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Old 04-16-2006, 01:03 PM   #14
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In the immortal words of Bobby Sands, you can kill a man, but you can't kill what he stands for.

Also, another big brother article here I found today...

NYPD Deploys First of 500 Security Cameras


This is nothing new - many cities have already done this. Virginia Beach, Tampa, and a few others have every inch covered by cameras, manned by people watching them 24/7. This is not just in the states, most all of the UK has this has well now in every major city.

The UK put them in in the late 80's to 'fight terrorism', and since installed, you know how many terrorists these systems have caught?

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Of course they catch people drunk in public, public urination, and other such 'crimes'. And at a huge cost of millions to install and years fees for the operators to watch them, they basically are a waste.

Unless your going to try and stop drunk in public and other such petty crimes.

Even though uneffective, they are still yet another step in the big brother system. Tapping all phones, tapping all internet connections, and putting cameras everywhere. Makes you think they really want to know what the citizens are up to doesn't it?
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