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Wraith235 10-24-2011 10:45 AM

Ok, this isn't as serious as the title suggests but I couldn't think of anything properly goth for a title. My apologies. Please feel free to put any primordial curses, complaints, or general grousing in the replies below.

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)

I work for a really big company doing very mundane things. For various reasons this company is nicknamed "Wolfram and Hart". The most important of these reasons is because my friends are big Buffy fans. I travel fairly often,including my annual trip to Europe which this year is called "EuroTrip 2012; Smoke 'em if you got 'em!" and will include Reykjavik, London, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen. I also beat people with plumbing supplies(called "LARPing" for those who only partially embrace their dork side) and do bad things.

2. Where are you from?
I was born in a small town in the deep southern US. I currently live near the birthplace of the Addams family. No shit. I didn't know until two days ago.

3. Who is your favorite author?

Good question. Right now I'd have to say that I'm a big fan of Alan Weisbecker(Cosmic Banditos), PK Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, and maybe Emma Goldman. This may change at any time.

4. What are your favorite films?

most movies by Hitchcock, Huldufolk 102(it's a movie about elves in Iceland), I can't think of any others at the moment.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?

Please note. I hate weddings. I hate weddings more than anything in the world(even more then Bieber). If there was a way to savagely maim a concept I would do so to weddings. This is not the post for why. That is for the "whining" section. With that in mind the song below has been chosen for two reasons. 1. To make me feel a little better. 2. To make those filthy bastards who forced me into this "Bob" forsaken arrangement to suffer.!

6. At your funeral?

That depends. I want my funeral to take place over the span of a month in several cities throughout Europe. It is my fondest hope that my funeral will be addressed by several religious figures and quite possibly The Hague due to its sheer excess and depravity.

I'm thinking the classics, of course(VNV Nation, Apoptygma, Sisters, Bauhaus). Then maybe some wonderfully cheesy metal(I'm looking at you, Nightwish.) After that something excessive like Severed Crotch(mostly because I like the name). [/color]

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?

In a way that is either painless, interesting, glorious, or all of the above. Being vaporized by interdimentional aliens because I told them to kiss my ass would be a good example.

8. What kind of casket would you want?

None. If there is a body I want my remains to be thrown to vultures in Tibet as is traditional for Tibetan Buddhists such as myself. It's true. You can't make this type of thing up.

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?

This is a cause for sadness, actually. My favorite outfit WAS my grey German coat with my big black horribly uncomfortable stompy boots with the VNV Nation shirt. However that jacket ripped beyond repair recently due to age. I plan to go shopping for new(more comfortable) big stompy boots and a more awesome jacket this April when I go on my annual trip to Europe.

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
Running around in the woods in the Hudson Valley, USA. Chatting with my colony of outdoor cats in the deep south, USA. We had thirty of them. They were like imaginary friends. Except they were real and brought presents. Like birds, squirrels, mice, small dogs, etc.

11. What's your favorite band?

VNV Nation, Nightwish(both pre and post Tarja), Eluveitie, Faun, Omnia, Bat for Lashes, Monica Richards, Eden Project, Unto Ashes basically if it is on "Darker Shade of Pagan" I most likely like it. I have become a romantic. Sad day.

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?

I got my undergraduate in theater and general dorkery. I can bore you to tears about most things that can turn your brain into liquified goo, religion, art(I can explain why Jack the Dripper was a big deal!), etc. I am really useful at foofy parties.

13. Why did you join?

Good question, James Lipton. I joined because I used to think of myself as goth, then I didn't, then Terrible Things(TM) happened, and I now think that I was wrong. And goths are fun. Also, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I don't "think" about things as much as "do" them. This gets me into a lot of "trouble".

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?
I am a male who hopes someday to become an Addams.

Kasdeja 10-24-2011 03:51 PM

Yay! Another VNV fan!

Also, it IS really hard to hate something more than Bieber.


Alan 10-24-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Wraith235 (Post 683163)
Robert Anton Wilson, and maybe Emma Goldman.

Fuck YEAH!

wolf moon 10-24-2011 04:21 PM

Hah. I like you. Let's be friends.

Wraith235 10-24-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kasdeja (Post 683182)
Yay! Another VNV fan!

Also, it IS really hard to hate something more than Bieber.


Re; VNV Nation: When I look back on things I have done in the past that I think of as "Goth" that I am proud of(as opposed to the many things that I am somewhat less than proud of) I think of three. Walking with Krew de Noir for a Mardi Gras many years ago, seeing Bauhaus not so many years ago and seeing VNV Nation(twice). Of those I think seeing VNV is the one I remember most fondly.

Re; weddings. Oh how I hate weddings. If I had one wish I would use it to destroy weddings as a concept. Not for money, power, world peace, or a sane woman who is so good at sex that she can give orgasms by line of sight and is deeply interested in long haired slightly larger gentleman. No. All of these things are secondary to my hatred of weddings.

