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Rosie 02-10-2008 03:08 PM

I has a PM!!!
From Sekhmet.


Please fuck off. You are really getting boring."

<3 <3 <3 <3

Delkaetre 02-10-2008 03:20 PM

If you guys are telling some kind of joke between yourselves, please make it a little more obvious for us poor sleep-deprived fools.
Rosie, if you genuinely got that PM from Sekhmet and it some kind of rivarly/ argument/ bitchfest/ other, then don't bring it up here. Talk to her about it, and talk to the Admin. The Admin do sometimes reply and help if you have a problem.

Rosie 02-10-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Delkaetre
If you guys are telling some kind of joke between yourselves, please make it a little more obvious for us poor sleep-deprived fools.
Rosie, if you genuinely got that PM from Sekhmet and it some kind of rivarly/ argument/ bitchfest/ other, then don't bring it up here. Talk to her about it, and talk to the Admin. The Admin do sometimes reply and help if you have a problem.

It's just a bunch of fairly new members who seem to be in a fanclub for two older members who act like new members. It's really irritating because they're very unfunny and immature but act like they're master trolls or comedians. I don't think the admin will do anything - admins almost always judge style over substance and won't do anything about people just for being unfunny and spamming the crap out of decent threads, unfortunately.

Delkaetre 02-10-2008 03:28 PM

They may be new members, but they're regular posters and have more of a presence on the board than you have. You have had an account for some time, but don't seem to bother posting much and when you do you lose your temper and seem to pick fights.
You may have to give in on this one and leave them to it. You find it irritating, yes, but that's just how things are. We all have to deal with things that irritate us.
The admin remove serious trolls. They've taken off a few members who've been clearly concerned with starting something or preaching Nazism. Sometimes, Admin do actually help. But from what I remember of your rather confrontational approach to Admin last time I saw you post actively on here, you're not going to ask them for help.

Delkaetre 02-10-2008 03:37 PM

Aww, Raven... I'm so glad somebody cares! ;)

Rosie 02-10-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Delkaetre
They may be new members, but they're regular posters and have more of a presence on the board than you have. You have had an account for some time, but don't seem to bother posting much and when you do you lose your temper and seem to pick fights.
You may have to give in on this one and leave them to it. You find it irritating, yes, but that's just how things are. We all have to deal with things that irritate us.
The admin remove serious trolls. They've taken off a few members who've been clearly concerned with starting something or preaching Nazism. Sometimes, Admin do actually help. But from what I remember of your rather confrontational approach to Admin last time I saw you post actively on here, you're not going to ask them for help.

But, see, when I do post, it's sometimes vaguely worthwhile or important. Most of their posts are just piss.

They're just dragging the intelligence level here down, and it's bad enough as is. Post "cleanout" really doesn't need to be diluted any further...

Delkaetre 02-10-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rosie
But, see, when I do post, it's sometimes vaguely worthwhile or important. Most of their posts are just piss.

They're just dragging the intelligence level here down, and it's bad enough as is. Post "cleanout" really doesn't need to be diluted any further...

Don't start putting yourself above everyone else, that's what leads to flamewars. Post cleanout, most of the old members who weren't deleted just left. The forums are effectively shiny new recycled forums- don't look for the old GNet here, it doesn't exist. If you think that the new crowd are dumbing things down and making it intolerable, then find another forum to frequent. I'm sorry, kitten, but it really is just that basic.
Every time I log to GNet, I find that there are about twenty new threads. Maybe five of them are of use to me. I don't bother with the rest of them. You will have to learn to do this as well.

Tha Duckman 02-10-2008 03:44 PM

Well, deal with it, toots.

Clockwork 02-10-2008 03:46 PM

Weren't you complaining about not even having private messaging earlier or something?

Lapin 02-10-2008 03:46 PM

(Really likes Delkaetre today)

Sekhmet, that's crossing some lines.

Rosie 02-10-2008 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Delkaetre
Don't start putting yourself above everyone else, that's what leads to flamewars. Post cleanout, most of the old members who weren't deleted just left. The forums are effectively shiny new recycled forums- don't look for the old GNet here, it doesn't exist. If you think that the new crowd are dumbing things down and making it intolerable, then find another forum to frequent. I'm sorry, kitten, but it really is just that basic.
Every time I log to GNet, I find that there are about twenty new threads. Maybe five of them are of use to me. I don't bother with the rest of them. You will have to learn to do this as well.

