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Old 03-08-2006, 03:25 PM   #92
Jane13's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,051
Age: 16 (my birthday was monday! yay!)


Q1. Would you describe yourself as a Goth? Yes

Q2. Why? What does Goth mean to you? Goth basically is a blanket for the things that interest me and the ideas that drive me.

Q3. How do you like to dress during the day and at night? Usually black jeans and some sort of tshirt at school, but more stuff like flowy dresses and boots and silly old-timey hats when I'm out with friends.

Q4. Are you trying to convey a message with the way you dress? If yes, what is it? Not really... I just dress in what looks good to me, what feels normal. Sometimes I think it's a reflection of what *I* see in the world.

Q5. Has your view of what a Goth is changed over the time you’ve been involved in the subculture? Not really... just my knowlege has grown. The people in the subculture are very diverse, and there's always something interesting to leard. So, I guess it hasn't changed because I'm still interested.

Q6. What sort of music do you listen to and what do you like about it? I like Goth Rock, Darkwave, New Wave, Death Rock, Industrial, Punk and lots of other things including classical and jazz. I like it becaue I like things that have a very fine, sketchy line between hilarity and horror.

Q7. What do you like to do in your spare time? Spare time? I'm an American highschool student, I have no such thing! But I enjoy reading, RPGs (mostly Call of Cthulhu and Rifts), video games, comic books (reading and drawing them), writing, and generally creating things. Sometimes I break apart broken machines like VCRs and make things out of the parts (jewelry, mixed media art).

Q8. How interested are you in art and literature? Very. Especially gothic horror and esthetacist literature, expressionist horror cinema, and renaissance and boroque artwork. I also consider comic books to be an artform.

Q9. What ideals do you think you share with other Goths, if any? I don't know that goths really share many common ideals besides a tolerence for diversity and a need for answers (more "how" and "Why" than "When" and "where").

Q10. Would it bother you if Goth went mainstream and became a fashion trend? Why? It HAS and is DOES, but only slightly. It's pretty easy to pick out who's who.

Q11. Is there a difference between younger Goths (12 – 17) and older Goths (18+)? If yes, what is it? Not much, except that the younger goths are more likely to be less informed.

Q12. Which, if either, do you think is more important in your subculture and why: style (what you wear and how you look) or content (what you know and how you feel)? Content. You can't function as a subculture if there nothing behind the pretty clothes.
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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