Thread: Animal Rights
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Old 02-24-2006, 12:07 AM   #5
Blushing Heliophobe
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1,055
The last time I checked, the FDA wa saying that Americans eat about 3 times as much meat as is necessary to our health.

I think that human life is different than animal life. I think life in and of itself is sacred. I also think that humans are on a completely different mental level than animals, and so even though that makes our life *worth* more, it also makes us more responsible for the ways in which we live.

And yes, I think there is essentially no difference between the value of a dog's life or a pig's life. They are both animals. We as human being have different uses for them, which is why we treat them differently and very often, emotionally view them differently. I think we shouldn't let that get in the way of recognizing the fact that an animal is an animal, and if it's wrong to cage dogs and brutally beat them then it's also wrong to do that to a pig - or a chicken

I think that if we consider ourselves the 'stewards' of the earth then we should act more like stewards, and not brutish curs.

Why, how about yourself?
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