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Isotope 12-28-2006 05:30 AM

Goth fashion label?
1. Romantic goth
2. Androgyn goth
3. Corporate Slave goth
4. Cyber goth
5. Fairy goth
6. Hippie goth
7. Fetish goth
8. Jeand 'n' T-shirt goth
9. Deathrock/Punk goth
10. Western goth
11. Tribal goth
12. Vampire goth

And here's their photos:


Which one is yours?

Feeble Minded 12-28-2006 06:38 AM

Thats interesting. I don't fit into any of these categories. *gasp* Does that mean I'm not gothic!? I do however like that Tribal Goth.

Minyaliel 12-28-2006 10:32 AM

You know what? I think this is silly, it's another list of stereotypes that don't really are true. I'm me, I dress like I want to, usually I have to make my own clothes because I can't find anything I like. I appreciate a rather dark aesthetic, and thus I was labelled a goth by society in general. I picked up the label for simplicity. Fairygoth or any of the other things you've mentioned in your list does not describe anyone as closely as the word "myself".

She_Is_My_Sin 12-28-2006 11:31 AM

Deary me. Goth is this & goth is that. Fair enough it is a bit of a genre spanner, but it's silly trying to cut it down into more groups.

maggot 12-28-2006 12:14 PM

You forgot kittygoth! :P

Mick Ignis 12-28-2006 12:16 PM

I'm Goth. Just Goth. I'm not a big fan of the labels within labels.

Godslayer Jillian 12-28-2006 12:47 PM

I do like labels. I find them useful.
But why should I say Spanish Mustang, Thoroughbred, or Swedish Warmblood, when I can more easily say Horse?

maggot 12-28-2006 01:06 PM

well is you want a Spanish Mustang, it's easier to say that,then describe the traits of one and have the other person figure out what you mean. It depends on the siuation.

Rose_of_Amethyst 12-28-2006 02:25 PM

The one thing that I wonder about is where did these "labels inside of labels" come from? The second thing that makes me wonder is what purpose do they actually serve? Are all these "types of goth" based entirely on how you dress or is it something more.

If it is just based on what one wears, it makes me worry that goth is becoming more about fashion and less about the music.

HumanePain 12-28-2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by maggot
You forgot kittygoth! :P

and cemetery Goth.

The Vampire goth is wearing a cross. Seems out of character. But it's a free country.
(I think it was a mislabled photo.)

Our dear Poupee Celestia (who hasn't posted in a while) has a website somewhere explaining different kinds of goths, but it is in Spanish, just so you know. Can't seem to find it at the moment, I thought it was at , but that doesn't respond (?).

Graveyard.Crow 12-28-2006 04:22 PM

I think the girls in all the pictures are so pretty

Isotope 12-29-2006 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by maggot
You forgot kittygoth! :P

I think it's probably the same as fairy goth:D


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I do like labels. I find them useful.

Woohoo one more person who isn't "i-don't-label" or "i-am-myself" :p


Originally Posted by Rose_of_Amethyst
If it is just based on what one wears, it makes me worry that goth is becoming more about fashion and less about the music.

And what about goth music labels? Gothrock, deathrock, darkwave...and etc.
Well, i hope, goth wont become more about fashion, then we could label almost all mallgoths as goths. Now that would be a catastrophe!


Originally Posted by HumanePain
and cemetery Goth.

I'd say, cemetery goth is the same as vampire. Anyways, i found those on internet

Mick Ignis 12-29-2006 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I do like labels. I find them useful.

I like the "Goth" label, because it has a lot of space to move around in. I can't really limit myself to one goth type, because my style changes daily with my mood. I like experimenting with different clothing.

Godslayer Jillian 12-29-2006 02:44 AM

What I like about these specific types of gothic looks is that when one of my friends asks me something like "why do you limit your wardrobe to only goth?" I can say something like "Oh, but there is an ample variety in goth. There's *insert several of the above gothic styles*, et cetera. Don't you limit your wardrobe more to only preppy?"
It's a fun way to respond that has had produced a couple of laughs, although I only use it when I feel overly antagonistic. More often I just prefer to say "It's not my taste that really limits my clothes so much as money."

Isotope 12-29-2006 07:11 AM

By the way, i found those in russian:

HumanePain 12-29-2006 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
More often I just prefer to say "It's not my taste that really limits my clothes so much as money."

Same here:
Trench coat: $69
Psycho Jacket: $70
Boots: $129
Various t-shirts: $100
Various shirts: $200
Various pants: $200
Belts: ~$50
Tophat: $10
Bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry: $200+
Approximate total (for the past year): $1,028 US

And this doesn't even include music, concert tickets, incense, posters, skulls, ravens, gothic cross decorations for the home and office...

HumanePain 12-29-2006 08:23 AM

And I forgot to include weekly drycleaning for all of the previous clothes!

Isotope 12-29-2006 08:51 AM

Expensive as hell.

Godslayer Jillian 12-29-2006 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by HumanePain
Same here:
Trench coat: $69
Psycho Jacket: $70
Boots: $129
Various t-shirts: $100
Various shirts: $200
Various pants: $200
Belts: $50
Tophat: $10
Bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry: $200+
Approximate total (for the past year): $1,028 US

Being as cool as HumanePain: Priceless.:D

Zenit 12-29-2006 03:01 PM

Hrm, when you said tribalgoth I expected something along the lines of an incorporation of an ethnic piece of clothing...Disapointing...But then again, I could have misunderstood the whole consept. I tend to do that.

deathbecomesme 12-29-2006 03:35 PM

I don't really like Labels but if you must call me something i think i best fit in the:

1. Romantic goth

Although i prefer the term Victorain Goth but its the same thing basically.

Rose_of_Amethyst 12-29-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Isotope
And what about goth music labels? Gothrock, deathrock, darkwave...and etc.
Well, i hope, goth wont become more about fashion, then we could label almost all mallgoths as goths. Now that would be a catastrophe!

Different genres of music such as you have listed do not bother me. In my opinion it's just goth music with a different spin on it if you will.

The fashion doesn't bother me, I actually quite like the various styles of clothing. What I do find irritating is the emphasis being put on fashion more than music, at least in my area. For example if you don't wear "goth" clothing, you are not goth. That leaves a lot of room open for mallgoths to creep in.

HumanePain 12-29-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Isotope
By the way, i found those in russian:

Damn, those Russians are ahead of us! There is a "Goth-Gap"! Each of us in the Western World must spend thousands more to catch up, lest they out-Goth us and dominate the world! (holds up credit card and runs to Ipso-Facto dot com)

( I really liked the skeleton arm necklace that looks like it is giving the wearer a stranglehold!)

Isotope 12-30-2006 02:37 AM

I hate the fact that i'm so bad at their language!

Feeble Minded 12-30-2006 07:02 AM

The only label used is goth.

For example, we are all human, but we have different races. But the word that comes after *insert race here* is always going to be human.

They're just adjectives to describe the fashion.

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