Thread: President
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Old 08-07-2004, 12:29 PM   #40
TeapotScar's Avatar
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Phantasm... I could kiss you

As for Afghanistan and Iraq... I'm not as big a critic of Afghanistan as I am of Iraq. Iraq was clearly a son's revenge that his father wanted him to take... take for oil, take for power, take for money. I hate to say it, but I'm glad that there was only a teensy fraction of the oil Bush predicted he'd find in Iraq- who cares about gas prices, I care about justice. It's just another empty promise of the Bush administration- I hope America is paying attention.

About Kerry not being that great: I know, he's not who this country needs, really. I haven't seen the person who this country needs, but I know what the country *doesn't* need- more of the devastation brought on by the Bush adminisration. Our nation's citizens can't and should not have to pay for more of his stupid greed-wars with justification that he pulled out of his father's wrinkled little red-neck ass.

Bumper sticker I saw that made me smile:
"Somewhere a village in Texas is missing an idiot."
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