High school teachers are mostly uncaring and lots of the male teachers are horny bastards.

I believe that the parenting is mostly to blame. A lot of the kids families don't care if their children fail a class or get into fights and don't enforce many rules and will let their children live with them forever or kick them out of the house at 18. When I was a child I was praised for good grades and was told when I got bad grades that I'd live on the street digging out of trash cans and other ways that would scare a 1st grader. That sort of rienforcement has givin me the mentality to this day that I'm harming myself if I get a bad grade more than if I were to cut my wrists and that if I work hard enough I can get money that can keep me from the dreaded fate of homelessness.

As for fatness, well it's fast and affordable for the majority of the poor population and the children's metabolism are pretty fast if they are active and not on their ass playing xbox or chatting forever on the computer. The rest of the people have horrible self-restraint. My mother I could see with becoming fat over the years but she's been dieting and excercizing*sp* for 3 years and she looks pretty good. The older generation like mother had to eat retched things as children such as headcheese, boiled turnips and other heinous creations. *mother from large catholic familiy with german mother who had odd tastes* They are finally free from their family, so what do they do? And hey, their kids shouldn't live with the bad foods they ate!

I'm a 15 year old female from LA who is 5' 7" which is average height weighing at 130 pounds who takes Tae Kwon Do and I work out alone every other day. I've had a strong dislike of soda ever since my mother would finally let me drink it whenever I wanted at age 12 and I have fast food once a month.

insertwittyname 08-10-2006 12:30 PM

I'm a 15 year old female from LA who is 5' 7" which is average height weighing at 130 pounds who takes Tae Kwon Do and I work out alone every other day. I've had a strong dislike of soda ever since my mother would finally let me drink it whenever I wanted at age 12 and I have fast food once a month. I am a sophmore this year and am in my last semester of geometry as math comes hard for me and am going to be in Trig in my second semester. I will be in Calculus or the pre class in my senior year. I have a honors class and a AP class.

Not all Americans are fat, ugly, and stupid. If you notice I did not say I was not ugly as that is up to your damn choice and I am not posting my picture on the internet. But think about this. America is made up of many different people across the world and many are pretty and some people may want to stick with their own race. But inevitably we mix together and you can find people with truly unique and beautiful looks other then the classical beauty you find of their parents culture. Some people may look odd, some recognized by all to be beautiful due to people's ideas of beauty becoming so small. It makes me think of Nymphetamine, it is the name of a song done by Cradle of Filth but the word's meaning is perfectly suitable. Addiction to classical beauty.

----sorry about that, i had accidentally clicked post when I was not done.

Maj.Bromley 08-10-2006 12:35 PM

The only reason that America is overweight is a chain of events that start out simply with us being smart and not seeing the side effects. That of being deep frying stuff. It was smart because its cheap and it tasted good. That lead to a lot of people wanting in on this market because of its huge profit margin. That leading to it becoming the dominant food provider in america. That lead to us becoming lazy fat-asses because all we had to do is drive up in our car, say what we want and get what we want. So, with that, we become so lazy that we cannot get healthy food without making an effort to find it. That being organic and whole grown foods.

Binkie 08-10-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by CptSternn
Binkie - Show me an article or some facts that disprove my statements. I mean, you contintually tell em I'm wrong, but have never posted anything to disprove what is here.

Ok... heh, let me just start by saying that if you HONESTLY need me to produce one article of evidence that shows that just one... one SINGLE American isn't "fat and stupid" (because that's all I need to produce to disprove your statement that "ALL Americans are fat and stupid"), well then... just wow. I honestly didn't think someone could be THAT ignorant. Please clarify that this is indeed what you need. Hell, I can walk outside and take a picture of a random person (or just point out a random actress in hollywood) and completely disprove your "fat" statement, then kindly point you towards Richard Feynman for your "stupid" remarks.