This barely-ish-kinda-sorta-doesn't-really-do-it-justice shows how much hatred I hold in my heart for weddings. It also is in my opinion the best option for a hoodie that I could ever wear.


Originally Posted by Alan (Post 683186)
Fuck YEAH!

See, I was just going to respond to the anarchist thread but since you decided to stroll by I'll ask you here. It has been brought to my attention that my literacy re; some political topics is out of date by around 100 years. Do you have any recommendations for primers for the New Left you were talking about? I have a base understanding of anarchism, existentialism, and postmodernism so it doesn't have to be super basic but I am admittedly weak in my understanding of socialism(I'm more of a modern econ wonk).

It isn't that I don't trust you it's that I like to RTFM so I can come up with good questions.


Originally Posted by wolf moon (Post 683187)
Hah. I like you. Let's be friends.

Aww. I like you too. I'll try not to get all bashful on you.

Grausamkeit 10-25-2011 12:28 PM

Love the thread title, but it should've been "ZOMFGWTFBBQ!?1!?1!?!1?


I'm normally a bit of an ass, but you seem to have potential as a long term member, so welcome. Jill, is much smarter than I am when it comes to sociopolitical things. I'm having a hard enough time grasping Linear Equations.

Kas-thing, is a racist dick, just fyi. They kiss up to n00bz trying to gain allies. Don't be fooled.

Wraith235 10-25-2011 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Grausamkeit (Post 683264)
Love the thread title, but it should've been "ZOMFGWTFBBQ!?1!?1!?!1?


I'm normally a bit of an ass, but you seem to have potential as a long term member, so welcome. Jill, is much smarter than I am when it comes to sociopolitical things. I'm having a hard enough time grasping Linear Equations.

Kas-thing, is a racist dick, just fyi. They kiss up to n00bz trying to gain allies. Don't be fooled.

Well, I didn't want it to be too unruly. The one I used is "OMGWTFTHCPDQBBQAFKGTFOIRC"

Also, I never have been able to understand racists, really. I've always thought of them as unnecessarily exclusionary. As far as I can see every group that has more than around 50 people have members that suck. All races, religions, sexual orientations, political parties, pretty much the whole "to do". If you know of a group that has 0 members that suck, please feel free to let me know and I will extoll the virtues of how awesome they are over everyone else. :p

Grausamkeit 10-25-2011 01:41 PM

Wraith, indeed! You may extoll my virtues for I am awesome. ;)


Okay....I'm really just silly.

Kasdeja 10-25-2011 09:07 PM

...and can't stop beating a fictional dead horse. :)

Grausamkeit 10-25-2011 09:13 PM

Eat me........

Kasdeja 10-25-2011 10:21 PM

I'd rather not... from what I've heard, aged cunt is quite rubbery and bland.

Grausamkeit 10-26-2011 11:35 AM

It's not putrescent like ignorant racist cunt, though. Plus, I come with a side of awesome-sauce. ;)

Kasdeja 10-26-2011 05:16 PM

Sorry to jack up your intro post, Wraith... she follows me everywhere.

Grausamkeit 10-29-2011 05:30 PM

You are so full of shit. I only antagonize you when I'm bored ya cuntly racist snatch-wobble.

Wraith235 10-29-2011 08:17 PM

Well, at least there isn't any risk of this breaking out into a Cuddle Party(TM). Which is fine by me. I fucking hate Cuddle Party(TM).

Wraith235 10-29-2011 08:28 PM

Rant rant time to rant!

Kasdeja 10-30-2011 12:03 PM

There's a rant thread in the "Whining" section if you're interested.

Spooky Spencer 10-30-2011 05:08 PM

I don't get it. What happened to the other 234 wraiths?

wolf moon 10-30-2011 05:17 PM

Taken out by the Punisher?

Spooky Spencer 10-30-2011 05:18 PM

I was gonna guess the Winchesters, but that works.

Hi, Wraith! (waves)

Wraith235 10-31-2011 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Spooky Spencer (Post 683633)
I don't get it. What happened to the other 234 wraiths?

That is an excellent question. Unfortunately it is not a particularly wise one. :p

wolf moon 10-31-2011 05:13 AM

Whatever, I thought it was excellent.

Spooky Spencer 10-31-2011 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Wraith235 (Post 683702)
That is an excellent question. Unfortunately it is not a particularly wise one. :p

I'm 12. Sue me!

Wraith235 10-31-2011 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Spooky Spencer (Post 683710)
I'm 12. Sue me!

If people who asked unwise questions got sued I wouldn't have enough money for a soda or a good place to bury the other 234 wraiths.

Spooky Spencer 10-31-2011 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Wraith235 (Post 683712)
If people who asked unwise questions got sued I wouldn't have enough money for a soda or a good place to bury the other 234 wraiths.

Good answer...! :p

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