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BLEED REBELION!!! 06-20-2007 08:31 PM

Reverse racism (please read this)
This is a blog entry that I posted for some people I know, but I thought it should be read on this site. I know that this site is mostly White so it may be hard for some of you to understand but I think it should be discussed.

People say it does not exist but it does. I know 100% that you can be discriminated against for being white.
I am mixed, I’m African American , Polish and a few other races(Hawaiian, Peurto rican etc). My whole life I have been treated like shit for my race, for my blood, my skin, for things I have no control over. People act as though only white people can commit racism, as though it strictly belongs to those of European dissent.
I generally identify as African American I feel as that it doesn’t matter if I am mixed that I am and always will be Black . I have experienced racism from white people and yes it hurts to be called a ****** it hurts when someone looks at you in that way that tells you they hate you. But racism from white people has effected me far less personally that of Black people. Other Blacks have told me that I am not as good as them because I am not “pure bred” , that some how it makes me inferior. They have disowned me, they have looked at my light skin and said that I do not belong.
Ever since I was a little child I was told that I was a “zebra” or that I was “a white bitch”. It has been one of the biggest issues in my life, to prove my blackness. I have been in fist fights over my skin I have been jumped and I have to try sooo hard not to hate every one for it. To have toalways justify myself. Constantly having to prove that I that I AM a BLACK woman. It hurts far more to be hated and rejected by those that are the same as you those who should understand you. When white people hate me for my race I see it as ignorance and stupidity, but when I am hated by my own kind it has such a huge effect on my self-esteem. I will never be completely excepted by any race, whites see me as just another ******, and Blacks see me as less than them as un pure as a betrayer. I share the Blood of the oppressor (white people) therefore I have betrayed Black people.
I have always hated myself for being part polish, for being 25% white. At one point when I was younger I actually prayed to Jesus (even though I am not a Christian.) that I could have darker skin that I could just be Black. To this day I wish I were darker.
I feel that No matter what I am mixed with I am still Black, if there was still slavery I would be a slave. I share so many of the same problems as every other Black person and I will continue to be part of this community, so except me already because im not leaving.
I know that my roots are in Africa I can feel it in my heart and soul. I do African dance I dance to African drums. I listen to the rhythms of those drums and move my body to it I create a beautiful dance a tribal dance. And when I dance I feel Africa I know and am completely assured of my African nature of who I am.
I feel that we as a African Americans need to stop hating each other we need to show love for each other. Lift one another up and not be racist towards ourselves. Because in the end we are the same when it all comes down to it we will all face the same things…….
It makes no sense to inflict so much pain on someone simply because they have light skin, that is just plain idiocy.

BLEED REBELION!!! 06-20-2007 08:35 PM

My best friend is half black and Half white, she grew up in a white area and the few blacks who lived there considered her to be a white person. The Whites considered her not on e of them. She wishes she were completely white so I can see that this works both ways.

kitten 06-20-2007 08:58 PM

My younger cousins are mixed. They have never really had a problem, but they are young. (8 and 13), But this is an issue my uncle is worried about when they gt into high school.

MollyMac 06-20-2007 09:01 PM

Racism is racism. There is no reverse racism.

kitten 06-20-2007 10:21 PM

I ust did some research on "Prussian Blue" those little twin girls that sing about white supremesy. It makes me sick. Thank the goddess that their father is fighting for custody. He isn't racist and wont let the little girls sing anymore. Their mom is sick. I swear. Brainwashing your children like that is just wrong.

Circle V 06-21-2007 08:24 PM

Are zebras white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?

thedoll 06-22-2007 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Circle V
Are zebras white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?

doesnt matter, I can hate them either way :P

Draconysius 06-22-2007 09:11 AM

I do understand your situation, because I've studied the Afro-punk scene. Black people that get into very white-fronted music are shunned by their community because they're doing something that goes outside the boundaries of their expectations. I don't really have a reason for why it's this way, but it just is. Assholes exist in all places, all colors, all shapes. But you have the right to feel better than those sacks of crap because you've had the courage to admit to your mixed nationality, and you've pressed on despite all the difficulties.

BLEED REBELION!!! 06-22-2007 09:33 PM

In the recent years my taste in music has contributed to the hate against me . But, when I was younger my music was just hip hop I wasn’t much different except in my color.

kitten 06-24-2007 05:30 PM

Dude, I have so much stuff mixed into my family. Through marriages, I am Israeli, Black, Jewish....lots of things people are against. My mom calls us all American Mutts. I don't think it's a bad thing either....This world needs to just get over it's prejudices and catch up with the times.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 05:51 PM

I don't understand how people can be racist =[
Also, I don't like how people say all/only white people are racist, because then they are just being racist towards white people! Arg, hypocricy!!
You know, we are more the same than we are different!