Also, whats your weight/height ratio? We could start by disproving all americans are fat by telling us how much you weigh? I mean, I'm 6'2" and 200lbs. I work out daily, and have the body to show for it. I also have more degrees than a thermometer, but hey, I'm not american.
I love how you set this up for another episode of your baseless, "Oh no! You're lying - blah blah blah! You're really like 300 lbs," type of shit slinging when in reality, this isn't about your weight and my weight. It will be interesting to see if you indeed do try to bring that arguement out, considering you've refered to me as a "petite" looking person several times.

At any rate, if you're so inclined to know, I'm 5'11 and weight 132 lbs. Also, you still have dual citzenship, do you not? That'd make you American. And the last time I checked the CDC's statistics, you are overweight, borderline obese.

So yes, you can call all Americans fat, but the ironic thing is that you are overweight, don't consider yourself American, yet the one American you've targeted with this entire arguement is actually underweight.

insertwittyname 08-10-2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Binkie
Ok... heh, let me just start by saying that if you HONESTLY need me to produce one article of evidence that shows that just one... one SINGLE American isn't "fat and stupid" (because that's all I need to produce to disprove your statement that "ALL Americans are fat and stupid"), well then... just wow. I honestly didn't think someone could be THAT ignorant. Please clarify that this is indeed what you need. Hell, I can walk outside and take a picture of a random person (or just point out a random actress in hollywood) and completely disprove your "fat" statement, then kindly point you towards Richard Feynman for your "stupid" remarks.

I love how you set this up for another episode of your baseless, "Oh no! You're lying - blah blah blah! You're really like 300 lbs," type of shit slinging when in reality, this isn't about your weight and my weight. It will be interesting to see if you indeed do try to bring that arguement out, considering you've refered to me as a "petite" looking person several times.

At any rate, if you're so inclined to know, I'm 5'11 and weight 132 lbs. Also, you still have dual citzenship, do you not? That'd make you American. And the last time I checked the CDC's statistics, you are overweight, borderline obese.

So yes, you can call all Americans fat, but the ironic thing is that you are overweight, don't consider yourself American, yet the one American you've targeted with this entire arguement is actually underweight.

I have to point out this though, I don't like what he said anymore than you do but you are overlooking things.

He says he works out. Muscle mass weighs heavier than body fat. If he has the muscle than he's good, he is healthy and not obese. As for what you said about being underweight, you can be underweight just by having more fat than the average person's muscle mass or just lack of muscle.

insertwittyname 08-10-2006 01:02 PM

Tell us your muscle mass CptSternn and see if we can disprove you are obese, and I wasn't insinuating anything Binkie, I just found what you said to be flawed when trying to disprove him things with too little facts.

Binkie 08-10-2006 02:17 PM

Body Mass Indexing, the tool which calculated Sternn's classification, isn't a direct measurement of body fat. Regardless, the CDC and medical officials classify people as being overweight through this method, despite what percent their muscle mass comprises of this (reference the "BMI for Adults" section on the CDC's site).

Do you see where I'm going with this?

When Sternn references stastitical analysis such as: "With 64 percent of the U.S. population either overweight or obese," suddenly we find that he too fits into that category. Poetic justice, it seems, that Sternn has contributed to those statistics of Americans. We'll see just how willing is to admit that A.) The statistics are flawed and he isn't fat, or B.) He's a fat guy and 64% of Americans are fat too.

insertwittyname 08-10-2006 05:14 PM

I see. I bow to your knowledge.

Outside_Existance 08-11-2006 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by insertwittyname
I see. I bow to your knowledge.

i think its quite entertaining how she knows nothing about politics and hisotrical knowledge but loves it so much.

insertwittyname 08-11-2006 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Outside_Existance
i think its quite entertaining how she knows nothing about politics and hisotrical knowledge but loves it so much.

Shove your pretty ass out of this please. -.- I don't need you making fun of me in this thread in particular.

