Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 05-21-2006, 09:28 PM   #2927
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: London, UK
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*Sigh* What is to become of the world...

I was going through my old school's board catching up with the goings-on in my old prison grounds, and in the so-called "Literature" folder there was a lengthy discussion on the 7th Harry Potter book, and this is an actual message posted by one of the students. A high schooler. And believe me, this is a high standard IB-curriculum school.

"No...but i cant wait for it to cum out!!!!
i no this shud go in da mivie folder, but since the hp subject is up....jk rowling better finish it up and get it sellin fast or else the characters who play mcgonagall and dumbledore are gonna croak, and the kids who play the students r gonna get 2 old...."

She then went on to call a number of things "gay", and so I politely corrected her on spelling and suggested refraining from using the word "gay" as a derogatory term.

The reply:
"what does regaratory or whatever that word u used was mean?"

Now she had JUST read my message where I said "derogatory". She could have copy and pasted the word she didn't know, but no, she just plain out slaughters it. I should also add that this message board has an automatic spelling and grammar checker.

The International School of Kuala Lumpur, ladies and gentlemen. One of the highest accredited international schools in South East Asia.
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