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Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 04:03 AM

Pro-Gun Anti-Gun.
I don't think it's any secret that I'm pro Firearms.

I see how they can be used in the right way and how they can be used in the wrong way.

I don't want this to turn into a flame war so,just state your personal opinions on the matter.

Try to refrain from attacking one another.

And answer one question.

If you had the chance to be taken to a shooting range by someone that knows what they are doing with firearms,would you take the chance and try it?

jack_the_knife 12-22-2008 04:08 AM

I didn't get a choice. My grandfather insisted on teaching me how to shoot. He said it was a skill everyone should have. I'm not a fan of guns though, I much prefer blades.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 04:11 AM

Thank you for posting and a blade is still a deadly weapon *Pats K-Bar*

Albert Mond 12-22-2008 04:11 AM

Guns suck. If everyone who owned a gun would stick them in their mouths and fire, the world might be a better place.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 04:13 AM

What's your answer to the question though?

Albert Mond 12-22-2008 04:14 AM

I'd try it. Obviously. I love guns, you know.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 04:19 AM

Well thanks for posting

Feel free to elaborate.

Albert Mond 12-22-2008 04:26 AM

Gungungungungungungun. >=O

Renatus 12-22-2008 04:48 AM

Frankly I think in today's uncertain society run by an ever power hungry ruling class I think guns are a safe bet. Sure King George is gone, but now we've got King Bush and soon to be King Obama.

As George Carlin said about flamethrowers "we're fucked if we have to go against the military", and the way things are going we'll have to eventualy if we want to keep our free will. God help us.

SKULHEDFACE 12-22-2008 05:03 AM

I have no problems with guns, only the idiots who wield them. Unfortunately that percentage seems to be an ever increasing one.

To answer the question I would try shooting a gun, sure.

Albert Mond 12-22-2008 05:03 AM

'Schizo' doesn't begin to describe the above post.
EDIT: No. Before that one.

Drake Dun 12-22-2008 05:44 AM

I have imbibed some alcohol, so this is going to turn into another rant...

I'm not "pro gun" but I'm pro freedom. Too many people overlook the fact that the passage of a law is in point of fact an exercise of force. A firearms ban is not a magic spell which causes the guns people have to turn into daisies and fluffy teddy bears to rain from the sky. It's the promulgation of legislative act which says, "Henceforth we shall force the citizenry, under threat of violent reprisal, not to possess firearms." Laws are only effective to the extent that they have teeth - i.e., inasmuch as they invoke the spectre of violence.

The ironical cherry on top is of course the fact that the people who are entrusted to carry out that dictate (the police) are inevitably equipped with firearms themselves. So what a gun ban advocate actually stands for is pointing guns at people, if necessary, in order to take their guns away and further deepen the divide between the police, and the policed. In my opinion, anyone who is for something like broad spectrum gun control doesn't have the qualifications to call themselves a liberal. What they actually are is a cookie cutter leftist acting based upon some knee-jerk reaction, who doesn't think about the positions held by the side they've aligned themselves with any more than does some reactionary Republican pig.

And I sympathize with limp-wristed leftists who want a less insane and violent world. It's what I want myself. But here in the real world we don't have the option of waving a wand and making the guns go away. All we have is a choice between some people having the right to firearms, and all people having the right to firearms. The former is a recipe for tyranny. The latter is a misfortune, but a misfortune only of the sort that nature saddles us with, like it or not. The real question being whether we want to make things even more sticky than they already are.

It's the same reason I oppose most drug laws. The question is not "Should people be allowed to take drugs?" or "Is it a good idea for people to take drugs?" It's "Do we feel like the taking of drugs is so dangerous that we have a right to use violence to stop it?" The clear answer is "Hell fucking no", and it holds equally in the case of firearm ownership.

Every time you cast a vote in favor of illegalizing something, imagine that you're cracking someone over the head with a billy club. What you're actually doing is something very much like that, and if you pretend otherwise you're kidding yourself.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 05:58 AM

Thanks for posting,you're cool in my book.