The problem is they came into MY thread and spammed it. I can't just "ignore" my own threads.

Delkaetre 02-10-2008 04:04 PM

The thread was started by you. It is, however, an open thread.
You can make an announcement on a common-room notice board at school, but you can't stop anyone from replying to it or even just doodling on the pages. Threads get treated in the same way around here. Some people will offer a review or contstructive criticism, others will just scribble on the pages.
Do not place such strong ownership values on a thread. It's just a thread. It's just a small fragment of discussion on the great wide webs, and ultimately of not much value- you can check it for what information you need, then discard it. Consider it no more than a post it note with info about a delayed class. Post it up, check for useful responses, ignore the kids with the colourful crayons doodling on it.

Rosie 02-10-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Delkaetre
The thread was started by you. It is, however, an open thread.
You can make an announcement on a common-room notice board at school, but you can't stop anyone from replying to it or even just doodling on the pages. Threads get treated in the same way around here. Some people will offer a review or contstructive criticism, others will just scribble on the pages.
Do not place such strong ownership values on a thread. It's just a thread. It's just a small fragment of discussion on the great wide webs, and ultimately of not much value- you can check it for what information you need, then discard it. Consider it no more than a post it note with info about a delayed class. Post it up, check for useful responses, ignore the kids with the colourful crayons doodling on it.

Just because they "can" doesn't make it right. There's such a thing as going immeasurably off-topic. When someone's asking an important, genuine question, it's just rude to stamp your uninteresting personality all over it.

Lapin 02-10-2008 04:09 PM

I'm getting out the glittery crayons. (I've got some somewhere from MND)

Tha Duckman 02-10-2008 04:10 PM

Hands up if you listed a good place in England?

[Raises hand].

Lapin 02-10-2008 04:18 PM

Yes Duck, you did something useful. (Pats you on the head) What, do want a treat?

Tha Duckman 02-10-2008 04:21 PM


Lapin 02-10-2008 04:22 PM

Well Hell, what do you think I've got to offer?

Godslayer Jillian 02-10-2008 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rosie
They're just dragging the intelligence level here down

Intelligence is overrated. Believe me, I've been there, and I wasn't impressed.
When we're asked to build a catapult as a team, or to draft a new manifesto for society to live by, then, maybe then, we'll rub together our IQ points in an intellectual way society might approve of.
But after doing that we'll set the draft on fire and catapult it and then set that catapult on fire and go back to talking about what licking the belly of a turtle feels like, because it's just a better use of our time.
In all honesty, I miss a lot of the old guys about a year or two ago, but I prefer today's forum. Goth has been reduced to what it really is: a musical style - not a pseudo-intellectual excuse for the glorification of the ego which encompasses everything and everyone good in this existence, whether they know it or not. (unfortunately that feeling hasn't faded away in its entirety)
To anyone curious about the differences between then and now, they're best explained by this analogy:
We're the beret guy.

Lapin 02-10-2008 04:51 PM

So can I continue to be a wine-drinking construction worker/artist who listens to The Cure with no feelings of inadequacy?

Underwater Ophelia 02-10-2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Delkaetre
Don't start putting yourself above everyone else, that's what leads to flamewars. Post cleanout, most of the old members who weren't deleted just left. The forums are effectively shiny new recycled forums- don't look for the old GNet here, it doesn't exist. If you think that the new crowd are dumbing things down and making it intolerable, then find another forum to frequent. I'm sorry, kitten, but it really is just that basic.
Every time I log to GNet, I find that there are about twenty new threads. Maybe five of them are of use to me. I don't bother with the rest of them. You will have to learn to do this as well.

I'm actually sad about that.
I miss Xng.

Delkaetre 02-11-2008 04:47 AM

I never knew the old lot, but I've dug through some of the old threads. The board really has changed completely.
And, as final reply to Rosie... yes, it's rude. People are rude. People talk over each other and interrupt and act silly. Just taking public transport when there's a few kids on it should tell you that. Stop acting surprised and insulted, sometimes people need to let go and do whatever they want for a while. You are not more important than anyone else here, and asking that they change their ways for you or treat you differently to everyone else is and act of incredible ego.
Of course, I haven't slept well and I'm annoyed that I missed yesterday's festivities, so I may be a bit snappy.

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