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Neurosis 11-25-2006 05:37 PM

What Did You Do When You Were a Naive Goth?
This was a popular topic in a former Goth forum I chatted in.

How were you like when beginning to get into the Goth subculture? As in, did you begin following the stereotypes, until you've discovered the real meaning of Goth is for yourself?

Example from myself:

1) I restricted myself to write in only black ink, since I believed I had to embrace my "poetic signatures" with black ink.

2) Anne Rice had gotten to me, and I began to write poems with "advanced", "more sophisticated" words I found in the thesaurus. (which mostly did not make sense at all included in the poem, but the words made the poems sounded more "adult-like" and "mysterious")

3.) I wholeheartedly believed that I had a "natural" ability of night vision, simply because I was a "Goth".

4.) I self-mutiliated myself and tried to act as an insane person.

5.) The only bands I listened to were death metal bands only. (Not that you can't listen to them, but that I thought I was Goth because I listened to them)

This was around when I was thirteen, thinking that I was a real "Goth". What other stereotypical image have you portrayed when you were beginning, as a "BabyGoth"? How do you feel when thinking to the past (ex: embarrassed, ridiculous, memorable)?

Just list anything you have done when you were a "Naive Goth".


Dead Cell 11-25-2006 05:38 PM

I was never like that. I always let the other people call me what they wanted. I was always myself to myself. Lol. Repeditive.

Draconysius 11-25-2006 06:35 PM

I went through that, too. I self-mutilated, read Anne Rice, tried to use more advanced words, and also thought that H.I.M was Goth. I bought two pairs of bondage pants that almost instantly fell apart and actually thought Punk had no connection to Goth. What a world I was living in... Hey, it was just a step I had to take to reach where I am today.

DarkHeartedDemoness 11-25-2006 06:36 PM

Whatever... I thought all goth kids skateboarded, so I tried to learn. I was bruised for weeks.

korinna5555 11-25-2006 06:40 PM

i went through a pretty bad hot topic phase *shoots self* im so ashamed

Pyre 11-25-2006 06:42 PM

Shamefully enough, I thought I was "goth" simply because I started listening to music such as KoRn and Dimmu Borgir and wore black and Hot Topic clothing. Thankfully, I flourished VERY quickly, and I actually started seeing myself as less goth the closer to goth I truly became. Now, yes, I still wear black almost all the time, but my knowledge and music has since changed. I guess one redeemable quality about my time as a babybat is that I did research into the gothic culture and wasn't entirely ignorant about it. I still don't consider myself a goth, but I know I am closer to being one than ever before.

korinna5555 11-25-2006 06:44 PM

i dont know what i saw in hot topic....i cant stand the place now.
you guys want a pic?

Pyre 11-25-2006 06:48 PM

Same. Hot Topic whole-heartedly annoys me now. I think it was that it didn't used to be as bad as it is now, or maybe I was ignorant to its suckage. Granted not all of their stuff is complete crap, but it's still all very mainstream and overpriced. Tripp pants are plain silly.

And yes. Whore your pics, don't ask silly questions.

Cicero 11-25-2006 06:51 PM

I knew from very early on, from what I suppose you could call 'elder goths', that I was a 'babybat', and thus had a lot to learn.

Most of the bad babybat habits were nipped in the bud. Things like questionable fashion sense and thinking-Marilyn-Manson-was-goth were corrected before I had a chance to step outside and embarass myself with them, and for that I am thankful.

However before venturing into the land of goth I considered myself a punk... and I wasn't quite so successful with that one. Lets just say there were a lot of X's drawn on my 12-year-old hands before I figured that one out, haha.

korinna5555 11-25-2006 06:52 PM

i used to wear tripps 24/7. ugh!
*shoots self again*

HumanePain 11-25-2006 07:01 PM

I used to spell Edgar Allan Poe as
Edgar Allen Poe.
(slaps own face, feels better)

Pyre 11-25-2006 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by korinna5555
i used to wear tripps 24/7. ugh!
*shoots self again*

Hahaha. Nice. I wish I had some pics on my computer from those days, but I don't. Maybe I can wear all of my old clothes one last time and snap some pics :x

insertwittyname 11-25-2006 07:09 PM

I've never had the money for Hot Topic, and over half the stuff I wasn't allowed to wear. I still don't have the money to wear what I want that fits the label of "gothic style" or even any style other than, these are clothes *grunt* clothes clothe me. I made poems in elementary becuase I thought they were fun. I can honestly say I don't fit into the Goth label unless excelling in art class, hating text speak, liking black, ******, and victorian style, reading a lot *don't read Anne whoever*, wearing theatrical make-up, and loving metal, classical, and techno is "goth"

insertwittyname 11-25-2006 07:10 PM

Grrr, wtf is wrong with the L0lita style? Why do they * out the word? Just because it's a fetish is sorta over the top. -.-'

DarkHeartedDemoness 11-25-2006 07:11 PM

Have you read the book? Do you know what it's about?

I'd rather not hang out with ********** that have found us by searching that word.

Pyre 11-25-2006 07:21 PM

Pa3dophiles? Oh.. dang.. maybe I should leave... ::'points at the text below her name::
I don't see what the problem is. Danny Elfman is a very respected paedo.

insertwittyname 11-25-2006 07:22 PM

Read what book? And find a way to make the little *'s go away. And I have read no books by Anne whoever or gothic l0lita stuff, I like my fiction books of dragon and mystics thank you very much. I found this site while searching on MSN the words gothic, goggles, fashion, victorian. Give or take a few words.

Pyre 11-25-2006 07:24 PM

Read the actual book titled "L0lita".

DarkHeartedDemoness 11-25-2006 07:25 PM

It's by Vladimir Nabokov. Google it; you'll see.

Pyre... Um, I'm not quite sure what to say. Are you kidding? I can't tell tonal inflection.

insertwittyname 11-25-2006 07:27 PM

Never read it. What is it?

insertwittyname 11-25-2006 07:32 PM

Ok, read all of the wikipedia entry. DEAR GOD THE SUCK FUCK. If there are two things in this world I can clearly say I hate the most, it's cheaters and rapists. I hope that guy has his own even more specialer realm of hell right now.

Pyre 11-25-2006 07:33 PM

Yes, I am kidding. But, to further understand, look up "Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo on YouTube, maybe even Google videos. Danny Elfman was the lead singer of this band since the 70s until they disbanded in the mid 90s. Oingo Boingo also did the commonly known songs "Weird Science" and "Only a Lad". I came across this song by chance while downloading music. It's intriguing, to say in the least.

DarkHeartedDemoness 11-25-2006 07:33 PM

Isn't it good to know what the style you wear is based on/named after?

DarkHeartedDemoness 11-25-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pyre
Yes, I am kidding. But, to further understand, look up "Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo on YouTube, maybe even Google. Danny Elfman was the lead singer of this band since the 70s until they disbanded in the mid 90s. Oingo Boingo also did the commonly known songs "Weird Science" and "Only a Lad". I came across this song by chance while downloading music. It's intriguing, to say in the least.

Cool. Sorry for the doubt... I don't really know how to react to such things, based on the fact that this is the internet, and, you know, stuff like that....

cradle 11-25-2006 07:36 PM

My life as a Spookeykid.

1:I wore tripps all the time.
2: I thought MM was goth
3: I liked to scare people by my own apperance.
4: liked vampirefreaks.
{slaps self with nails)
I had the same situation as Pyre...I see myself as less goth, and I don't all myself goth, but I am closer to it than I ever was.

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