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PHILIP E TINSLEY 08-07-2008 05:35 AM

Top 10 films
Top 10 films of all time!

This one is tricky, too many films, only ten slots!

1. Evil Dead 2
2. Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail/Life of Brian
3. The extended Lord of the Rings trillogy
4. Matrix Trillogy
5. The Alien films
6. The Terminator trillogy
7. 2010/2001 (in that order)
8. Anything by Tim Burton (cop out, I know)
9. Galaxy Quest
10. Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Obviously this will change again by….well, now actually, but I’m not re-writing it!

Incidentally, there are more top 10 lists including books, music, inspirations etc, on the ‘about me’ page of my site (google for phil tinsley)

NightmareInShiningArmour 08-07-2008 06:19 AM

Umm... Aren't most of these counted as more than one movie?
And don't say "THE TOP TEN MOVIES OF ALL TIME"... It's only your opinion, not everyone's.

EDIT: Why the hell isn't The Dark Knight in that list? Everyone knows it should be at 1.

PHILIP E TINSLEY 08-08-2008 02:44 AM

errrrm.....I cheated.....I did say it was tough though!

I am god so my opinion is all that counts and I haven't seen dark knight yet (just coz I'm god it doesn't make me omnipresent! besides I never get time to visit the flicks, what with all of these catastrophies to perform B^)

gothicusmaximus 08-08-2008 02:49 AM

Are these your 10 favorite films, or what you consider to be the best 10 films of all time?
If the former, I feel you have titanically poor taste. If the latter, I hate you.

gothicusmaximus 08-08-2008 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by NightmareInShiningArmour

EDIT: Why the hell isn't The Dark Knight in that list? Everyone knows it should be at 1.

The Dark Knight is a good movie-- but the best movie of all time? Please.

JCC 08-08-2008 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus
The Dark Knight is a good movie-- but the best movie of all time? Please.

He's got an incredibly bad memory, it's the only one he remembers.

$haDe 08-13-2008 10:27 PM

Well, hitch-hiker is funny
but not the best

one of the best in my opinion were everything about Dr. Hannibal

$haDe 08-13-2008 10:29 PM

But for all times, It's Little Dino..!!!!



Land before time SUCK!!!


Zakyath 08-14-2008 03:41 PM

Fight Club? American History X? Psycho? Hm...

Metabolik 08-15-2008 03:45 AM

Let me fix for you...

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Dark Knight
4. The Da- Well you know where this is going...

IsolatedReptile 08-15-2008 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Metabolik
Let me fix for you...

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Dark Knight
4. The Da- Well you know where this is going...

I wasn't aware that they had created ten Dark Knight films...

Underwater Ophelia 08-15-2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by IsolatedReptile
I wasn't aware that they had created ten Dark Knight films...

You're not good at being mean; you're too nice.

Methadrine 08-15-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by PHILIP E TINSLEY
I am god so my opinion is all that counts and I haven't seen dark knight yet (just coz I'm god it doesn't make me omnipresent! besides I never get time to visit the flicks, what with all of these catastrophies to perform B^)

Your title is 'Dark Lord' which means you serve under a king or ruler of sort. The King usually only serve under God so that means you are at least two steps down the ladder from total divinity.

This, on the other hand, explains all the catastrophes of picking the wrong movies.

alyroi360 08-15-2008 09:51 AM

that's an awesome list. but definitly add a better movie than the matrix. it was all over the place and very confusing. the Dark Knight was fucking awesome, and so was hellboy 2, and pan's labyrinth. any of those would have been great. but the Matrix? *shakes head* evil dead 2 wasn't that great, either. otherwise, the list is fucking great.

HellforgedX 08-17-2008 09:17 PM

Best. Movie. Ever.

J/K. ust idding. I hate acronyms.

Have a nice day.

PHILIP E TINSLEY 08-19-2008 01:28 AM

Well well, so many people, so easily offended...I stand by my list, they are MY favourite films...and I still haven't seen Dark Knight but I'm getting a bit of a hint of a feeling that this forum may like it, so I will give it a go. I did like Batman Begins does that count?

