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Old 03-01-2006, 12:13 AM   #8
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I've been off sugar and processed foods for over a year now, and cut way down on my meat consumption, and I have to say it feels great. But I do it because of a food allergy, not by choice, so I guess that doesn't really count. Just saying it can be done, and you will definitely not be any worse off for it. There are so many unnecessary additives in food, it boggles the mind. The sugar industry is corrupt as hell, every bit as bad as the tobacco industry.

That being said, I don't know if I have the self-discipline to go for 40 days without my vices. I don't have that many, or indulge very often, but (for those that know what I'm talking about) I need a retreat from reality sometimes. And I don't give a rat's ass what society or the law says about that. It's a completely natural human urge. As I see it, the whole point of Lent is that it comes from yourself, and not as an imposed restriction by anyone else. So, I can respect the concept.

Good luck with your "purification", Tall One! I'm sure you'll do just fine.
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