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BlackElvenTear 12-22-2005 09:03 AM

Letters which never reached their addressee
I'd like this to become a place, where you can put the letters to you’ve written and never sent off.


My friend...
Do you know who I am? I don't think so. I feel I'm a stranger to you, same as you are to me. When you said to me that you loved me, I know you didn't lie. Nor did I lie when I answered you, using the same words. But I suppose that in fact the both of us did lie! How can you love a person you don't know? Any second, the person you think you love, can turn out as a person you cannot understand at all, a person with qualities making it impossible to love her.
My dear, why don’t you stop to think about what you’re doing? Why do you have to jump headlong into unknown waters? Listen to me, and wait a moment. Wait and get to know me. Wait and listen to your heart. Wait and let us take our time, before we’re connected to closely to release each other without too much pain.
Don’t be angry with me, for my not declaring you my immortal and everlasting love, but warning you. You’ll see, it’ll better for the both of us.

BlackElvenTear 12-23-2005 08:39 AM

Dear P.
So long I haven't written to you, and now I find you're gone. Once you were within my reach and I didn't take my chance - I'm sorry. If I can ever find you again, please promise me that we'll meet, at least one last time. I know very well, you've always been too much ahead of me, you could have never become happy with me but I miss you so much, your smile, your coruscating wit, the extraordinary diligence you payed everything you did.
Where are you? Why did you have to leave my life?

tenet_2012 12-23-2005 11:34 AM

Good idea.

I don't do melodramatic crap like this, but good idea, nonetheless.

edible_eye 12-23-2005 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by tenet_2012
Good idea.

I don't do melodramatic crap like this, but good idea, nonetheless.

Kettu 12-23-2005 09:27 PM

I really don't be to rude and forgive me if i am, but what the fuck is this about?

xXambivalenceXx 12-23-2005 09:54 PM

Well, in case you're a bit too dense to figure it out, you post letters you've never had the balls to send out. Unless, of course, you don't have the balls to post them. In which case, the thread is useless.

AlKilyu 12-23-2005 11:39 PM

Wow. xXambivalanceXx DID send out her letter, in a mass mailing, and I believe it read

Nicely done.

tekajo 12-24-2005 02:34 AM

When i finally go home, i'll look through my computer, i know have at least one.

Why not? ;)

BlackElvenTear 12-25-2005 02:41 AM

well, maybe the person you'd like to get that letter you are supposed to post here (if you want to) can't get it any longer (for what reason whatsoever)...I thought it could be a nice idea - but don't make (too much) fun of this thread, please!

xXambivalenceXx 12-25-2005 09:32 PM

All words in parenthesis are (not) to be ignored. **Hehe**

Ever heard of (maybe, ya know) appositives and commas?

AlKilyu 12-26-2005 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by xXambivalenceXx
All words in parenthesis are (not) to be ignored. **Hehe**

Ever heard of (maybe, ya know) appositives and commas?

You are probably right, but I write like I talk and I often times interrupt myself to explain something, sorry.

xXambivalenceXx 12-26-2005 10:50 PM

My comment was not directed to you, Alkilyu, but... Okay.

edible_eye 12-28-2005 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Santarea
What the fuck are you trying to say? Seriously. Christ.

As to the original idea- why th efuck would I care to post that shit here? Besides, fuck that passive aggressive nonsense. Go Listen to Alanis' "Unsent" and get it out of your system. then suck it all up and be a man, and tell them in person.

something tells me that a few shots of whiskey, a wrestling match and a game of 'cry uncle' - punching each other in the arm until one of us bows out - would be a decent date in your book.

and that's fuckin' hot.

let's have sex.

Godslayer Jillian 12-30-2005 12:45 AM

Please, don't make fun of this thread, I like it.
Ok, I'm going to post a letter I wrote, but not that I never sent it, but that I haven't sent it.
It's adressed to the love of my life. His brother goes to my school, and that's the only way I can reach her besides internet, so I'm going to send her this letter after christmas break.
I'm gambling too much with posting this, because I doubt no one will make fun of me, but I want it to be perfect, so I'm asking for approval.

Ok, so the point is that I was looking for a Christmas gift that meant something, unfortunately, everything she wants, she already has it, so I didn't know what to give her, but then I came up with this letter, a rose, and mistletoe to express my love for her.
Ok, so the letter goes like this, and just one more thing, it may not sound as good since I'm translating it:

Ana, my love, I write this with my heart because I just can't, and won't, take you out of it.
Before anything, merry christmas, my darling. I have been looking for the perfect gift. Something that has not only value, but also meaning.

With this letter, your brother must have given you a rose.
I have been searching for the perfect rose for the perfect woman. Since I found it, I have taken care of it like a daughter, because to this little flower, I have put all the love I have for you. This rose represents my love for you, and it never withered in my hands.

Also, you should hav recieved a mistletoe; the same mistletoe I had on top of me while writing this letter, because here am I, your little admirer, hoping to someday give you my lips just as I have already given you my heart.
I love you, Ana
Always yours and eternally with love

So, how about it?

Godslayer Jillian 12-30-2005 01:29 AM

whew, I was embracing myself expecting the first response to be a mocking one, hehe

Needled 12-30-2005 10:35 AM

I think it's pretty good. Ana is a lucky girl, I can't imagine ever me ever receiving a letter like

Godslayer Jillian 12-30-2005 11:09 AM

hehe, thanks :)

Godslayer Jillian 01-02-2006 09:30 PM

But Needled, darling, you're too beautiful as to not deserve, and get, a romantic fool to love you.

Godslayer Jillian 01-03-2006 12:13 AM

Well, it seems I DID put these letter in the right place. I'm sorry if I just burden you with my story, I mean, I know it's my problem, but I feel I have to get it out.
Any hope I have expected to have with Ana has been relinquished from me.
She just wants me as a friend (why does that sound extremely familiar? Oh, yeah, because I have heard it dozens of times!!!)
You know how there's always that guy which is every girls' best friend, but never a boyfriend? That's me.
Now, combine him with the guy that falls easily for a woman and feels shattered at the end, and you'll understand what I feel.
Nice combintion for someone who comes from a family with suicidal tendencies.
I don't blame her, but why does it alway have to be this way?:(
More often than not, I even give the woman I have a crush for, advice with her new boyfriend, I think that's happened thrice
I don't blame Ana, she's a goddess.
But what do I do? I need to blame someone, but I couldn't handle blaming myself, though it makes sense, she was always clear she only wants me as a friend. But everytime I heard her say: "I love you" my heart ignited with the power of suns. I could do anything for her and would do anything for her.
I think that's why I hate that people use words such as love so lightly. She loved me, but as a person loves his family, not as a woman loves the man that would forever love her in return.
I'm not even sure why I wrote this. Why burden you with my story?

Surgeon Méchant De Sang 01-21-2006 11:09 PM

Jillian, there should be more people out there like you in the world. In my opinion, you sound like a sweetheart, and she would be a fool to let you go. It really ruffles my feathers when other girls like myself ignore these gifts of the soul. They never realize what a wonderful thing that they have there waiting for them until it's entirely too late...
If I were in her shoes, I would definitely fall under your spell *grin*
I wish you the best of luck *wink*

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