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Born Again 10-15-2006 03:02 AM

Have You Ever......?
This is a branch off of the "When was the last time you.....?" game. Basically you just follow the same format as the above. Here it goes:

Have you ever kicked the genitals of the opposite sex out of pure anger?

Immortal_Death 10-15-2006 03:50 AM

Probably yes.
(I wonder why you ask that.......0.o)

Have you ever threw something at the teacher, it made her so angry, that she kicked you out of the classroom? :d

Immortal_Death 10-15-2006 03:51 AM

Oops, excuse the last similie I posted. Is it :D, =D or XD..

bleedingheart344 10-15-2006 05:58 AM

It is this. : D just separating them so it does not do this : :D

Catch 10-15-2006 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal_Death
Probably yes.
(I wonder why you ask that.......0.o)

Have you ever threw something at the teacher, it made her so angry, that she kicked you out of the classroom? :d


Have you ever wondered why very tall men date very short women?

DarkHeartedDemoness 10-15-2006 11:46 AM

Not really-- it's because being larger than a woman gives them that sense of dominance our culture seems to cherish so goddamn much.

Have you ever just detested someone, fully and completely, without really knowing why?

c130 10-15-2006 12:04 PM

No; I detest lots of people, but I always know exactly why I hate them. There are way too many people already deserving of my hatred to go about despising random people for no reason. :3

Have you ever gotten so emotional at a conversation or argument online - in a forum, not real time chat like MSN or IRC - that you started shouting at your computer screen, or throwing objects around the room?

Delicate_Torture 10-15-2006 12:17 PM

I'm doing it now. Which is pretty embarrasing, seeing as I'm at work.

Actually.. throwing things at the computer, no. Screaming at the screen, yes.

Have you ever embarrassed yourself by thinking someone was making advances at you and flirting back at them when in fact they weren't?

unedifying 10-15-2006 01:04 PM

Nopes. Thank god!

Have you ever gotten embarressed by wanting to listen to a CD, but not having any clue what it looks like, or the band name (just that you like the music) and acidentally put a totally different CD in when you try to show it off to friends?

She_Is_My_Sin 10-15-2006 01:11 PM

Can't say I ever have. My CD's are pretty organised.

Have you ever got really upset because there's something you want, but you have no chance in hell of getting?

Or that might just be the spoilt brat in me....

DarkHeartedDemoness 10-15-2006 02:25 PM

Not really upset, but yes, I know what you mean.

Have you ever taken your anger out on a COMPLETELY innocent party (that was not an inanimate object)?

Godslayer Jillian 10-15-2006 02:26 PM

EDIT: To SIMS's post
I have. After winning the hispanics scholar thingy, mym friends told me I just ask for my parents for things; expensive things like a car or something.
I just wanted these
And I would even pay it by myself, I just needed my father's consent.

MORE EDIT: To Demoness' post.
Nah. Not since I was a kid.
Have you ever said "God, if you're real, kill me" To test if he's real or not?

Born Again 10-15-2006 03:42 PM

Never thought about doing that. Growing up, I was always taught that God wasn't about doing harm unto others, its up to you to believe in him or not. A little something called "faith." God, in my belief, does specific things that seem miraculous, something that only he himself has the power to do. Those, in my opinion, are little tips that help you in your journey of developing your relationship with him. Why should he have to prove his existence? You should be the one proving yourself to him. After all, he is our creator. He gave us the gift of life, why would he want to take it away when our purpose has not yet been served? In my opinion, when someone asks a question like that, there is something missing in them, purpose maybe. The only way out is faith.

I hope that didn't sound too preachy, just throwing in my two cents. ;)

Have you ever been bitten by a snake?

Engulfed_in_darkness 10-15-2006 03:44 PM

No but I've been stung by a bee.
Have you ever fallen down the stairs as Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus played? O.'o

Neurosis 10-15-2006 04:05 PM

Well, I live in an apartment building 33 floors high (myself on the 20th). I wouldn't want to imagine how the impact falling down the stairs that high up, let alone listening to Bauhaus and having the CD break. :(

Have you ever been confused as a tourist in your current residency?