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 06:26 PM

I will say this; the same thing happens globally. Slavs were discriminated against in Europe by Germans because they were "impure", French were thought to be "too decadent" by the same afforementioned group. So, basically, I'm one-quarter German, but if I went back to Germany, I would be looked upon as a "mut" or a "bastard child" by any bigots just because I am Polish. The same occurs with religion. People will look for any excuse to efface or denounce that which they fear, that which is different, so as to reduce it as a threat.

There are countless examples of this, but I think I'll leave it here: Discrimination is discrimination; there are multiple levels, and anyone can be discriminated against.

MollyMac 06-24-2007 06:33 PM

It's all a perceived pecking order. In Asian communities, according to my Taiwanese sister in law, there is a heirarchy of Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, but that is more nationalistic. A Latina friend of mine said the same thing of her general community. I am mostly white, and yet my family is very anti-English, Italian, and French and everyone tells Polish jokes.

I prefer to deride people based on their intelligence and decisions. Race and nationality are easy to insult. Weight and appearance are easy to insult.

I like to take the time to get to know th eperson I am slamming :)

killer_asian_Dax 06-24-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by MollyMac
It's all a perceived pecking order. In Asian communities, according to my Taiwanese sister in law, there is a heirarchy of Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, but that is more nationalistic.

That's funny you should mention that about Asian communities. I don't know for certain about other Asian races, but in my experience, with the Japanese the "pecking order" is: Japanese, South Korean (North Koreans are just crazy), Chinese, Various South East Asians, Filipinos.

It's really harsh how some (not all) Japanese Americans view Filipinos. Pretty much they're considered the 'Mexicans" of the Asian world.

Corpsey 06-24-2007 10:46 PM

Ugh.... This women is in anguish because of the perceptions bearing down on her. Thus, the benefits of a culture where people don't try to live up to other's expectations so greatly.

Lapin 06-25-2007 10:52 AM

I'm half-Irish and half-Czech/Roma. If I hear one more Irish drinking joke come out of the mouth of someone, I'm going to scream.

Ms. Rebellion, I see you live in Maryland. What part?

I am sorrowful that people are assholes to you. It seems we can go nowhere when it comes to accepting mixed-bloods.

Lady_Lacrimosa_Umbrae 06-25-2007 10:58 AM

Racism and discrimination only start when one group feels superior to the other (which is something completely wrong but still very common amongst human beings). Those "pure bred" blacks, as they call themselves, are just being silly: On one hand, if they discriminate mixed people who also have to face discrimination from big sectors of the white population, they will have less support when it comes to fight for their equality. And on the other hand, it is pretty stupid that they don't realize they're being just the same as those stupid white people who discrimine them.

I have no idea what my origins are. Even if I'll be considered a "latina" by the rest of the world, we spanish are the result of a mixture of peoples along the centuries: the romans, the germans, the arabs, the gypsies, the jews, the french...
It would be mad to try and find all of my ancestors, everything I know is (by my surname) that I am a far, far, far, far, far descendant of some visigoth in the medieval ages who was called "Pedro" (spanish for Peter)... but who knows whose else blood I carry apart from that guy. (Who cares anyway? I have gothic blood. Weeee! :D)

BLEED REBELION!!! 06-25-2007 06:28 PM

I live in Baltimore, Inner city west side.

If you're light skinned often the adults tell you that your pretty or that you have “good hair”. They have the perception that being light skinned is better. It causes jealousy and, I think girls especially don’t like me because they have been taught that not only am I “prettier” for my skin and hair but that I am not the same as them. I have dark skinned friends and they have terrible self esteem and there is some amount of animosity between us but we try to get over this crap. Its like im considered not a black person so im nit as good but then because im light im considered very pretty so it’s a double sided sword. On one hand the guys will often times want to go with a light girl but as soon as their mad at you, you are “that white bitch”.

Aaroneet 06-25-2007 06:44 PM

True enough. For some reason, a court case comes to mind, in which a young, black girl was called up to the stand. Two dolls were held to her face; one white, and one black. She was asked to choose which one she preferred; she said that she preferred the white one because black girls couldn't be pretty. A "campaign" was launched afterwards to try to efface that "white exclusivity", but decades later, I find it funny to see how little headway was really made. Human nature will always run its course.

There actually could be a reason for the specific targeting of "black" as a color to be feared, particularly with complexion. The color, "white" represents daytime, and what is rational to the human mind. The color "black" comes to symbolize night, what is dark, emotional, and, thus, what is irrational. It is opposing and different from what is acceptable in society; therefore, it must be shunned.

