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AshleyO 12-05-2012 04:01 PM

This is the new expansion to Skyrim and HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so the PC users may have liked Dawnguard and thought it was pretty rad, but SERIOUSLY. Dragonborn puts Dawnguard to shame by smacking its nose and telling it to stand in the corner with a dunce hat on.

Get this fucking expansion as soon as you can!

Anyway. What's great though is that this isn't the last DLC that Skyrim will have. Bethesda has stated that they plan on adding even more expansions. Yes. That's expansions... with an S at the end.

Anyway. This expansion is AS MASSIVE and AS interesting as Shivering Isles for Oblivion. You basically go back to Solstheim, the island off the coast of Morrowind where Bloodmoon took place and HOLY SHIT! This expansion just got crazy creepy.

What's great about it though is that it tends to take a departure from your typical snow and cold weather setting and gives you places to explore that are... well... ash wastes, really.

Something about this expansion makes the game even darker than Dawnguard. I mean; DG has a sort of campy creepy vibe because of vampires, but so far... this expansion makes one feel like something terrible is just on the peripheral of everything. You get to the island and just get this weird sense of... abandonment. You go beyond Raven Rock and just... weird shit is going down.

And the new armors... Wow. Let's just say that one of the new armors makes you look like a cross between robocop and a frickin' grizzly bear!

BourbonBoy 12-05-2012 08:31 PM

Fucking sweet! Can't wait for the expansion next year!

AshleyO 12-14-2012 10:51 PM

Dude... you can throw spiders at people.

BourbonBoy 12-15-2012 12:26 PM

Nice. There's also the new dragon riders. Dude, fucking dragon riders!

AshleyO 12-15-2012 06:00 PM

...Yeah. I mean; if you'd be into that kind of thing. I used it like... ONCE.

Saya 12-15-2012 09:10 PM

The dragon riding thing made me excited because dragons and unicorns were two things I fucking loved as a kid and while I think Skyrim does a good job in making dragons scary enough that I don't feel the OOOOOOH DRAGONS YAY squees in my head, I squeed like a five year old when I saw that preview.

Until I was reminded of Dragonriders of Pern and how much I fucking hated those books but read them anyway because they had dragons.

AshleyO 12-16-2012 07:50 AM

I'm really not feeling confident that you guys are going to like how the dragons are handled.

Spoiler about how they work: Dragons are not mounts like horses are. You do not have direct control of a dragon. It is true that you can ride a dragon's back and command it to destroy things and fight and such. But do not expect anything like horses that behave like airplanes. The dragons are not your own car. It's more like they're like "Hey bro. You're cool. Get on my back and I'll take you for a ride and you can suggest to me that we should totes scorch that bandit camp. Oh you wanna fly to Dawnstar? Ha. Fast travel, broheim!"

AshleyO 12-16-2012 07:58 AM

Now some things I do want to bring up.

Solstheim is a frickin' weird place. I don't know why but I think that island is practically cooler than almost the whole country of Skyrim.

This expansion is scary. I mean hardcore spooky like a Lovecraft story is spooky. Way creepier than Dawnguard.

The new gears are cool. I mean REALLY REALLY cool.

Depending on what kind of mage you are, you might be disappointed. Spellswords will like it. Squishy destruction mages? Not really so much. (Where is your dragonskin spell anyway? Fuck's wrong with you? Wear that shit!)

BourbonBoy 12-16-2012 09:55 AM

While I'm a little disappointed in how they did the dragon riders, my character is more of a scout/assassin type. I must say I love the like of the place, and wonder what kind of new light armor they'll come up with because I love the Dark Brotherhood gear.

AshleyO 12-16-2012 11:51 AM

Oh there's a BADASS light armor that I think you'll love. Unfortunately, you can't improve it through smithing and you can't forge it either.

If it means anything to you though, the light armor perks apply to it... o_0

It's basically a huge thick fur coat with thick fur hat, boots, and gloves.

Then there's the Stalrim(sp) armors which are aesthetically BAD ASS. It's like the Nord version of glass armor and looks fucking dope as hell with a mage hood.

Carved Nordic armor and weapons are slick too. Like high tech nordic gear.

There's also new Dunmer armors like Chitin and Morog Tong assassin armor. Kind of a beetle meets steampunk meets the desert kind of look.

Versus 03-27-2013 04:06 AM

I picked it up but haven't played it yet. I want to see the main quest first and I spent like all of last week finding words.

Which reminds me; KONTAN. I found some sick mods you would love.

AshleyO 03-27-2013 09:55 AM

Which ones? I'm rolling with Skyrim Redone, Frostfall, and Wet and Cold with Immersive Weapons and Armors right now.

There's been a few cool ones lately. :)

Versus 03-27-2013 05:35 PM

Most of my mods are cosmetic or drastically overhauling stuff, but here are some I think you'd like that don't change the game much.

