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Midnight_Terror 12-01-2005 03:23 PM

Nguyen Tuong Van

I just wondered what everone though about this? I personally think the Australian government did to little to late. There was a chance that if Australia charged him with drug tafficing he could be extradited back here because he wasn't serving a prison sentence, he was on death row. Therefore they wouldn't be able to keep him there. Also he was taking drugs OUT of their country, so technically it was our(Australia) country he was hurting, not theirs. Anway, I'd appreciate to read some other peoples views.

Sorry if this thread has been made...bu I couldn't find it so I decided to make one.

lizzy 12-01-2005 03:37 PM

Wow, that's fucked up....

rockandrose 12-01-2005 04:23 PM

He's on death today.

rockandrose 12-01-2005 05:41 PM

NO ONE deserves to be put on death row, regardless how indictable their offence(s) are. The death sentence serves no justice and is cruel. Therefore, I do not support Singapore's existing death penality legislation.

Tuong Nguyen committed a serious crime and the reason in attempting to smuggle drugs into Singapore, was to pay his brother's debt. By no means should any reason as such, be validated and praised. Personally, I think in spite of his circumstances he should be punished BUT not sentenced to death.

Since Tuong Nguyen had breached their law, it is only justiciable that he be punished according to the country's law. Hence, this does not conclude that I support the death penality nor do I think Singapore's law is just!

I think Mr John Howard (Govt of Australia) has given reasonable assistance in an attempt to reserve the defendant's life. Also, keep in mind we (Australia) have a good relationship with Singapore, in which I think it is not worth fighting any further.

Furthermore, I'm angry with the fact that some Australians are forgetting the crime Tuong Nguyen had committed and only focusing on his "educated good son and friend" character.

In Australia, the Vietnamese are generally well known for their academic excellence or ashamingly for their drug-related inanity. People like him give the Australians of Vietnames descent a bad name, and not to mention it is degrading. His act of attempting to smuggling drugs, (disregarding his reasons) is absurd! Initially, I felt sorry for the bloke but now I'm ashamed to be of Vietamese desent when I hear about him. It is outrageous to hear Australians praising his acts as "good" or consider him to be another "Ned Kelly".

I am angry, ashamed and outraged.

The death penality needs to be abolished and made illegal!

rockandrose 12-01-2005 10:36 PM

"Capital Punishment" is NOT a deterrent for crimes.

By enforcing capital punishment, it is a crime in itself.

I am not very happy!

midnightrose 12-02-2005 06:37 AM

I don't believe in the death penalty period. This is one reason why. He smuggled drugs and that could potentially kill people but his crime did not directly cause phsycal harm to anyone. I think he should be serving his time not dying for something as stupid as this. Governments will only do what they have to do, espescially when it involves stepping on another countries toes. Too bad that, in this case, it equals an unfair punishment that is cruel.

rockandrose 12-02-2005 06:56 AM

The Singaporean Government supported the death penality and allowed it to continue to be enforced. He is a fucking hypocritical repugnant murderer!

midnightrose 12-02-2005 07:02 AM

So he was a murderer!?! He smuggled the drugs, true. He did not force the drug addicts to choose to use a substance that could kill them. I smoke ciggies. They are bad for me and will kill me. My choice, as stupid as it is. The cigerette companies are not responsible for my choice to smoke just as drug dealers and smugglers are not responsible for the actions of people who use drugs.

mortalitas incomitatus 12-02-2005 07:38 AM

he know the law, all aussies know the drug laws in indonesia.

he made a choice.

i have no pity.

edible_eye 12-02-2005 07:40 AM

i fully support the death penalty and wish it was utilized more often. if you're gonna play, shut the fuck up when it's time to pay - especially in a country like china.

mortalitas incomitatus 12-02-2005 07:44 AM

no wher near china babe, good to see you tho! :D

mortalitas incomitatus 12-02-2005 07:47 AM

china is harsh on dugs but this is in indonesia
they dislike aussies.

rockandrose 12-02-2005 07:49 AM

Actually, its in Singapore not Indonesia.

Blushing Heliophobe 12-02-2005 07:51 AM

There's plenty of criminals whose executions wouldn't keep me up late at night, but as long as there's a margin of error, capital punishment is fallible.

It's terrible that this guy is going to die at 25 years of age for trafficing.

mortalitas incomitatus 12-02-2005 07:53 AM


is this not one of the bali nine?

rockandrose 12-02-2005 08:00 AM

No, only "pretty girls" smuggle drugs in Bali.