MollyMac 06-25-2007 07:29 PM

Bleed Rebellion-

"Good hair"????? It's been forever since I heard that term. It still makes me wince.

One of my classmates, in kindergarten- Sammie- had "bad hair" and, moreover, a bad mother (who disappeared by grade two). Our teacher, Mrs. Gatson, was the first black woman I had ever met and spoken with. It was 1983, and she had a smaller afro, a Kente shall, and the kindest smile I have seen to this day.

And I remember Mrs. Gatson talking to my friend about her out of control, dry, nappy hair- Sammie said that her own mother called it "bad hair". Mrs. Gatson said that there was no such thing as bad hair, only bad people. And that Sammie was a good girl who deserved good hair. She called Sammie's mother to let Sammie stay sfter school for "tutoring". I stayed with Mrs. Gatson, too. I had extra barrettes in by rucksack. She proceeded to do Sammie's hair in plaits and the barrettes.

Sammie cried so hard, her hair was very bad with neglect and no conditioner, the comb could barely move through it.

I had equated "good hair" with someone loving you and "bad hair" with a mother that didn't care.

Underwater Ophelia 06-26-2007 10:37 AM

I'm white and Native American. I've conquered myself! Yay!

BLEED REBELION!!! 06-30-2007 02:53 PM

Usually “good hair” refers to whether or not your hair is “nappy” or how white your hair is. If your hair has a looser curl. I really hate weaves and perms. The hair issue is major bullshit. First of all perm is incredibly bad for you , it will eventually make your hair fall out , some of my friends have perm sore on their heads. A perm sore is like a gross scab that you get from all the chemicals that your scalp absorbs. I hate it when people put perm in a five year olds hair, give them braids or locks or twists but don’t fucking give them perm. And weaves I mean they don’t bother me as much as perm because they don’t usually physically hurt you, but the reason girls get them usually isn’t really healthy.
In the winter sometimes I flat iron/ blow dry my hair straight and in the summer I leave in curly cuz its so hot I just sweat the straightness out. But now that my hair is longer it looks better so I’m not gonna straighten it anymore . I will never ever perm my kids hair never ever ever ever ever never ever will I perm my kids hair

KontanKarite 07-01-2007 11:30 AM

It sucks, I know. I'm really sorry. I have/had several mixed friends who would tell me about the "dark/bright" issue. It's an aweful shame. Sadly, as much as we don't want it to be true, we suffer the sins of our fathers. It breaks my heart and I wish there was something that could be done, but damn. We wont be able to force people to change their hearts.

I thought reverse racism was when someone held you to a better standard or thought highly of you because of your race and not so much because of the person you are.

Lapin 07-01-2007 01:09 PM

You live in Baltimore?

My friend, half-Honduranian, half-black, would like to comment:

"Mix in Baltimore? Bitch is getting her ass kicked."

(Me: Nice. Her: What?)

Kontan is right, that is the correct definition of reverse-rascism.

BLEED REBELION!!! 07-01-2007 09:14 PM

Sorry if I was using reverse racism in the wrong way. I thought it was just racism against white ppl. I should really look these things up.

Lupin has your friend ever lived in Baltimore, Maryland? And actually yes , during elementary school (3rd-5th grade) I did get my ass kicked allot or more like banked. For those of you who don’t know what it means to be “banked”, it means when several people usually 3 or more jump on one person and kick their ass. The thing I hate most is girls that bank each other. If you want to fight me fight me one on one and then if you kick my ass you have my respect on that part. But if you cant take me on by your self then SHUT THE FUCK UP and walk away. Only a chump has all their friends help them kick the shit out of the fucking smallest kid in the class. Some of those kids I feel sorry for. One girl In I think maybe 5th grade fought me and I won, and every one teased her because I kicked her ass in front of like 50 people. A week later this girl has her mother fucking attack me! What kinda woman fights a 5th grader ? I mean If I kicked your daughters ass you need to put her in karate or something but don’t come and fight your daughters battle. I am extremely happy I didn’t get a really bad mother like some other kids got.
I was extremely small and still am, and I know that’s no excuse for being a punk when I was young and not winning the fights (often) but hell it was unfair. Middle school I was home schooled because I was always in a fight and my attitude was terrible it was either home school or military school. And even when was home schooled I couldn’t go out side with out some BITCH talking shit to me. People say your high school years are the worst years of your life. But high school is fucking heaven compared to elementary school. Girls are way more mature now then they were back then. I’ve only been in 4 “real” fights this year and only one fight was a t school. I haven’t lost a fight since 6th grade and most people don’t really fight over a stupid little argument once they get older so I think things are most definitely getting better. Although I must admit that I have a huge mouth and generally will cuss any one out so I add fuel to the fire once they want to fight me I just speed things up.

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