Winter is coming - Adds big ass cloaks and hoods that are craftable and on NPC leveled list. Wet and cold will actually make NPCs equip them in the appropriate weather.

Footprints - Adds footprints to everybody that walks in snow/ash.

Enhanced Night Skyrim - Makes the night sky look fucking gorgeous. I have increased star density and blue galaxies that are turned up really bright, but mixed with darker lightning mods so I get that really cool black landscape/dark blue night sky effect.

Lightning During Thunderstorms - Just like it sounds. Pretty great.

Realistic needs and diseases - A VERY unobtrusive to game play hunger/thirst/sleep mod that goes great with Frostfall. Recommend that you use it without fast travel because it can get annoying.

W.A.T.E.R. - A water texture and mold revision. Looks great.

Static MESH Improvement - Makes things like chairs and fruit bowls ect. look 3 dimensional.

Better Vampires - GET

Predator Vision - Fun mod that adds heat vision and night eye to vampires, werewolves, and Khajit.

Auto unequip Ammo - Switching from A crossbow or Bow takes off your quiver automatically.


SKSE Hotkeys - Because fuck the fucking favorites menu.

Convenient Horses - Really great. Gives horses an inventory, follows can use and fight on horses when you do, Horses don't attack everything in a 1000 mile radius.

Ultimate Follower Overhaul - GET.

AshleyO 03-31-2013 03:31 AM

This is what my Skyrim looks like right now. It's a pic of the sun coming over a mountain.

Versus 03-31-2013 11:50 AM

Versus 03-31-2013 11:51 AM

AshleyO 03-31-2013 02:48 PM

That's nice!

Versus 03-31-2013 07:52 PM

And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Saya. She doesn't think my character is "cute" and I'm like "I'm not going for cute! UGH!"

I wish I could show you my weather effects. Or how awesome and annoying it is to not being able to see a mother fucking thing because the sun isn't out or it's raining or snowing hard. >_> I mostly just wanted something that made the harsh weather look harsh, you know? Skyrim is supposed to be cold and unforgiving so nothing really looks warmer then "chilly" or "bitter," even on the nice days and nights where the sky is clear.

Versus 03-31-2013 08:01 PM

Oh. This is the armor I'm using. Looks boss with a big bear cloak.

AshleyO 03-31-2013 11:54 PM

The latest ENB series is like a god damned god send for people with ATI Radeon cards. So the new ENB series works wonders.

What I did notice is these freaky new effects it did to the rain. I was sitting there watching it rain and I was like... DAMN. The lighting actually looks kinda believable. I'm walking by this fire and I'm like... damn. What's those weird orange and shinny streaks in the air? Oh my god. Is that the rain reflecting the light I see?

Then I look up and gaze at the sun during a storm and the damn thing is piercing through the clouds but doesn't have that odd pink look like the old ENB, but it's like these white streaks just blasting through. THEN the sun changes color for the morning and the evening and I'm all like what the actual FUCK??! Why did it take so long for ENB to get so god damned good.

And I'm just freaking out cause I'm rocking like 40~60 frames per second FINALLY with all effects going on in ENB. JESUS H JONES!

I'd try lightning during the thunderstorms, but I have Climates of Tamriel going and I'm not sure if it's compatible.

Also, Realistic Lighting Overhaul is a fucking miracle in my opinion.

Versus 04-01-2013 02:07 AM

lol, dude. I've been using version 0.119 of ENB series. No wonder my water reflections are shit. I just wish I could remember what my presets are.

Also, I didn't use Climates of Tamriel because I had some other stuff that conflicted. I wanted like hardcore-thrash-your-face-storms and at the time CoT was still pretty new and it's harsh weather was kinda lame. I see that it's come a long way so I think I'll give that one a try.

Realistic lightning is nice. :x I can't see a mother fucking thing.

Versus 04-01-2013 10:33 AM

So, I dropped CoT and Realistic Lighting. I'm just annoyed with tweaking them and they don't really add a lot to me anymore. I fucking love CoT's cloud variety and sky textures, but a) the ENB I made (which is totally goth) doesn't really show it, and I don't look at the day sky enough to notice.

This is goth mode.

AshleyO 04-01-2013 12:28 PM

Yeah. I think CoT's cloud cover is really really good.

Sometimes on very rare occasions, I will get a thunderstorm with lighting and shit.

Someone needs to make an extreme version of CoT for fun though. Like end of the world weather kind of stuff. Thundersnow. Tornadoes. Unrelenting force wind bursts. Heat lightning.

Versus 04-01-2013 12:39 PM

Oh, no. I meant the sunny weather clouds. There are a lot of variations to them. I don't like CoT for any kind of drab or inclement weather.

Frostfall has an option to make snow storms slow you down and that lightning mod I have has option to let it land stupid close and hurt you! I don't use that one, though. I like to see it fork in the distance.

AshleyO 04-01-2013 02:18 PM

I play with Frostfall. It really helps.

Have you seen that overhaul where some people turned Skyrim into a tropical paradise?

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