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Old 03-29-2006, 01:11 PM   #1430
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Francisco, California.
Posts: 392
Originally Posted by Beowulf
Witchfinder General (1967, Directed by Michael Reeves)

This film has Vincent Price play one of his most sinister roles...
Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General.

"England is torn in civil strife as the Royalists battle the Parliamentary Party for control. This conflict distracts people from rational thought and allows unscrupulous men to gain local power by exploiting village superstitions. One of these men is Matthew Hopkins, who tours the land offering his services as a persecutor of witches. Aided by his sadistic accomplice John Stearne, he travels from city to city and wrenches confessions from "witches" in order to line his pockets and gain sexual favors. When Hopkins persecutes a priest, he incurs the wrath of Richard Marshall, who is engaged to the priest's niece. Risking treason by leaving his military duties, Marshall relentlessly pursues the evil Hopkins and his minion Stearne. IMDB"

What makes his character sinister is that the story is based on actual events in England during the seventeenth century, which is the most chilling aspect to this film.

"...Surely one of the most revolting horror pictures to be released by a major studio in the sixties." - Stephen King, Danse Macabre

For more info (click here)

There is also an interesting review of the film by a historian, which makes interesting reading as it is based on real events. (click here)
BEOWULF: Sounds like a cool flick. I've seen Vincent Price flicks before, but not this one. This is the 1st time I've heard of it. I believe there was an old Black Metal band or Sludge Metal band--can't remember which--from the late 1980s by that name.
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