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Opteron_Man 11-12-2008 06:35 PM

Childhood Bullies
I have a hard time respecting bullies. I had a horrible time ALL though grade school. I moved around many many times and on top of that I was strange and was lucky to have one or two friends who had no friends. I was short (still am) with coke bottle glasses. And I am a Aspie.
The girls in class were very cruel, they were laughing jeering twisted little bitches, and they got away with everything they did to me.
I was treated like a piece of shit, and I was gullable enough to trust allmost anyone. I had people who saw me as a a gullable "mark" and pretended to be friendly and came over to my house. In the end, they stole anything they could. I never saw most of them again. Interesting how a kid can dissapear after he steals something.
I lost my Sega and half dozen games, then all of my Nintendo 64 games, then all of my Gameboy color games. Each time this happened, it was when each system was brand new and worth a small fortune. I was punished by my parents and I never ever got my revenge on the fuckers that smiled and tricked me. Once when my mom and I went to her friend's house I had a bunch of kids there who were pretending to be friendly, they all tackled me and pulled my pants and underwear down. I fought hard but they were too big and strong.
They took an inkpad and stamped blue smilley faces all over my ass.
When I got free, I ran crying to my mom in horror and shock. I told her what these bastards did in tears, and their parents and my mom didn't do a goddamned thing!

Bullies? I know all about them, I have much worse stories stashed away in my head but I don't want to dig them up again. If I could get my hands on some of these cruel and sadistic little demons, I will make them scream apologies.

HellforgedX 11-12-2008 07:14 PM

Bullies suck. The game "Bully" is cool, though. The movie "Big Bully" starring Rick Moranis & Tom Arnold was horrible. Maybe that's just because Tom Arnold was in it. I don't know.
Anyhoo, why were you so gullible? Didn't you learn the first couple 'a times? Reminds me of the movie "Baseketball" - "If you guys call me Squeak 7 or 8 more times, I'm outta here!"
I don't know where I'm going with this. Bullies do suck, though.

Opteron_Man 11-12-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by HellforgedX
Bullies suck. The game "Bully" is cool, though. The movie "Big Bully" starring Rick Moranis & Tom Arnold was horrible. Maybe that's just because Tom Arnold was in it. I don't know.
Anyhoo, why were you so gullible? Didn't you learn the first couple 'a times? Reminds me of the movie "Baseketball" - "If you guys call me Squeak 7 or 8 more times, I'm outta here!"
I don't know where I'm going with this. Bullies do suck, though.

I don't know why I was so gullible. But what really grinds my goth gears is that in school, the fuckin teachers didn't do shit. They said something like
it is out of our control. Bullshit it is! The bullies and anybody else who wanted a piece of me could do what they liked and when I fought back with nasty words or a good swing, the wrath of the gods came down on me like lightning bolts from Zues.

HellforgedX 11-12-2008 07:26 PM

Although it was a great tragedy and in no way represented, well, I was going to say the majority but I think the WHOLE of the goth community, the Columbine killings happened in my sophomore year and a lot of people tried extra hard to be my friend after that. I wasn't allowed to wear Mr. Ragz for about a week after it, and a bunch of people died, so I guess that sucked.

Opteron_Man 11-12-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by HellforgedX
Although it was a great tragedy and in no way represented, well, I was going to say the majority but I think the WHOLE of the goth community, the Columbine killings happened in my sophomore year and a lot of people tried extra hard to be my friend after that. I wasn't allowed to wear Mr. Ragz for about a week after it, and a bunch of people died, so I guess that sucked.

I am sorry to hear that. You were present during that shooting?
What a shame. Goths are not to blame.

Godslayer Jillian 11-12-2008 07:43 PM

I was both the bully and the nerd.

Opteron_Man 11-12-2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I was both the bully and the nerd.

It sounds contradictory but I know what you mean.

TheBloodEternity 11-12-2008 07:54 PM

We have/have had several Asperger's kids in our school and I try to be nice to some, but some of them are really ridiculous. One of them was a white supremacist who told a teacher she was going to hell for supporting gay/lesbian/transgendered rights, and another one will start yelling at you if you make a repetitive noise (clicking pens, tapping feet) or if you say something about dead cats or pronounce Pokemon wrong. I'm fairly sure they were just hiding behind the disorder to say stupid shit and get away with it.
I can be a bit of a bully sometimes and I'm a huge nerd, but no one gives me shit at my school.

Duane 11-12-2008 08:06 PM

You know the kid the entire class picks on? That was me.

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 08:14 PM

I'm sorry, but this has to be said:

Bullying is a part of growing up. Everyone has bullied and has been it's victim, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Bullying is just a natural part of the human experience, and although it's not a very pleasant thing in itself, I wouldn't like to imagine a world without it.

Campaigns to stop bullying in schools are such an utter waste of time and resources; children are by nature Fascists, and bullying will always exist.

People who have hang ups over bullying later on in life, after they have left school, are just finding excuses for how crap their life is at the moment. I'm a social darwinist, and so you wont get any sympathy from me.

At the end of the day, it's not who you are but what you say and do that people will remember. If you allow yourself to be bullied, then clearly you deserve it.

