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Old 04-24-2006, 04:26 PM   #68
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Icarian-you say that homosexuality has been basically banned by the desert religions (easier to say than Judea-Christian-islamic), and that makes up most of the world. However, these religions are not the majority fact, monotheism (the worship of one god) is only practiced by about 35% of the worlds population (at least it was about 9 years ago, last time I looked. However, I have high doubts that it's changed very much since then). So to base your argument of homosexuality being a cross-cultural taboo from the desert-religion standpoint is creating a false positive. First by cretaign the assumption that these religions dominate the world, and secondly by not pointing out the fact that these three religions are outgrowths of each others spiritual base.

As for your assumption of other cultures...let's see

China-accepted (especially now with that whole "child-limit"). China didn't define "homosexual" until the Red Revolution (interesting fact-the concept of a "homosexual" didn't enter our cultural thoughtlines until the turn of the last century, and it was created as a away to describe Oscar Wilde. Before then, "homosexuality" was seen as specific acts). Before that, homosecual acts were not looked down upon.

Japan-accepted. You wanna go into the history of the samurai?

Russia-Fluctuated with whoever the leader at the time was. Most "communist' leaders were against it, but plenty of the tsars allowed it.

We can also get into indiginious tribes from all over the world (South America, North America, Africa, Australia) and see many, many systems that were set up for homosexual acts to be performed, and call me crazy, but I think this points to an acceptence of homosexuality, don't you?

And of course we can go back to the beginnings of western civilization-ancient Greece, where homosexuality was very much an accepted part of life....then again, the Greeks ideal love was paedophilia, so I don't think we should dwell too long on them.

My point-it's not as taboo as you think. Now, you wanna rethink your position on this one?
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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