Engulfed_in_darkness 10-15-2006 04:19 PM

Not really, thank the heavens I havent.
Have you ever tried to sneak out to go to a concert such as Bauhaus, Marilyn Manson, The Sisters Of Mercy, etc.?

Born Again 10-15-2006 05:34 PM

I've been to plenty of concerts and I've never felt the need to sneak out in order to attend any of them.

Have you ever been publicly humiliated and then sought out or pondered a lethal revenge?

Delkaetre 10-16-2006 05:36 AM

Pondered, most certianly. No actual lethal revenges carried out, as I don't want a criminal record when I'm taking a law course.

Have you ever found something utterly beautiful and amazingly cheap in a charity shop?

RobinGreenwood 10-16-2006 09:05 AM

Yes, this gorgeous formal dress for $14.50. Perfect fit and looks amazing. I know the new equivalent is at least $100. I can't wait to wear it!

Have you ever pretended to be something you're clearly not (like a pirate or an acrobat), and fully dressed and acted the part? And not for a costume party?

Born Again 10-16-2006 04:12 PM

Can't say I have, but I'm sure there are tons of people who have. Ever heard of PuNk rOcK!!111!!? (Not including all people in this scene)

Have you ever been truly hated by a family member? (Sibling rivalries don't count).

Engulfed_in_darkness 10-16-2006 06:26 PM

No I have not yet I have hated my father for nearly my whole life up to these 13 years for being an alcoholic and doing the things fathers usually do to their children and family when there drunk. It was terrible.
Anyways, have you ever had a hatred so deep for somebody, that if hatred could be felt PHYSICALLY, and the one you hated could feel it, it would basically stab them and kill them?

PersephoneX 10-16-2006 09:50 PM

yes...i hated this person so much that i'd get dizzy, and i'd actually vommit. it physically hurt me, i learned to internalise my anger. that was bad...i promised myself i'd never hate anyone that much again...

on the flip-side: have you ever felt such immense love for someone that you had PHYSICAL manifestations of it?

Splintered 10-16-2006 10:46 PM

Physical manifestations of it? What the hell? Was I like, imaging them... I am going to stop right there. My mind is too far in the gutter. *Deep Breath* I've felt immense love enough for someone I've stalked them... Is that a physical manifestation of it? But yeah... Okay... *Another Deep Breath* Alright. Think. Yes. I think. Because. Well. I kept staring at them. And that either gives you the impression I'm stalking you. Or I love you. And staring workds. And my backspace key won't work now. Damnit. Wait! This is off topic! Back! FOCUS! Okay. So. Back to the staring thing. There was this one person. And I really loved them, and I mean, really, really love. And it was just sorta there. Like, it was really humid. Or that could have just been the fact that it was spring-time. But I'd like to think it's love. Cuz I'm just cool like that. Yes. I am just that cool. Oh yeah. But yeah. I'll answer with... Yes. Yay.

Now. Have you ever had a task that you desperately wanted to finish the damn thing, but you couldn't finish it, because the damned task made you want to rip your hair out and castrate a few people sym. Nevemrind that, broken backspace key, I'm working on it! (Ergo, the question I'm asking, because I <3 my backspace key. And now it won't work. Which annoys me.) So yeah. So angry, you wanted to castrate a few people simultaneously.

Damned Backspace Key. I will have my revenge.

natharliak 10-17-2006 02:10 AM

yes when my teachers stop listening to my mid tern assignment and then give me a shity report.I wanted to run after him with a pair of siccors and cut his balls off.

have you ever seen some one do such a grate deed and wanted to hug then..?

Born Again 10-17-2006 06:53 PM

I couldn't say that I wanted to hug them, but I sure wouldn't hesitate to congratulate them.

Have you ever cracked an egg and found two egg yolks in the same shell?

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