HumanePain 11-12-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Sir. Helpmann
I'm sorry, but this has to be said:

Bullying is a part of growing up. Everyone has bullied and has been it's victim, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Bullying is just a natural part of the human experience, and although it's not a very pleasant thing in itself, I wouldn't like to imagine a world without it.

Campaigns to stop bullying in schools are such an utter waste of time and resources; children are by nature Fascists, and bullying will always exist.

People who have hang ups over bullying later on in life, after they have left school, are just finding excuses for how crap their life is at the moment. I'm a social darwinist, and so you wont get any sympathy from me.

At the end of the day, it's not who you are but what you say and do that people will remember. If you allow yourself to be bullied, then clearly you deserve it.

Then you believe in Might Makes Right?

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by HumanePain
Then you believe in Might Makes Right?

The stronger always has the right to carry through what he/she wills.

If you're too fucking weak to fight for yourself, I wont shed a single tear for you; you don't deserve any better in my opinion.

Jonathan 11-12-2008 08:27 PM

Sadly, at some level, force is the last measure when all else fails.

"Ultima ratio regum" wasn't engraved on that french king's cannons for giggles, it is the cold truth.

Godslayer Jillian 11-12-2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sir. Helpmann
I'm sorry, but this has to be said:

Bullying is a part of growing up. Everyone has bullied and has been it's victim, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Bullying is just a natural part of the human experience, and although it's not a very pleasant thing in itself, I wouldn't like to imagine a world without it.

I agreed with this much.
However, it's stupid to think bullying is an example of fascism. And by the way, social darwinism is not worthy of respect and merit since the 20th century.

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jonathan
Sadly, at some level, force is the last measure when all else fails.

"Ultima ratio regum" wasn't engraved on that french king's cannons for giggles, it is the cold truth.

Adaequatio intellectûs nostri cum re :P

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I agreed with this much.
However, it's stupid to think bullying is an example of fascism. And by the way, social darwinism is not worthy of respect and merit since the 20th century.

I didn't say bullying was a form of fascism; I simply said that children, as unthinking creatures who act on instinct and impulse are by nature fascists.

And you may not respect Social Darwinism, but it's a fact you are going to have to live with.

Unless of course you surround yourself with every worthless cretin you encounter, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Underwater Ophelia 11-12-2008 08:50 PM

What the fuck does having Aspberger's have to do with this?

Godslayer Jillian 11-12-2008 08:58 PM

Social darwinism really has been discarded. There's no evidence nor reasoning to back it up, after all.

Jonathan 11-12-2008 09:04 PM

I think it was to help show how isolated the dude was, and to explain how he was consistently on the business side of those people manipulating him to their advantage.

I feel a little bad for ya there Opteron. I was never the most popular guy, but I was lucky enough to have things good at home and a core of awesome people I plan to have serve in my cabinet when I become the Intergalactic Tzar.

If you can take that resentment you have going, and try to make something good come out of it, it might help you get some closure. Rather than plot out revenge, why not figure out a way to give something back? Go volunteer with some youth organization, so some kid with no one to turn to won't have to go through what you did. Shift from focusing on tearing them down to lifting yourself and someone else up. It is a lot more excellent.

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
Social darwinism really has been discarded. There's no evidence nor reasoning to back it up, after all.

Sorry, but clearly you cannot even give an argument or cite an example to back up your case.

Simply saying "there's no evidence" to back it up is bullshit; there is a mountain of work out there you couldn't even begin reading since you've clearly never gone to university; you strike me as a self-taught know-it-all who gets all his facts from wikipedia and what his favourite band has been reading or thinking about this week.

As I've told you previously, a little bit of knowledge is a bad thing. As this knowledge passes from your head to the keyboard it is transformed into dirt and dung.

What evidence or reasoning "disproves" social darwinism?

There are counter arguments true... but disproves it?

Go back to school.

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jonathan
Go volunteer with some youth organization, so some kid with no one to turn to won't have to go through what you did. Shift from focusing on tearing them down to lifting yourself and someone else up. It is a lot more excellent.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Jonathan 11-12-2008 09:11 PM

I know, but for a fleeting moment I thought the human spirit would triumph.

Godslayer Jillian 11-12-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sir. Helpmann
you strike me as a self-taught know-it-all who gets all his facts from wikipedia and what his favourite band has been reading or thinking about this week.

First of all that's not even a complete sentence.
Second, honestly, that's how I see you, so why not stop trying to simply insult me and make something more meaningful with your time, like actually posing an argument?
The biggest bullshit right now is that you're this close to demanding me to disprove a negative.
Social Darwinism is a horrible misconstruction of Darwinian theory. Its whole premise of "survival of the fittest" applied to society is not even evolutionarily factual.
So if there's no scientific backing for social darwinism, then it just becomes a harsh form of ideal, emphasis on the 'ideal'.

Sir. Helpmann 11-12-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jonathan
I know, but for a fleeting moment I thought the human spirit would triumph.

The human spirit finds its truest expression in letting the will go free and wild, unencumbered and disregarding towards social parasites who hold their hands out in want.

Jonathan 11-12-2008 09:20 PM

Or in perverse revenge fantasies, I guess.

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