*cough* Michelle Leslie the slut of a cunt *cough*

edible_eye 12-02-2005 08:10 AM

a couple of things / thoughts -

any country that would slaughter newborns and / or crush protesters with tanks is not one to fuck with - in my opinion. if their laws require the death penalty for the smuggling of drugs, common sense says they'll enforce it. china has little regard when it comes to the value of life of the individual.

blushing heliophobe - all of human life is fallible. that's not a valid point - again, in my opinion.

rockandrose 12-02-2005 08:57 AM

Yes, every country has different laws to cater their national or local problems such as the murder rate within the country/state.

But, punishment is meant to prevent the criminal from repeating his/her crime and to deter the crime by discouraging potiental offenders.

Capital punishment is not the only form of punishment. It does no one justice. What has the defendant learnt? That it's not okay to breach the law by murdering someone, yet it's fair to sentence the defendant on death row? Thus, there are various methods of punishing a defendant without resorting to the death penality, which I think is harsh, cruel and unnecessary.

Capital punishment is a crime in itself.

Also, even if capital punishment is successful in decreasing the number of criminals in certain states/countries, I still don't support the legislation.

Everyone has a right to live.

Midnight_Terror 12-02-2005 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by mortalitas incomitatus

is this not one of the bali nine?

No not one of the Bali nine but I think we will be facing the same thing with them soon enough, not all of them but I think the 3 ringleaders will be put to death. Then again death by firing squad is better then death by hanging.

rockandrose 12-04-2005 03:05 PM

Nguyen's time in prision before his death:

"I found myself in deep sorrow for the true victims, the families of those whom (sic) suffer as a result of losing a loved one to drugs," he wrote in March this year.

Blushing Heliophobe 12-04-2005 11:59 PM

EE - People have been wrongfully imprisoned and executed, and that blows. That's all the point I was trying to make. It is unbelievably sad this guy is dying at age 25. That's it.

rockandrose 12-05-2005 12:03 AM

Another reason why I think capital punishment mocks justice is that I'm sure there is at least one person, who has been sentenced to death for a crime he/she did not commit.

Skarekro 12-05-2005 12:28 AM

Firstly, I'd like to point out that with 400 grams of Heroin, that would have produced 26000 PURE hits. Let's bring in the fact that heroin is cut with other substances, and isn't injected pure, that number stretches out to 40000 AT LEAST. That's 40000 people who would either become addicted, feed their addiction, or die because of their addiction to this drug. Because of this ONE smuggler. Who would mourn their tragic lives and deaths? Not Nguyen. He didn't care. He did it for MONEY. In my opinion, that deliberate act of callous apathy deserves his death.

Secondly, why blame the government? They have no jurisdiction, and are simply unable to act. How is it their fault? HE committed this crime. HE attempted this heinous act. Nguyen brought this upon himself. If he had cared about anyone else except for his brothers monetary debts, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

On another note, considering that it is possible that this man may have ended up being responsible for up to (let's be serious) 5000 deaths - why should he be treated with any mercy? And WHY should he not deserve the death penalty? In my opinion, if one attempts to deprive another innocent person of life (innocent meaning they are no physical threat to the person who commits the murder) then they should be punished accordingly. If he were to be responsible for up to 5000 deaths, that's a massive number. He should die for that. He has no reason to pose yet another such threat to society. Meanwhile, it'd free up space in the prison system, which is getting more chock-full of social scum every day. Not to mention those people who are convicted wrongly, or of relatively meaningless crimes.

And whilst on that note, let me just ask. What sentence would this person have received if tried in Australia? A immigrant who directly lies and INTENTIONALLY infects backpackers with AIDS is given 9 years. Murderers and rapists are given as low as 2 years in prison. Drug crime? Let's give a good behaviour bond. Be serious people, the judicial system in Australia has to be redeemed. I'm not saying death penalty, but I'm saying let's look at the cases and increase these ridiculous sentences.

I'm sure I'll be flamed, but the post above contains MY opinion. No one elses. Thank you :)

rockandrose 12-05-2005 12:39 AM

I can clearly see your points and think they are of good reasons. My friend recently spoke to me, from a bias point of view (He is a doctor), said that killing one person to save many is reasonable. Hence, I can see how your opinions is of relevance. But, I still stand still and look down on capital punishment and think that a less severe punishment such as a life time or eternal prisionment is of reasonable means of sentence. This way, the criminal has no escape of re-committing the same crime.

AGAIN, capital punishment shouldn't even be living.

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