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batbratwolfheart 04-01-2016 04:55 AM

so why is being black and gothic ten times weirder than if your white
okay so here comes the big "shocker" im black and yes im gothic i want to be in a heavy metal band as well so whats the deal with me being gawked at more than the average goth like seriously i havent even sprouted horns *yet*

Anise 04-01-2016 08:33 AM

Hmmm because people are assholes ;)
Benji, the singer in Skindred. VictoriaP ~ wonderful & lovely youtuber.
They totally rock metal and goth, do what makes you happy - it's your life <3

Acharis 04-01-2016 11:23 AM

Your horns haven't come in yet? That's a bit worrying, usually they start growing in by 14 and failure to do so could indicate underlying ill health. :(

Stormbringer 04-01-2016 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by batbratwolfheart (Post 813944)
okay so here comes the big "shocker" im black and yes im gothic i want to be in a heavy metal band as well so whats the deal with me being gawked at more than the average goth like seriously i havent even sprouted horns *yet*

If anyone asks just say, "I'm so goth I was born black."

I've listened to a number of back goths talking about their experiences of being goth and black on YouTube. Whatever else you are, what really matters is your one of us.

Pr1aP1sm 04-02-2016 03:51 PM


Before I start my jaded rant, I want you to keep in mind this is only my opinion, and it might not work for you.
You define your life experience.

That being said...
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
There are so few guaranties in life. Death being perhaps the biggest. The one unifying, and universal experience.
And it's coming... One second at a time.
Another being ASSHOLES, and they are everywhere. They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Its an unavoidable side-effect of the human condition.
And its never gonna change. (At least not in our lifetime)
It doesn't matter who you are, how hard you work, how honest you are, how old you get, how much you suffer, or what your shell looks like.
There will ALWAYS be some Mother-Fucker there to give you the Stink-Eye.
But do yourself a favor, and don't let those bitches live rent free in your head.
And NEVER let them fool you into believing that words like 'Black', 'White', or even 'Goth' are what defines you....
You are... We ALL are... Much more than that!

So your mission (Should you choose to accept it) Is...
Be true to yourself, And own that shit.
Be exactly who the fuck YOU are, And make it look good.

Oh... And by the way... Welcome to the forum.
Its always nice to meet another musician.

Videogirl88 05-15-2016 01:43 PM

I've never really thought about that. I mean, your race shouldn't have anything to do with belonging to a subculture. You know, the only Goth friends I've made in real life weren't white, they were 'minorities' or 'mixed', like me. I think it's just stupid people being stupid. They're the same people who think emo, punk and goth are all the same thing.

LovelyLunaxx 05-19-2016 11:41 AM

Trite as it may sound I have always loved the quote, "I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not."
In other words, be yourself and don't apologize or try to make others understand. This is an ongoing lesson for me personally, however I find that the ones who actually take time to converse instead of run in fear of my "spooky" appearance are the ones worth knowing. Sort of helps weed out those who are a waste of breath. Keep your heads up, lovelies. xx

batbratwolfheart 02-26-2017 11:10 AM

yikes im so late replying to this my apologies i thank you all for you kind words of reassurance <3

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