Your answer to the question though?

CptSternn 12-22-2008 06:24 AM

The stats speak for themselves.

Keith Olbermann did a bit on this a while back. Since 9/11 there have been a couple hundred thousand gun deaths in America. They average about 30,000 A YEAR, about 82 people a day. On top of that another 64,000 are injured each year by guns in America, about 176 a day.

In countries where they have laws banning gun ownership (except for hunting related), like the UK, Ireland, and most of Western Europe, they have a few dozen gun deaths a year.

Whats amazing is trillions of dollars are being poured into fighting 'terrorism', while guns in America have killed a hundred times more people than any terrorists have ever be responsible for, and there has been no legislation or funding for stopping those deaths. In fact, since bush took office they have repealed many of the fully auto bans (or let them expire) and introduced legislation to allow more people to carry concealed weapons.

That being said I live in a country where handguns are illegal, and you can count the number of gun related deaths on your hands. Also, the police don't carry guns and yet we still have a lower crime rate than most American townes.

I feel perfectly safe, even more safe than you ever feel walking streets in America.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 06:29 AM

Thank you for posting.

But what's your answer to the question in the O.P. ?

masquerade 12-22-2008 07:10 AM

I'm pro-gun.

I'm from a state that gave me a gun at the same time they weaned me off the bottle. I think my father taught me to shoot properly though when I was 12 or 13. Snipers had always fascinated me, and their ability to be that precise under that much pressure.

I would love to go to the shooting range, are you offering?

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 07:16 AM

I'm on the other side of the country but wouldn't mind teaching someone to use a weapon the right way.

I was meaning someone maybe closer to you that was into firearms and has safe gun habbits.

masquerade 12-22-2008 07:54 AM

Yeah I was kind of joking, you really wouldn't want to take my anywhere with a gun. I have a tendency to hurt myself and others in strange, clumsy ways... I'm like a deathtrap.

chelseagirl 12-22-2008 08:10 AM

Well, I'm a licensed gun collector, and an NRA member, so I'm sure you can figure out what my stance is on the matter. ;)

I go to the shooting range regularaly.

And, I'm getting ready to pick up my FN P90 that's been on layaway, I'm UBER excited!

Ms.Crowbar 12-22-2008 08:16 AM

I'm anti- Firearms.
People use them for the wrong reasons now. And also, people can make mistakes. And, in they eyes of a Karate student, the use of weapons to defend yourself is seen as cowardice.
People are too scared to use their hands to fight.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 08:18 AM

Well your fists and feet are weapons as well.

Thank you for posting.

Drake Dun 12-22-2008 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05
Thanks for posting,you're cool in my book.

Your answer to the question though?

In my case, the question is not hypothetical. I have been along with people who know what they're doing to shooting ranges on many occasions. So obviously the answer is "Yes".

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 08:53 AM


Congrats on the P90 I've heard they shoot like a pepped up 22.magnum (Although it would be like a suped up .17HMR)

Let me know how it goes.

And thanks for posting

Ms.Crowbar 12-22-2008 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05
Well your fists and feet are weapons as well.

Thank you for posting.

Yeah, but they're not the same as a knife or a gun or a crowbar, are they?
More than likely, any of the weapons that I mentioned will kill you. Infact, 9 times out of a ten, if you're whacked on the back of the head by a crowbar, you're going to die. If you're shot, you'll probably die. If you're stabbed, you'll probably die. Why? Because you'll either be hit dead on in the most vulnerable place on your body or you'll probably bleed to death.
If someone punches you when they're not aiming at a vulnerable spot (one that could kill you) you'll probably be knocked to Hell but survive a minor punch to the nose.
My point is that your fist and feet aren't deadly weapons.

Deadmanwalking_05 12-22-2008 09:16 AM

Okay,but what is your answer to the question from the O.P.?

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