Thread: The Rebel Flag
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Old 05-19-2006, 02:23 PM   #26
Virulent Dryad
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: London
Posts: 155
Well you have to remember that being nice to people, even helping starving children can also be considered "selfish" since the reason most people do it is to ease their guilt and make themselves "feel better".

Of course being a total bastard will get you nowhere, common sense can tell you as much. For example - one person alone cannot build and man a power plant, locate and process the materials required for technology, design and build the technology, programme the technology, and manage to find time to grow or hunt enough food to keep themselves alive. And as a result, nobody gets anywhere. This can apply to practically anything.

If you took away a person's house, their belongings, everything that means something to them and they are forced to live on the streets and make a fight for survival, chances are they will co-operate. I don't know if you have ever been in the ER waiting area of a hospital but you'll noticed that when people have something taken from them, or a loved one hurt, they put aside differences, and they feel each others pain and they co-operate. Why? Because humans (and other animals) have evolved to co-operate. Forming organised groups strongly increases chances of survival. Research has show that our brain automatically links the concept of charity with the concept of reward. Even when no reward is offered.

Humanity also has the unique ability to understand and empathise with the feelings of others, and to analyse our actions; understanding that others feel the same as we do means that we can realise others shouldn't want to be treated in a way that we wouldn't want to. Although empathy generally takes a second seat to negative emotions, such as fear, anger and jealousy. Analysing actions means if we can avoid repeating mistakes. If we perceive the consequences to be bad, we feel guilt, if we perceive them to be good, we feel pride.

If you have a car, a house, friends, and the likes, you don't need to be nice. You have a decent amount in life and you don't need to go a step further, so it's easy to become selfish. Take that away from someone and they can no longer be assholes or they will get nowhere.
"Like that old tale, the girl who wanted to become the best dancer in the world. "Yes," said the sorceress, "but each time you set your foot on earth will be like knives slashing." "If you can stand the pain, you will be granted your desire."
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