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Old 06-18-2006, 02:54 PM   #67
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: California
Posts: 39
-That Panic at the Disco song. The one always on the radio about "closing the goddamn door". ugh. The lyrics are unoriginal, the music is plain and also unoriginal, and his voice is whiny. It has no beat to it at all. Even if you liked it, you couldn't even like, snap to it. It's almost the equivalence to mainstream elevator music.

-Good Charlotte in general, but "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous" takes the cake. Just reading over the lyrics makes me want to push them all off cliffs

I liked the Numa Numa song. It was incredibly catchy, and how could you NOT like anyone who does the can-can on top of airplanes on their music video? (okay, so i'm being sarcastic, but the video was all sorts of hilarious)

My Humps was also pretty bad, but parts of it made me laugh so hard. Like when she talked about her "love humps" or putting the milk into her cocoa puffs.
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