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GutterFlower 06-06-2006 05:12 PM

I honestly think communism, if done right according to the manifesto, could be a potentially successful form of government. What are your thoughts?

Demonista_Ravenesque 06-06-2006 07:37 PM

Tis only in theory it works, kinda like Anarcho-Capitalism.

happy_dude 06-06-2006 09:50 PM

Communism works... as long as humans aren't involved in the process.
Human nature always ruins Utopia theories.

Crom Crauch 06-06-2006 09:59 PM

Communism works fine... in theory. In practice however... communism sucks. It sucks worse then facism, which is sayin' a lot

Godslayer Jillian 06-06-2006 10:16 PM

Yeah, as Crom Crauch said, Communism works... in theory.
You can also die twice... in theory.
Exactly what is happening today will happen again in about 30 billion years... in theory.

edible_eye 06-07-2006 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by gutterflower
What are your thoughts?

i think that when i eat too much, i take big shits. i also think those same shits stink to high heaven.

those are my thoughts.

Cambodian Breakfast 06-07-2006 05:14 AM

I think that Communism is great for thrid world countries. Then as they grow they can move into a more demorcratic nation. It would work better than the war lord system they have now.

angel_dark_demon_bright 06-07-2006 06:38 AM

Communism works good at first. But it kinda seems that it ultamately fails. Why would anyone want to go that extra mile for society success, if you'll never have anything to show for it?

end.of.eternity 06-07-2006 08:19 AM

Communism works only on a paper - never in real life in this selfish world. People won't grow to think unselfishly and they are never willing to give society as much as communism needs. Your fingers always twine to yourself, even if your hand reaches to give.

Even if there'd be exceptions, like Che Guevara, it's not enough but everyone should be like that that it would work.

If anyone thinks communism is a nice idea then have a look at China or Russia. Then think again.

wunky 06-07-2006 10:08 AM

communism, as everyone seems to have said, has a major failing that it's run by humans.

it is however, better than fascism as it's based on equality which i feel is a better thing to base a political ideology on than superiority.

gloom_cookie 06-07-2006 12:30 PM

Equality is a better as a goal than a policy.

end.of.eternity 06-07-2006 12:45 PM

wunky, at least in practical life fascism has turned out much better than communism. Compare Russia and Germany together. Or China. Look how they've managed. Fascism pulled Germany up from lama, but communism made things only worse in those two other countries.

Loy 06-07-2006 01:03 PM

End-Your making a comparisson of two misappropriations of titles. Germany being Fascist? In all actuality, Italy is, and was, the only "fascist" state to ever have existed. Why? Because fascism was the name of the system they created, where the state (and all its sources) are made subserviant to business and comerce. Now, I know it's popular to lump all fucked-up dictatorships into the term "fascist", but to be honest, the closest system we have to fascism in its truest state is Oligarchal america.

Russia being communist? Again, communist only in propaganda purposes, but not in actuality. Yes, Lenin took a lot of ideas from Marx, but he also disregarded quite a large portion of communistic thought (and all the others after him veered further and further away), thus it could very easilly be argued that "communist" russia was never communist in the first place, and the same could be said about every other country we've termed "Marxist".

WolfMoon 06-07-2006 05:24 PM


Yeah, let's all turn into a bunch of hippies. Then we can shoot ourselves in the head.

Haven't we already had this exact same discussion on these boards before?

Darkrow 10-06-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by WolfMoon

Haven't we already had this exact same discussion on these boards before?

Are you sure you haven't just read this same discussion more then once?

DarkHeartedDemoness 10-06-2006 02:13 PM

I don't know, Darkrow... Why do you ask?

I don't know this Wolfmoon, but when I see her 4,147 posts and start date of Dec 2003, I'm not likely to question her knowledge of what discussions have taken place before on this forum.

CptSternn 10-10-2006 11:15 PM

Communism is like they say, good on paper. In reality, socialism is more like the working version of communism. It works well and is less suseptable to abuse.

PersephoneX 10-25-2006 10:35 PM

like the idea of equality, or rather EVERYONE being inferior! so i guess that in a perfect world, communism would be great. However, corruption within a system does put things into a bit of a pickle...
see the south african communist party (ANC)

LostAndCrazy 11-26-2006 07:21 PM

Communism was imo never properly applied. As long as it is being administered by humans who live in huge palaces and drive big cars while claiming that all men/women are equal are lying bastards. Human nature will always prevent a faithful application of the communist theories.

Also, chew on this one awhile. If my work rate is superior to yours, why the fuck should I be paid the same as you? It also brings a disturbing picture of a large flock sheep to my mind, the flock being driven towards the slaughterhouse. The same can be said for any form of government. I'm inherently anti anything herdlike.

Tumor 11-26-2006 07:50 PM

My thoughts is that humans are simply not ready for Communism. Sorta like Democracy, in the beginning. The ancient Greeks tried it, and it unltimately failed. Many centuries later, it was tried again, with the creation of the United States. It's worked (sorta) so far, but even now we're at the point where humans have to evolve intellectually a bit more until it works properly. And then a lot more until Communism can work properly.

LostAndCrazy 11-26-2006 07:53 PM

Imo again, but I refuse to accept that democracy is working except for the elite few who get richer and richer while the poor dont have a fucking dime.

Godslayer Jillian 11-26-2006 08:01 PM

You refuse any form of government that is in essence herdlike (monarchy and communism) and you don't like methods that make the rich people richer (democracy and anarchy) so what would you suggest?

LostAndCrazy 11-26-2006 08:18 PM

Very good question. Honestly, I cant think of anything. I'm sorry Im having one of those days where I wake up and want this once beautiful planet (now r.aped and pillaged beyond repair), to rid herself of all human life.

Binkie 11-26-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by LostAndCrazy

Huh. This part kinda caught my eye. You've been here on the boards a whole day, thus far haven't had any of your words censored and haven't posted on threads with words that are censored, and yet you used this method to get around it:


Originally Posted by CptSternn
Another side note - typing a word in the format 'r-ape' will bypass the censor system, but search engines which drop hyphens '-' still pick it up and if you search for the original censored word you will see this site in the results.

I guess like CptSternn, you find that it's incredibly important that words like that exact same one get by. And no less by placing a non-letter separation between the first and the second letter only.

Sorry, just thought that kinda coincidental... "IMO."

Godslayer Jillian 11-26-2006 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Binkie
Huh. This part kinda caught my eye. You've been here on the boards a whole day, thus far haven't had any of your words censored and haven't posted on threads with words that are censored, and yet you used this method to get around it

Haha, Binkie, don't be too paranoid.
He/She edited his/her post. I saw it before being edited.

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