Outside_Existance 08-11-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by insertwittyname
Shove your pretty ass out of this please. -.- I don't need you making fun of me in this thread in particular.

sorry, you know i love you ^.^

Alaizabel Cray 08-12-2006 01:23 AM

I know plenty of people who live here in America who are perfectly healthy. While 64% is a large number, consider that the remaining 46% are therefore either average or underweight (and there are plenty of underweight people, teens in particular, believe me). It's almost half and half. Still not a good number but you can't look at just one side of things. Besides, if they want to ruin their lives that way let them. And a lot of Americans are plenty smart. Don't let geography statistics prove anything--I assure you they did not ask every student in the country to find Afghanistan on a map. While studies are important, book smarts aren't everything, and a lot of high schools require only a single year of geography; and then a lot of students don't go into geographical careers. Simply, it could very well be an example of "If you don't use it, you lose it". Also, ugly is a matter of personal preference. I'm sorry to hear that they base these statistics on the kids who freaking live in a bubble and don't give a shit about the rest of the world because they're American and somehow that means something huge to them, like they're invincible because of where they were born and/or where they currently reside.

cradle 08-12-2006 06:02 AM

I'm an american, but to me, it's all this "American pride" shit with the American flag stuff hanging off of every house.
Not ALL americans are fat and stupid, but the majority are, and it makes me mad to see people do this to themselves.

"Oh, God bless america and nowhere else!"
People are too full of pride here, and they take advantage of their freedom.

"Oh, were a free country so we are better than you."
No american I know has said this but I'm sure they think it.

Alaizabel stole my words. Stats dont prove shit in my opinion.

And uglt IS a matter of personal preference, I see people every day that are ugly to me, but I'm sure not everyone thinks that. Ugly on the inside is rediculous...everyone's a little ugly on the inside.

Mikhailia 08-12-2006 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by CptSternn
Also, whats your weight/height ratio? We could start by disproving all americans are fat by telling us how much you weigh? I mean, I'm 6'2" and 200lbs. I work out daily, and have the body to show for it. I also have more degrees than a thermometer, but hey, I'm not american.

But seriously, are you arguing that most americans are NOT fat? Not stupid? AND attractive?

Have you ever sat at the local food court in yer local mall and watched the Noah's Ark parade of ugly that streams by? All american telly is now filled with beauty products. Everytime mate of mine send me shows they record from the states they are chocked full of adverts - and over half are for beauty products. Judging by the groups ye see trapzing through the local malls I now know why.

I don't like fat people actually... partially because I was one... my mom used to cook a lot of fattening foods...... but now I am 5 foot six inches and onehundred forty pounds... I feel pretty good about it too because I am mostly muscle. I have a 29 inch waist and 40 in hips... and a 36 bust... I have the coke bottle shape. ^.^ I wish I had a boyish form though, like just straight down with skinny legs and arms... ><

I actually don't hate all fat people. I hate those that make excuses. "It runs inn the family" "I jsut can't lose weight" "I am an emotional eater" I hate those people.... I had to defeat all of those to get down./.. So I don't let people make excuses... I'll just critisize them if they come to me for advise with those excuses....

Morrigan_Dubh 08-13-2006 02:21 AM

LOL best thread ever!!!

Nike 08-13-2006 04:01 AM

my brain hurts.

CptSternn 08-13-2006 05:02 AM

Wow, good responses here.

Binkie -
I never said ALL AMERICANS ARE FAT. I mean, thats what your now trying to switch the argument to - ALL. I just said americans are as a rule fat. The Irish as a rule are Catholic. Africans as a rule are coloured.

When people say AFRICANS you think of a couloured person. Tis normal. Like when they say americans, you think fat. When you think americans, you think english speakers. I'm sure many don't, but as a rule, we know americans just speak english.

And I agree with Maj. A majorty of the fat issue boils right down to coporations and big business - the root of all evil in the states IMHO. You can get a 4 McWhoppers and combi-meals fer less than it takes to cook a proper roast for a family of 4. Of course those meals are chock full of trans-fat, carbs, genetically modified foods, and enough preservatives to keep a mummy pickled.

And thanks to having chippers ( food resturants for those on the other side of the pond) everywhere and selling this stuff CHEAP - it's not helping. That combined with a salt and sugar industry they need to develop its bottom line so it offers incentives to companies producing products on the market to up their sugar/salt content for no other reason than profit.

