Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 03-21-2006, 04:47 PM   #9
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Actually, the only benefit I have found is that I can use it to walk right through the Canadian border without having to go through customs or any other security screening.

But glad to see everyone is now moving towards my side of the argument. No more of that 'we will find WMDs', or 'we DID find WMDs', or my favorite 'Sadaam was behind 9-11'.

I miss all those arguments. Too bad they were all removed so we can't reflect on them. But either way, I look forward to seeing all new comments here.

For example, on bushes speech today, the three things I, and the media, appeared to take out of it...

1. 'Future presidents will decide when we need to pull out of Iraq'
-Obviously expect troops to be there well beyond 2008, and even by his own time table, possibly past 2012

2. 'All war plans are good on paper until you meet the enemy'
- Yeah, no exit strategy, as is yer war plans are that far off, and the leader says wow, our plans were way far off, then yer screwed on an exit strategy.

3. 'Our strategy is to stop civil war...'
- When civil war breaks out, we also have no plan and will be floundering while more US troops die for no reason. Of course don't be surprised when gw goes back to congress in say 3 months for emergency funding to help pay for more troops/equipment/etc to be thrown at the problem of an un-winable war.

Just my observations. Anyone else out there agree/disagree?
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