Thread: Diet Pills
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Old 04-07-2006, 08:04 AM   #22
MissJames's Avatar
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Location: Allentown PA
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OTC diet pills aren't worth the cost - seriously! and they're mostly just caffiene and some herbs (that aren't proven to do anything) anyway. drink a few cups of green tea a day instead! there's a bit of caffiene in it, plus the antioxidants are good for you. I echo the sensible eating suggestions below, doing lots of moving around (even it's just lame dancing around your room or something), and lots of water (and soda - even diet - doesn't count!). I drink crystal light or something similar when I'm sick of water.

I take a multivitamin, a B-complex, and an actress friend of mine recomennded taking a choline & inositol supplement. when they had performances they could only eat a light lunch (so they wouldn't you know, have stomach issues during the play) and the supplement helps your body make the most of what you do eat. it's also really good for you liver. here's some info:

"A lipotropic nutrient is one that promotes or encourages the export of fat from the liver. Lipotropics are necessary for the maintenance of a healthy liver as well as burning the exported fat for additional energy. Without lipotropics such as choline and inositol, fats and bile can become trapped in the liver, causing severe problems such as cirrhosis and blocking fat metabolism. Choline is essential for fat metabolism. Choline functions as a methyl donor and it is required for proper liver function. Like inositol, choline is a lipotropic. Inositol exerts lipotropic effects as well. An "unofficial" member of the B vitamins, inositol has even been shown to relieve depression and panic attacks.

Methionine, an essential amino acid, is the major lipotropic compound in humans. When estrogen levels are high, the body requires more methionine. Estrogens reduce bile flow through the liver and increase bile cholesterol levels. Methionine helps deactivate estrogens.

Methionine levels also affect the amount of sulfur-containing compounds, such as glutathione, in the liver. Glutathione and other sulfur-containing peptides (small proteins) play a critical role in defending against toxic compounds. When higher levels of toxic compounds are present, more methionine is needed.

Choline assists detoxification reactions in the liver. Although choline can be synthesized from methionine or serine, recent evidence indicates that choline is an essential nutrient."

It's NOT any kind of miricle diet pill or anything, but it is good for you in general. you can get a supplement that has both in one pill. I take 500mg a day, and you can get it at any drugstore that has a good selection of vitamins.

if you really are gaining a lot of weight or your appetite has changed drastically, you should go to your doc for blood tests - it could be a thyroid problem.
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