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Old 05-25-2006, 01:31 PM   #404
Virulent Dryad
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: London
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by NachtSorcier
From what I understand, in LaVeyan Satanism Satan is merely a symbol of indulgence and frivolity, as opposed to one of being constrained by mainstream religious ideology. They call themselves Satanists to show an opposite attitude of hardcore Christians who feel that they must follow the rules and doctrines of Christianity.

It's true that that sounds like just being yourself, but Satanism as a religion does have rules and doctrines, as hypocritical as that sounds, but you just have to read up on it for yourself.

I thought he called it Satanism because it was based on a metaphor of Satan....
"Like that old tale, the girl who wanted to become the best dancer in the world. "Yes," said the sorceress, "but each time you set your foot on earth will be like knives slashing." "If you can stand the pain, you will be granted your desire."
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