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Old 04-25-2006, 03:44 AM   #75
AbelTheLiar's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Loveland, Colorado
Posts: 71
I said average, as I took skinny to mean Paris Hilton-ish (fake ass bitch). I usually prefer skinny Japanese girls though. Funny thing is, bad stereotypes exist for both genders, and both are from distorted viewpoints. I have found myself somewhat obsessed with beauty but, what they shove down your thraot is not pretty. I saw an italian model, and thought "Oh my god that is the ugliest girl I have ever seen." She was built like something out of Roswell (looked like one of those things, too). The west places too much stock in absolutes.

They tell you a guy has to built like some god-awful mucsle freak to be attractive, but I think that is full of crap. I have call gorgeous, and get mistaken for a girl in public like crazy. Does this mean I want to "fix" how I look to fit handsome and manly. No. I have found that pretty is more fun than handsome, and this relates to the topic in the form of... one beauty is not just a body type, but how you fell about yourself. If hollywood calls you beautiful and you are a mental fuck-up, what's the point?

Pretty clothes and a touch of make-up can make anyone look better, regardless of what's "under the sheet". And guys... start wearing make-up. Gils have had the monopoly on pretty for too damn long.

EDIT: If this doesn't make sense, don't blame me... my brain doesn't work too well (in general) at night after being awake all day. Damn light poisoning...
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