Respect to Isolated Reptile for the NIN Avatar, TR is definately #1 on the music top 10.

Minyaliel 08-19-2008 09:04 AM

You didn't mention Dead Man or Control, so I don't agree with you. Hrmpf. *turns around sharply, and starts giggling once out of earshot*

PHILIP E TINSLEY 08-26-2008 01:57 AM

haven't seen either of those...

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure, Minyaliel!

Fatbaby 09-18-2008 05:45 PM

Tinsley, do you judge a great film by how much visual effects are used rather than the acting, plot, lighting and dialogue that make a film great. "Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" really? That is pathetic.

Subphonic 09-19-2008 03:05 PM

Wow! I remembered (guessed...) my Login!

Anyway, assuming the title is at fault and this is really 'My Top 10 Films'

1. Vanishing Point
2. Alien
3. Nosferatu
4. Matrix (just the first one though!)
5. Christine
6. LOTR (Fellowship if I had to specify)
7. Italian Job
8. Dracula (Bela Lugosi - Hammer)
9. Ronin
10. High Fidelity

...and Flame away!

Most of of the time I flit between Road movies and Vampire films
...strangely there's no Johnny Depp films there...I love bits of nearly all his films; Ninth Gate is good but then goes kinda, wrong somehow, ditto From Hell, Blow etc etc, watching The Libertine tommorow though so we'll see.

a morbid curiosity 09-20-2008 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by PHILIP E TINSLEY
Incidentally, there are more top 10 lists including books, music, inspirations etc, on the ‘about me’ page of my site (google for phil tinsley)

I love this superiority complex thing you've got going on. Aw. :D

My favourite films are another mixture of the guilty pleasure and the actually decent, as per usual:

1. Philadelphia Story
2. High Society
3. A Room With A View
4. Breakfast At Tiffany's
5. Heathers
6. Chocolat
7. The Breakfast Club
8. Donnie Darko
9. The Lake House
10. Sliding Doors

Slap Your Love 09-20-2008 09:58 AM

Top ten for me:

1. A clockwork orange
2. The labyrinth
3. Fight club
4. The lost boys
5. Donnie darko
6. The breakfast club
7. The neverending story
8. Cool hand luke
9. The secret window
10. Juno

DamnationSaint 09-20-2008 11:49 AM

Top tens are inherently subjective. You can't have a perfectly objective "Top Ten Films" of all time for everyone simply because everyone doesn't use the same criteria to decide what makes a good film. They are also inherently snapshots of a given moment in time. If you asked me next week what my ten favorite films were, I guarantee my list would change at least a little bit.

My own personal list would be:

1) Miller's Crossing - I usually hate gangster movies, but this one was perfect for me. Fantastically acted, shot, paced. Intricately plotted with fantastic dialogue.
2) The Crow
3) Boondock Saints
4) 300
5) Blazing Saddles
6) The Maltese Falcon
7) Beetlejuice
8) The Princess Bride
9) The Dark Knight (LOVED Ledger's performance, but I'm not crazy about Christian Bale. Otherwise, it would be higher).
10) Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie

techbat 09-21-2008 10:37 PM

my favorites

1. The Road Warrior
2. Star Wars
3. Aliens
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Blazing Saddles
6. Evil Dead 2
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
8. Full Metal Jacket
9. Phantasm 2
10.Dead Alive

PHILIP E TINSLEY 09-22-2008 04:42 AM

Wow, what a can of worms to open!

I made a list of MY, get it, MY, top 10 films and decided to share it coz I'm a sharing kinda guy.

If you don't like the same films as me I'm cool with that :-)

Hitch-hiker's is a great film, and not a million miles from the book (no comments invited, just my opinion).

And I made other top 10 lists that I thought top 10 fans may like to see, hence the ref to where they are...if that makes me superior, so be it, all bow down and hail the mighty Tinsley!

cheers :-)

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