And yes, xbox/ps2 and all those new toys to keep kids inside aren't helping either. Also, the sports in america - american football, baseball, etc. have nothing on the sports popular elsewhere like soccer, rugby, hurling, hockey, etc. Sports where constant movement and continual play is a factor I think also plays a big roll.

I mean, even the sports popular there are not as healthy as sports in other countries.

And as a few people were saying about bush taking over the world and stuff, I too have issues with that.

I mean, here is my main problem - right now, and well for so time, america has been rated in the top 20 places to live in the world. Not #1 - usually between #13-#25.

I could pull more, but the economist is known for this, and they have a good system. Forbes also ranks cities and has almost the same list.

Life is rated on things like healthcare, transportation, pollution, education, as well as foods, products available, freedoms, etc.

America ranks almost dead last in things like healthcare and education as well as pollution and freedoms.

Yet, they still claim to be 'the best in the world'. Now, normally, that kinda thing doesn't bother anyone. If a handicap kid in the corner wants to wave a big foam finger saying 'I'm #1', no one cares. It's cute. It's when that kid gets a machine gun and goes killing off other people taking their property and resources in efforts to PROVE that they are number one is when people take issue.

Hell, I wouldn't worry half as much about bush trying to destabilise the whole middle east and take it over if his country was as half as good as they claim it is. The fact a nation, with so many short comings and issues is trying to force its corrupted way of life onto a nation half a world away, and then be able to smile at the occupied people and tell them 'we are doing this for your own good' is quite condesending. I mean, Iraq, Iran, etc. were all nations CENTURIES before america was 'discovered' (readin: occupied). And now america one of the greenest, and by green I mean new - as we all know they are by no means eco-friendly, nations in the world is trying to force its way of life onto people across the globe.

It's been done before. Britian tried it. We all know how that went. The sun DID set on their empire, and they are still losing it piece by piece today.

America has entered a new phase of imperialism. With no more resources to exploit on their own shores, with population rising as well as life expectancy, the government needs ways to fund this big broken machine they have created.

Only problem is, fixing it, which IS possible, will transfer power from the people who currently hold it to people unknown. So they are fighting to keep it.

In the meantime, they keep the people at home fat and happy with xbox/ps2, hollywood, telly shows, bias new media, and a cheap abundance of fattening fast food in efforts to placate the masses so they don't notice most of this going on around them.

I think if americans looked at americans from an outside perspective, they would be so digusted they would WANT to change themselves, but due to the new opiates of the masses, they rarely leave the country if at all. Poor education bars most citizens from being able to ever venture outside the states, as well as keeps them out of the political arena.

Much like one said earlier in this thread - 'let others move to america and learn our language' - thats the mindset. Ironically enough, english is the language from england - even their own language was 'taken' from another country.

But I digress. My point being, short and sweet, is that america has many flaws, and should first fix its own problems at home, including all those fat people and under-educated citizens before they start 'liberating' the world and 'teaching' groups of people, who have been around centuries prior to america being there, that their way of life is the 'right' one.

And for reference, my homepage has multiple pictures of me, in various outfits including tight clothes. I workout daily, play rugby, hurling, and kickbox. If you think I look fat tell me - simple enough.

Binkie 08-13-2006 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by CptSternn
Binkie -
I never said ALL AMERICANS ARE FAT. I mean, thats what your now trying to switch the argument to - ALL. I just said americans are as a rule fat. The Irish as a rule are Catholic. Africans as a rule are coloured.

As long as you understand that you're a fat American that has contributed to that stereotype (I saw nothing in your post that denied the fact that you directly contribute to the CDC's stats), it's all good that you make that assertion. I disagree, because I don't think world class body builders constitute as being "morbidly obese" (along with football quarterbacks, fitness coaches, athletes, weight lifters, etc. who's weight is mostly constituted of muscle) but if you want to make that claim, by all means, do so. Of course, that simple fact gives you really no room to complain about people being fat. You need to help yourself loose weight before you complain about other people being overweight. Maybe cut back a little on your "McWhoppers" in-take.

