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Old 04-26-2006, 04:00 AM   #56
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They make everyone feel unwelcome. Thats one of the main reasons I stay. As a person who makes it my life to be a thorn in the side of all right wingers, I stay here to point out the obvious.

For example, like the fact no less than 4 times have you said yer in SoCal.

Also, that in other threads, (Robin Williams, Immigration, etc) everyone was on the 'bash illegals' theme, which coinsides with the right wing politics that abound here. Of course when someone with ties to white power groups back up their arguement, they turn on you.

Once again, irony abounds. I remember people here talking of building the wall, arresting illegals, barring them from the US if they didn't speak english, but now its slag on 4my cuz he says the exact same thing, but hes into white power, not right wing politics.

It's only 'cool' here to be a racist, bigoted, bully IF your doing it in the name of gw bush and the repbublican party. To express the exact same views, but claim to be a supporter of the white race, well thats ALL KINDSA DIFFERENT obviously and somehow wrong.

At least thats what they are saying here.
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