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Old 02-27-2006, 04:59 AM   #160
Cruel Intentions
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Scotland - yes there's goths here too!
Posts: 105
My logic is quite satanist but I wouldn't consider myself to be a satanist. Satanism implies worshipping satan (I know it doesn't but it's a strong connotation). I don't do that. I put myself first in most things. Sure if being nice wins me a friend, then it's because I value them as a friend but at the bottom of it there lies the thinking that it's much easier to get on with life when people aren't trying to make it harder.

If I have to 'sin' to achieve my goals then so be it, so long as it doesn't land me in the shit of course...

I don't know how anyone got the idea that God is a nice person who loves us.

I think this is from revalations, I know it's from the new testament

"I will strike her children dead." - God about Jezebel

Sure, Jezebel was a prostitute, not a good start but she needed rehab not a bloody curse!

I would recommend you all to a Bible. Read both testaments (or as much as you can before you have to burn it for its hyppocracy) and you'll see that God aint so nice. Some of the things he/she/it does are fucking vindictive.
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