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Old 04-02-2006, 04:04 AM   #25
Ben Lahnger
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Sent : Saturday, February 11, 2006 11:34 AM
Subject : Saturday part 1

Not much to talk about today ... a lazy day. Well, not so lazy for me, as the
next emails (Trip To Tenerife 21-23) will make clear.

I walked dontown to do some souvenir shopping, and take some more intimate pictures of the local shops and parks with my two megapixel camera. I've been using Mom's four megapixel camera for the spectacular outdoors photos. I'll have hundreds of pictures by the time I head back stateside.


Here I am just going to post a bunch of pictures to approximate a walking tour of the downtown area. For Monday, February the 13th's entry, I will post some of the most extraordinary, gorgeous pictures of the coastline and lava formations.

Looking up the hill from our hotel

Looking down the hill from our hotel

Headed down those many flights of stairs

Walking down to the the downtown area

Looking back up the hill

Peering down a Puerta de La Cruz street to the ocean

A glimpse of the ocean down another street

Some of the streets are tiled stonework like this

The green cross, universal sign here for "pharmacia"

Many merchants here display their wares on the sidewalk

El Restaurante Tic Tac - because the name amused me

Another example of the dense use of real estate

Just walking down the street

There are flowers hanging from balconies everywhere

And palm trees abound everywhere you look

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