Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 03-15-2006, 03:23 AM   #2277
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dayton, ohio
Posts: 61
Originally Posted by Lackluster_Heavens
Well, here I am sitting in my favorite chair in the whole world, listening to the Underworld Evolution sountrack (How gawth am I, huh?), and thinking. Thinking about the fact that I have only one more summer at home till I move to collage, and that i'm 15 when this'll happen. The fact that my mother has recently been diagnosed with cancer. The fact that i've already had way too many deaths around me. The fact that my girlfriend lives close to two hours away and she cant comfort me right now. The fact that I dont know how i'm going to get money once I go off to collage and heave to quit my job. The fact that I pray every night for my scholorship applications to get accepted. The fact that my kidneys are still bleeding and causing me intense amounts of pain. The fact that i'm beginning to think that i'm not really smart enough to be a doctor, and if that is the case, what I'm going to do with this branch in a river we call life. This was my rant, I apologize in advance for my spelling....It's been a couple very long weeks.

I was going to bitch about how loooong it's taking for friday (St. Patty's Day) to get here until I read this. SO... I've decided to say this instead:

All my hope goes to you Lackluster_Heavens... because you obviously have some shit worth bitching about. *hope you feel better smile*
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