Alaizabel Cray 08-13-2006 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by cradle
I'm an american, but to me, it's all this "American pride" shit with the American flag stuff hanging off of every house.
Not ALL americans are fat and stupid, but the majority are, and it makes me mad to see people do this to themselves.

"Oh, God bless america and nowhere else!"
People are too full of pride here, and they take advantage of their freedom.

"Oh, were a free country so we are better than you."
No american I know has said this but I'm sure they think it.

Alaizabel stole my words. Stats dont prove shit in my opinion.

And uglt IS a matter of personal preference, I see people every day that are ugly to me, but I'm sure not everyone thinks that. Ugly on the inside is rediculous...everyone's a little ugly on the inside.

Yeah, all that crap about "American pride" bugs me too. It's ok to have pride in your country, but a lot of people take it way too far. What's the point in being a free country and being allowed to have opinions about other people and places when you only have respect for yourself and others like you?

CptSternn 08-17-2006 01:03 AM

...And from the wires, a brilliant new poll of americans...

Seven dwarfs more famous than US judges


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three quarters of Americans can correctly identify two of Show White's seven dwarfs while only a quarter can name two Supreme Court Justices, according to a poll on pop culture released on Monday.

According to the poll by Zogby International, commissioned by the makers of a new game show on pop culture called "Gold Rush," 57 percent of Americans could identify J.K. Rowling's fictional boy wizard as Harry Potter, while only 50 percent could name the British prime minister, Tony Blair.

The pollsters spoke to 1,213 people across the United States. The results had a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

Just over 60 percent of respondents were able to name Bart as Homer's son on the television show "The Simpsons," while only 20.5 percent were able to name one of the ancient Greek poet Homer's epic poems, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."

Asked what planet Superman was from, 60 percent named the fictional planet Krypton, while only 37 percent knew that Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

Respondents were far more familiar with the Three Stooges -- Larry, Curly and Moe -- than the three branches of the U.S. government -- judicial, executive and legislative. Seventy-four percent identified the former, 42 percent the latter.

Twice as many people (23 percent) were able to identify the most recent winner of the television talent show "American Idol," Taylor Hicks, as were able to name the Supreme Court Justice confirmed in January 2006, Samuel Alito (11 percent).

Loy 08-17-2006 06:01 AM

So a poll on pop culture fails to turn up any pop-cultural recognition of Supreme Court justices. Big suprise.

How many Micks know who the head of the Legal Department?

Give me a second, I'm gonna call up my son's Grandmother (my ex is Irish, and her parents live there).

OK, so I'm asking her....

She doesn't know.

OK, OK, that was a tough one, I know. I'll go with an easy one. "Who's the current Taoiseach?"....

And she doesn't know that one off the top of her head either.

So I'm gonna do an informal poll. I've asked her for the phone numbers of all her friends and family, and all her husbands friends and family, and her daughters friends' phone numbers, and I'm gonna ask them the same questions, and then post up the results. Deal?

(in case you're confused as to why this is fucking hilarious.....polls such as the one you're quoting are fairly incomplete. See, I can also call 100 people from a neighborhood, and post the results of some vaguely worded questions to mean whatever I want them to mean.)

(PS-I actually did make that phone call. And after I explained why I was calling, she laughed at the stupid yarbaugh [her special name for "retarded Americans who think they're 'true' Irish because they're great-great grandfather was from here, and move over and live the stereotypes to prove so"], which is you, in case you missed it. Thank god for Sprint, cheap long distance, and boredom. Now, EVERYBODY can laugh at your stupidity).

CptSternn 08-18-2006 09:05 AM

Yer 'ex'. I wonder why she left such a brilliant man. I mean, with all brilliant posts, like the previous one, I'm inclined to think she had the right idea.

Maybe you can post her number for us so I can call her and we can chat about stupid yanks, like yerself?

Maybe someone else can give her what you obviously couldn't?

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