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Old 04-03-2006, 02:54 AM   #14
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: The Beautiful U.S. of A.
Posts: 1,241
Originally Posted by Dead Angel
The THEME IS NOT 'the evil Chinks' but 'THE EVIL COMMUNISTS!'

By Lucifer you are a dumbshit.
I'm a dumbshit? First off, you quoted me entirely talking about an issue of Sternn turning the Dubai Ports deal into an ARAB issue. The "now" was in reference to that. Had nothing to do with "the evil chinks," you fucking moron. Sternn has a tendancy to turn political issues into racial ones when they're not. Not that you'd know anyways because you've been here for all of FOUR FUCKING POSTS! You need to pay attention to what you're quoting and what other people are talking about before you run your fucking mouth around here.

Moving on, Hutchison Whampoa is a public company within a free market/capitalist economy under a government that's a limited democracy, not communist. If you don't know anything about Hong Kong's status within China, don't fucking continue typing ANYTHING, my man.

Secondly, the company's owner, Li Ka Shing has praised Democracy in a NUMBER of speeches. Let me quote him real quick: "I love freedom, and I support democracy" That'd not be paraphrased, that'd be directly from the horse's mouth. And what does a good capitalist do? Make money off of whoever the fuck they can. Hence US companies selling advanced computer technology to the PLA. Hell, John Kerry even has "ties to Beijing." Ever hear of a company called, "Boston Capital and Technology?" Ol' John Kerry led quite an extensive outsourcing trade mission in Beijing on it's behalf to sell advanced US space technology to the Chinese. It just so happens that this Boston company has ties to the Chinese Military. I guess that makes Boston Capital & Technology, as well as John Kerry, communists.

But since that's "absurd," we'll reassess what we're looking at: we have a pro-democratic head of a public company based out of capitalist market in a region that's government system is a limited democracy. Go ahead and throw out allegations of them being "communists" and that this is a communist issue. You talk like a tough guy, now back your shit up.

Don't come to me with these two tiny, and suddenly popular, reports either. I'll throw official State Department testimony right back at you stating, "We have also explored concerns that H-W is a front for the government of the People's Republic of China. We have found no information to substantiate that allegation." Or statements from Rear Admiral Quigley stating that there is no indication that H-W operates for Beijing. Or statements from Maritime Operations Director Jorge L. Quijano. Go ahead and try. Because when those two reports were written, it came at the same time these statements were made and the State Department officially took the stance that there were no indications that H-W operates for Beijing.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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