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Old 03-01-2006, 07:51 AM   #15
Shi'ark's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: London, the loneliest city, England
Posts: 435
My step mother is from Northan Ireland a nice little town called Corain. A place where Protestants and Catholic for the most part get on well enough to live to giver without the day-to-day nonsense of loyalist ideas and Republicanism getting in the way of living their lives.
Ireland has had a very turbulent history as well as the present and there are many to blame including the politicians in London, but mostly when people of live along side one another they have them self to blame for falling in the belief that they have some noble calls worth fighting for.
This is the most important question that I have ever been asked: “What is better. Poor people fighting other poor people for idealism that for the most part ends up only benefiting the rich and powerful. Or not?”
The only winners in the conflict in Ireland have been the Para-militaries. But the best word now to describe them is “mafia”.
I have been told this by a daughter of an Orangeman.
"Because in the end, everything we do… is just everything we’ve done." - Corey Taylor/Stone Sour
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